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Mehta, new to Dragonmount


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Hello everyone!

My name is Sandip (sun-deep) Mehta.

I love the Wheel Of Time! I have been reading and re-reading the greatest story ever written since I was 18 years old, more than twenty years ago now. I am constantly amazed at discovering new detail and plot foreshadowing placed in the early books. RJ is brilliant.


Recently, I have been enjoying the WoT unabridged audiobooks. Over 4000 tracks in iTunes lovingly placed (all the tracks needed renaming!) for listening on my iPhone.

I am attending JordonCon. I am looking forward to meeting many other fans!

I also won the AMoL character auction on eBay last fall :-)




sandip (mehtaXephon)


Welcome to Dragonmount, Sandip! Nice to have you here!


Congratulations on winning the character auction for AMOL... how awesome is that?! I bet you're really looking forward to the release of AMOL now!


So you've been reading Wheel of Time a lot longer than I have -- I just discovered the books a few years ago. Who are your favorite characters? Is there one book that you enjoy more than the rest?


Have a look around the site and feel free to ask any questions you may have -- we're a friendly lot around here. Don't miss the social groups, they're a lot of fun and a great way to meet other WoT fans from all over the world.




Winning of the AMoL Character auction was amazing! I was literally shaking from excitement after I actually won (less so when I had to pay...LOL :-)


I am unsure if I have a favorite character. As I have gotten older and wiser, re-reading the books has been a bit of revelation. I can relate to more and more characters and situations.

I was really stunned to read Chapter 50 in The Gathering Storm. It stands out as one of my favorite chapters, watching Rand become aware of his soul and banish the darkness. Veins of Gold indeed!

Rand's descent into a darkening bleakness is well written since his time in the box at the end of Lord Of Chaos.


I am also enjoying Egwene's rise to power as Amyrlin. Especially after she is captured. Her actions drive the story as a natural consequence of her personality, which itself has been shaped by many strong characters.


Mat and Tuon always bring a smile to my face. I hope in AMoL they reunite. Their first kiss was *SO* funny! I couldn't stop laughing as she asked Mat if he thought she reminded him of his sister or mother.


I do have a question...

How do I find other fellow people in my area (Dallas/Fort Worth)? It is not obvious to me. Also, will you be at JordanCon? I have never been to any kind of convention like this. I have anticipatory anxiety!




Veins of Gold was an absolutely amazing chapter. I'm also a big fan of The Golden Crane in KOD - Nynaeve's work to ensure Lan had an army when arriving at Tarmon Gai'don was brilliant. I love Nynaeve anyway, the humor in her chapters... the stubborness and the fierce loyalty... she'd be a great one to have on your side any time. Mat is much the same, and he's just hilarious to boot. The Mat/Tuon relationship has been fun to read, and I definitely can't wait to see what happens with them in AMOL.


I personally am not going to make it to JordanCon... My limited vacation time from work is normally spent with my family since I live 1500 miles away from my mother and my aging grandparents, and I try to make sure I get to see them a couple of times a year. There are quite a few going from this site, though, and I look forward to hearing about it!


As for finding people who live in your area, you could always go to the "members" link at the top of the page and do a search based on location, but many people don't put one down (or not a real one)... Getting involved in some of the social groups, people do talk about where they live a bit. And now that you've mentioned where you are, some of the folks who drop by and read your thread could very well be from your neck of the woods also. :smile:


hi Sandip!!


I do know that there are peeps from your neck of the woods around here! If ive seen them that means they were in one of 3 places the Black Tower The Wolfkin or The Band! I think it mighta been the wolfkin.


My fav is Mat especially from FoH to CoS!


As for the Jordancon Id love to go but im on the other side of the world!! Make sure you let us know how it was!!



Make sure you check out the Social Orgs they are where people with common interests character topic or just spam addiction come together! I hope to see you there!


*raises hand* Hi, my name is Songstress, and I'm addicted to spam.


I'm in the Black Tower with Dice here.


*ducks out of reach of the asharandei*


We're the crazy spammers 'round these parts. The insanity is catching -- come visit, if you don't mind a little of it rubbing off. The brownies are excellent.


I'd completely forgotten that there was an auction too - congratulations on winning that, man! I can quite believe that you were excited out of your boots *grins*


As the others have said, the best way to get to know people from your area is to join in further, like joining the Social Groups, or hanging out at the discussion boards, etc. I know there's a thread around here somewhere in which you say where you're from, but I can't remember now where it is. People might be hesitant about meeting up with a (literally) virtual stranger, though, and might prefer to get to know you a bit better on here first.


I hope you enjoy the Con - wish I could go to one of these myself, but I'm half-way around the world in South Africa.


Hiya and welcome to DM, Sandip!! Great to have you here :)


OMG You won the character auction!?!?! WOW!


Do you have a least favorite character?


Feel free to ask if you happen to have any questions! I hope you'll like it here!!


Ledinna Sedai,


Thank you for the kind welcome! I do like it here.

It is really nice to discuss the Wheel of Time with people who have actually read it!


So far, my least favorite character probably is Gawyn...he is less interesting and not multi-dimensioal like other characters.

He doesn't seem to grow and change like the others. I hope he redeems himself in AMoL.




Sometimes I think Gawyn primarily exists to give Egwene a source of lust and/or angst.


I'm sure he'll do more than that in AMOL, and hopefully it will be less annoying than what he's done so far.


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