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Hang the Fool - Green Ajah FoF 2012

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Turin is correct AGAIN - congrats,

I can't find a word to beat his wits,

But perserverence is my forte,

So I will concoct a word so doughty

It will be discovered with great difficulty...


Phrase 7


_ _ E _ T E N A _N T - _ E N E R A _ - T _ _ E E - _ _ _ R _ A N


Letters Used



Lives left: 9


Ithillian 18

Elgee 6

Ledinna Sedai 1

Arez Al'Loke 3

Crimson Ayla

Eternal Phoenix 7

Brandie 5

Razen 5

Poetstorm 1

Misheru 1

Keyholder 3

Wildfire Sedai 9

Turin Turambar 23

Amyrlin of Fools 3

Sword Captain of Fools 3

Leala Gymorraine 5


Athena gives Turin a hula-hoop.

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Oh no, woe is me, I have guessed wrong,

but I now sing the letter R in my song.

It shall be there in this gigantic phrase,

or I'll be upset in so many ways.


I also the rules forgot,

that one other must guess before I claim my spot.

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Turin, here are some biscuits to have with the "T"

Which you have correctly guessed, and I see

That both Razen and Leala have perfectly guessed

And so I am very, very impressed.

So Leala, I give you a bright blown glass flask

From which you can drink, and to Razen a mask

Of kingfisher feathers and brilliant in hue

So shining in colour, and gorgeusly blue.


Athena hands over the aforementioned items to Razen, Leala and Turin.

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Yes, there is an "A" - now the phrase must be clear

Who will guess it, is anyone near?

Will it be Turin, or somebody new?

I am excited - it's hopefully YOU!


At the word "YOU" Athena makes a sweeping gesture out over the assembled throng, pointing at everyone in turn.


She then rummages around on her perch and comes up with something very shiny. It's a sparkly tiara, with a design of cherry blossoms worked in silver and zircons. It is given, of course, to Leala.

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Perhaps I should just give Turin the prize,

Because if he wins now, there'll be no surprise...

I don't want you to think though, that I don't admire you,

It's just that I have trouble thinking what word now I can do.

Here is a gift for being so skilled,

A silver-chased flute, like the one that Thom trilled.


And Leala - you're welcome - I'm glad the tiara delights you,

Keep guessing, and receiving more shinies you might do...


Athena gives Turin the flute, presenting it with a bow and a flourish worthy of Thom Merrilin himself. Unfortunately bowing while perched on an erratically swinging seat is not the wisest idea, and she nearly topples.


The words "Lieutenant-General Tylee Khirgan" illuminates the room, then re-resolves into new spaces:


Phrase 8:


_ _ A _ O N - E _ _ S


Letters used:



Lives Left: 9


Ithillian 18

Elgee 6

Ledinna Sedai 1

Arez Al'Loke 3

Crimson Ayla

Eternal Phoenix 7

Brandie 5

Razen 5

Poetstorm 1

Misheru 1

Keyholder 3

Wildfire Sedai 11

Turin Turambar 27

Amyrlin of Fools 3

Sword Captain of Fools 3

Leala Gymorraine 6

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Turin capers off back to his own thread trilling along on his new silver chased flute. Thinking he is playing a lovely tune but wondering why all the others are covering their ears.


It is now time for me to sleep,


I am sure that is not cause for the others to weep.


They are now free to send in their best guess


I will just request an S.

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Phrase 8:


D R A G O N - E G G S


Letters used:



Lives Left: 5


Ithillian 18

Elgee 6

Ledinna Sedai 1

Arez Al'Loke 3

Crimson Ayla

Eternal Phoenix 7

Brandie 5

Razen 5

Poetstorm 1

Misheru 1

Keyholder 3

Wildfire Sedai 15

Turin Turambar 27

Amyrlin of Fools 3

Sword Captain of Fools 4

Leala Gymorraine 6

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