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Good, Evil and Morality in WoT


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I just finished The Tower of Midnight and I have been pondering what will happen in the final book, and I think much of it will have to do with some of the themes of good, evil and morality found in the series so far.

I am just making this thread for people to talk Good Evil and Morality in the series and how it might influence the ending

The series is interesting in how it has pure evil incarnate and complex moral conundrums that many characters face.


I will start it off by pointing out that the societies in WOT don't have religions institutions, no priest no temples... the closest thing to religious institutions in WoT are the children of the light and Messima with his dragon sworn. The people of the wheel do have moral codes like the white tower and the three oaths, the Aiel and Ji,eto. Tinkers and the way of the leaf.


i am hoping that the tinkers are some how involved at the end, perhaps they will find the song making crops grow again. I am a little disappointed that Rand making crops grow in ToM didn't involve the song of the age of legends Aiel


I will start it off by pointing out that the societies in WOT don't have religions institutions, no priest no temples... the closest thing to religious institutions in WoT are the children of the light and Messima with his dragon sworn. The people of the wheel do have moral codes like the white tower and the three oaths, the Aiel and Ji,eto. Tinkers and the way of the leaf.



Q: Are there any religions in the world of the Wheel of Time?


RJ: No. No religions, no churches: that will change in the next set of books, not in this, but where religion becomes in some ways preeminent, but...


Q [interrupts]: Oh, is that a spoiler?? No no!


RJ: No, that's not for the Wheel of Time at all, and may change somewhat, as these things do. But the reason is this: I've always believed that our religious rituals our attendance at temples, or churches, or whatever is, in part, a reaffirmation of our faith, and a reaffirmation of our belief , a strengthening of our belief in something that we cannot see. And we do these things in order to strengthen our belief in what we cannot see. God, Allah, whatever...but, in this world, it is a world that...as if we had...prophets walking around...performing miracles. The One Power can be channeled. Occasionally men show up channeling the One Power; the Aes Sedai have been there for 3000 years.


Q: But the Creator does not interfere!


RJ: The Creator does not interfere, but there is clear evidence of the theological doctrine.


Q: Of the unseen.


RJ: Of the unseen. As far as it is believed, of the existence of the Creator: Here is the One Power. Here is evidence of everything we believe. There is therefore no need for anyone to undergo rituals to reaffirm or strengthen their belief because it is manifest every day. If we really had prophets walking among us, performing miracles and healing people and raising the dead - and this was a matter of every day that somebody might walk down the street and say 'In the name of and lay their hand on you. In the name of God be healed and your wounds are healed. Or, In the name of God rise up and walk and your dead brother, just died of cholera or whatever rises up and walks - I believe that organized religion would vanish within a generation , or at least become a fringe within a generation, because there would no longer be a need for most people to reaffirm their belief in God, or to strengthen their belief in God, or Allah, or whatever else their religious belief is. It would be manifest in every day life.



i am hoping that the tinkers are some how involved at the end, perhaps they will find the song making crops grow again. I am a little disappointed that Rand making crops grow in ToM didn't involve the song of the age of legends Aiel


There can be no health in us, nor any good thing grow,

for the land is one with the Dragon Reborn, and he is one with the land.


Thanks Suttree that really clarified so much, I need to read the interviews, so much information there.


anyone have any insight into the Tinkers. Does the way of the Leaf have relevance in a world where the dark one myrdral and trolloc exists. Non violence ethical systems exist in our world but we have only humans to deal with.


i am hoping that the tinkers are some how involved at the end, perhaps they will find the song making crops grow again. I am a little disappointed that Rand making crops grow in ToM didn't involve the song of the age of legends Aiel


You are misinterpreting what the role of the song(s) in the Age of Legends was and the "Song" the Tinkers/Traveling People are searching for.


In the Age of Legends, the song was used to boost crop growth, make cool furniture, and overall bring a sense of community for everyone (both in the spiritual and cultural sense).


In the current Age, the Tinkers don't really know what they are looking for. They think that by finding the "Song", all will be well with the world once again, like in the Age of Legends. They don't understand that the "Song" was a PART of that Age, but that it did not make up that Age or really even influence it the way they think it did.


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