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He have a smurf in the tower!


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*allows herself a slight chuckle of her own at the thought of Matty and the Shadow Ants*


That was quite nicely done. So final lesson. You have done a full frontal attack, a more creative and painful attack, now it is time for the betrayal ... All Shadows for themselves, and the Great Lord of course. Choose your Shadow Target with care though, they are not as easy to play against as the Lighties.


*Ithi sends dark encouragement along the link*


opoens a skiming gateway to head for the shadowy area of the tower. His skimming platform is a large



dice and ithi step on and slowly move thru the blackness with dice thinking furiously


Hmmm - that little bit of betrayal makes me think that Tina now looks like this:




I thinks you did marvellously well and have definitely proved your dark and shadowy side, plus I have been very entertained.


*Ithi channels Fire and melts the Dicey Icey A'dam away*


There, all free now :) although I'm sure you miss me already.


As soon as he is freed Dice embraces the power and channels earthfire at Ithi!!!


A'dam me will you!!! Using the distraction of the earth fire dice channels compulsion at ithi



It strikes........sort of



a battle of wills ensues




Dice growls "you WILL be mine!"


*Ithi laughs*


Better minds have tried and mostly succeed Dicey lol.


*Ithi concentrates hard on an image she knows will block all compulsion attempts away and scare the pants of the attempter on the process*




Now - do you want me to teach you about compulsion?




laughs at ithis weak attempt



"silly silly ithi i BUY justin Bieber posters for my daughter!! AND his cd!"


pours everything he has into the compulsion.



AS he pours on the compulsion he channels a small flow of air to pick up a rock. It hurtles thru the air striking her firmly in the head


He eyes waver for a fraction of a second and Dice's compulsion weave slides firmly home


"you are Mine!"


Turin senses that something has affected the subtly placed weave of compulsion he had laid upon Ithi to get her to join the Black Tower not so long ago. He heads in the direction he knows Ithi to be. If someone has ruined my work I will be most displeased. Turin feels the Dragon inside him rising to the surface and tamps it down slightly along with the anger brewing inside himself. Maintaining the void will better serve his purpose.


Arriving at Ithi's most recent location, he sees her distracting EP in his battle with the GGM Tina. Let Tina have her fun with the little firebirdy. Oh, she gave her Dicey doll. How sweet. Should I attempt to remove this compulsion myself or get Dice to do it? I guess I shall find him first either way.


I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this but I'll give it a shot.


For accessing the other games and points etc do I do that through the link to the seperate website and if so how do I get a username/password for it?


From what I've seen from the other threads I am guessing this is where the games and other stuff are.


Thank you


Hey Sho,


They are all on this site - you just need to be added to our Private Boards and it will all magically appear before you. They are called The Farmhouse, The Village etc - so once you can see them you will know you are all sorted.


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