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Cylon Hunt Day 3 Starts on Page 9


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*Looks around*

When am I gonna die!

Hurry it up!

Yeesh, I'm getting lynched in the Trolloc game too, give a guy a break.


Moir... :evil: I think you were the one to vote for me too (In the Trolloc game) :P, Killing me once isn't good enough for you?


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Before you kill me, know that Jason sent me a PM saying that he meant to win this game!

That indicates solo work, be smart and change your vote to Jason, or he'll kill you all.

*Changes vote to Jason, even if it does mean he has no chance of tying votes up with Tessa*

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Guest Emperor

Jason Twitchy

Twitchy Jason

HotW Moraine Twitchy


Yveva Tess

Tessa Twitchy



I need a vote from Maj, why are you holding up the game boy! Either that or Yveva can change her vote to twitchy to seal his fate. Or Twitch can get the others to take their votes off him. Hopefully we get the game moving today.

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Guest Emperor

Updated stats... now it's a mess...


Jason Twitchy

Twitchy Jason

HotW Moraine Tess


Yveva Tess

Tessa Twitchy


Twitchy - 2

Tess - 2

Jason - 1


Again we need 4 for a majority. Start pleading your cases.

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Well to plead my case all I can say is that I'm innocent and if you do vote me off the cylon will be laughing all the way to their next kill. I know I'm new here and can't claim any metagame stuff about it all....but I would be a bit obvious if I was the cylon. Besides I thought they dug their personnas in deep into the organisation so as not to be noticed...I stand out a bit. :D


As for my choice Twitchy like I said before it was the way he voted that made me suspicious and now that he's changed (not that I'm complaining at that) might be a ploy to look like he has no idea who anyone is (if he was the Cylon he'd know we were all innocent). Well thats my case....bit long winded but I'm fighting for my life LOL

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Guest Emperor

Because of the delay by Maj, Twitchy has squirmed his way out of being the Cylon. Here is how everything looks now...


Jason Twitchy

Twitchy Tess

HotW Moraine Tess


Yveva Tess

Tessa Twitchy


Twitchy - 2

Tess - 3


Jason and Maj now hold the fate of Tess in their hands.

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Guest Emperor

Just think, one of these days we will get Maj's vote or if not, I will have to replace him so we can get the majority vote. Sheesh.

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