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Cylon Hunt Day 3 Starts on Page 9


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Hey Pait, not sure if you are allowed to do that. If indeed you are allowed then I vote for you, in order to keep the votes even,


Hear that? I vote Paityr

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or perhaps I'm imaginary... Empy just goes about THINKING there's this hot chick who wanders around in revealing clothing and wants to have his babies.


Pait, that is the least convincing argument in the world. Everyone tries it, and it rarely if ever works (and can SO easily be a lie).

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Paityr is too much of a pantsy to be a cylon.


Twitchy on the other hand, that much effort in proving his innocence screams of desperation.

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Guest Emperor

4 votes for Paityr

1 vote Twitchy


Still need votes from Ben T, HotW Moiraine, and Paityr.


No one has a majority yet (need 5 votes).

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(Lovely little pink shoe you have there... what websites have you been trolling?)



cmon' peeps! vote! I want death!


and is the Cylon going to be killing someone each round as well?

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Oh, I'm already mocking you all for your foolishness. And it's all Ben's fault.




Wait...what happens if the person everyone votes off is the same person the cylon picked to kill?


Seeing as how I quickly became the target for all the mindless drones who have to follow the herd, I think it is very possible the real cylon may have chosen me for extermination, as well. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that the person who started the "let's all vote Paityr off the island" bandwagon was only doing it because they are the cylon and they realized that everyone was beginning to suspect them.


See? Not only have I now mocked all of you for your foolishness quite satisfactorily, I have also identified to all of you sheep who the real cylon is.


Yes, quite satisfactory.

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