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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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First off thanks!






On D1, No Lynch was just as good an outcome for scum as lynching Rhea, so there's really not much to conclude from where votes were. I don't think so, at least.




Huh? How is no lynch just a good an outcome as having a townie (me) lead a lynch on another townie? Remember it was me who first refused the no lynch and campaigned to lynch rhea instead... Meesh clearly jumped over to help me succeed at failing.. lol



On D2, depending on the alignment of Player, there could have been a great deal to gain by pushing the lynch on Rhea. To save his ass.


Wombat, Turin and Player are on both of the Rhea trains, and Solimind's. Assuming Solimind is town and not lying, it gets my attention.


Top FOS: Wombat, Turin, Player, BG[/b] - to a lesser extent Sakea, Nyn and CTM (don't know what to make of the 180 he wanted to make sure we all saw him do on Rhea today, like he wanted to keep his hands clean until it was safe to pile on, when he posted "can't beat em".)


Here's what to make of it, I was thinking Rhea was scum on day 1, then had second thoughts when she was first to say "vanilla", which were quickly overshadowed by the fact that the confirmed scum had jumped on here train 1:45 from deadline (See above)

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First off thanks!






On D1, No Lynch was just as good an outcome for scum as lynching Rhea, so there's really not much to conclude from where votes were. I don't think so, at least.




Huh? How is no lynch just a good an outcome as having a townie (me) lead a lynch on another townie? Remember it was me who first refused the no lynch and campaigned to lynch rhea instead... Meesh clearly jumped over to help me succeed at failing.. lol



On D2, depending on the alignment of Player, there could have been a great deal to gain by pushing the lynch on Rhea. To save his ass.


Wombat, Turin and Player are on both of the Rhea trains, and Solimind's. Assuming Solimind is town and not lying, it gets my attention.


Top FOS: Wombat, Turin, Player, BG[/b] - to a lesser extent Sakea, Nyn and CTM (don't know what to make of the 180 he wanted to make sure we all saw him do on Rhea today, like he wanted to keep his hands clean until it was safe to pile on, when he posted "can't beat em".)


Here's what to make of it, I was thinking Rhea was scum on day 1, then had second thoughts when she was first to say "vanilla", which were quickly overshadowed by the fact that the confirmed scum had jumped on here train 1:45 from deadline (See above)


I'll wespond in owdew:


1. Everyone said No Lynch favors scum, so that's where that comment comes from. Maybe No Lynch isn't as good for scum as you pushing a lynch on a townie, but neither is detrimental to scum. Either way, I highly doubt all the scum team was on Rhea's train, unless they are all noobs.


2. Right, I understand why you said you did the 180. I guess what struck me as odd was the way you were talking about it so much. I expected pragmatic CTM to say, lets lynch her, get her alignment and move on. Anyway, you Sakea and Nyn have done a couple things I'm not sure what to make of, so you are listed under "to a lesser extent".

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I'll wespond in owdew:


1. Everyone said No Lynch favors scum, so that's where that comment comes from. Maybe No Lynch isn't as good for scum as you pushing a lynch on a townie, but neither is detrimental to scum. Either way, I highly doubt all the scum team was on Rhea's train, unless they are all noobs.


2. Right, I understand why you said you did the 180. I guess what struck me as odd was the way you were talking about it so much. I expected pragmatic CTM to say, lets lynch her, get her alignment and move on. Anyway, you Sakea and Nyn have done a couple things I'm not sure what to make of, so you are listed under "to a lesser extent".



Well yea, when the trains were neck and neck, I campaigned for player.. The minute that flea ridden vermin wwwormbat slithered in and put Rhea at L-2 my pragmatic side took over..

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and I would much prefer that to random.

Random lynch odds aren't really that bad


What in the... Locke you're making my head spin. How did your feelings on random lynches change that much in 4 mins?! FOS


There's no contradiction there...: Rhea lynch>random lynch. Random lynch odds are not bad. Those two beliefs can coexist. Also, Wombat was in that same boat...


I didn't say there was a specific contradiction, but both posts definitely had a much different opinion on random lynches. One made it seem like they were extremely indesirable, the next one makes it seem like it wasn't that big a deal. And your attempted deflection of attention on to Wombat is noted


A couple of self-centewed obsewvations fwom me:


I get the sense that Player's vote on Rhea and "I don't trust the Ape" post was him being scum voting a possible townie with the bandwagon, and then planting the seed for a future case on me for being the most vocal about suspecting Rhea, who (if this theory is right) will flip town.


Look who the NK was too... Song. I was the only person that suspected Song. Now we see she was town, makes for an easy case against me.


I wouldn't put it past a scum team full of noob to make a play like this to set up a lynch on a strong player.



my strong suspicion is that scum was cop hunting last night, rather then trying to set up a case on a roleless player down the road.. but that's just me..


Just pointin this post out, pinged to me. Could easily be a slip, CTM revealing his team's strategy last night. He might play as scum kinda like how I play: almost obviously scummy, to the point that he can use the "If I was mafia, I'd never commit such noob scumtells lol" defense.


I'm suspicious of Rhea for 2 reasons, Player for one reason.


Rhea: she voted no lynch, and didn't change her vote to save us from a random. Yeah she would have been voting for herself, but I would've done it, cus a random could have cost us doc or cop. We were lucky it hit Ithi (sorry sis). And number 2, it took her til just a few posts ago to confirm she is a Townsfolk of Florin. She danced around that way too long IMHO.


Player: he unneededly latched on to Nyn and Talya's Townsfolk claims. It just seemed opportunistic and I'm not a fan.


So I am going to Vote Rhea in the interest of competing trains. I'll happily vote for Player as well, however.


This post pinged to me as well, she's basically parroting everything that has been said about either Player or Rhea, then says she is placing her vote purely for the purpose of keeping the competing trains going. Plus her posts since this one have seemed a bit off to me. FOS


Well I still don't trust Rhea

So I am happy to VOTE RHEA


As for my reveal I did set it up. I just wasn't prepared to do what Nyn did at first

Like I said

I believe you. I dont want to lynch a random town just cos of this deadline

But I dont really see another way with him claiming docUNVOTEVOTE TALYA


I explained why it took so long to post later


CANCELL that!UNVOTEapparently there are others online (my comp didnt tell me there were more post since the reveal)We could still turn this round


I have to go to the dentist to get my stitches out (Yus!) Ill be back this afternoon. So if you do all decide to jump on my train please just don't hammer me till after you have let me get back and speak. I will be back in about 6 hours from this post (no idea what time that is in the USA)


This post reeked of scum to me. I really wish I had been awake earlier to help support the Player lynch before it died down.


Glad to see my gut was right about Rhea; I was really starting to doubt myself cause I did start to see different strange things about her gameplay, but in the end I still kept feeling like she was town that got tripped up in a little mistake. I still feel bad that the whole reason she originally got FOS'd was removing her joke vote on me, just supports my dislike of joke voting.


@Turin: I still don't think it would have been a good idea to lynch Rhea day 1 as it would have given us very little info and we'd had a good day 1 as far as info-gathering so it wasn't necessary to grasp at straws like that. I really wish everyone that plays DM mafia would get over their stubborness and see the merit to No Lynches in certain situations. This is the third time I've seen town drop the ball because of people that were resistant to the idea


Even though town has botched a couple of lynches tho, I still think we're in fairly good shape. One mafia down from some kind of ability or action, and a good list of people that are putting out some strong scumvibes. My current list of peeps to be wary of:








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The quoting thing didn't work for some reason so...


@John, I couldn't really say anything other than 'Okay'. Knowing me I would have gone full blown discussion mode about what happened and we're not allowed to talk about it off thread. Which is why I later on directed the conversation to a bit of a different topic because I didn't want you to feel like I was still mad or anything. It's called being friendly. But make of it what you will.



Also, just wanted to say that my final in on Sunday so I will be scarce till then. I'll try to drop by if I can. Just not sure if I'll be able to.





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The quoting thing didn't work for some reason so...


@John, I couldn't really say anything other than 'Okay'. Knowing me I would have gone full blown discussion mode about what happened and we're not allowed to talk about it off thread. Which is why I later on directed the conversation to a bit of a different topic because I didn't want you to feel like I was still mad or anything. It's called being friendly. But make of it what you will.



Also, just wanted to say that my final in on Sunday so I will be scarce till then. I'll try to drop by if I can. Just not sure if I'll be able to.







Heh. I figuwed as much, but I thought I'd see how you wespond. *wink*

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oh wow finally done catching up here. I agree with a lynch on Rhea or Player at this point but there seem to be a few people who think player is a better vote but are voting Rhea for a longer train, while I can understand that I will put my vote on player, but I will change it if Rhea needs to be hammmered (did I use that right, I meant that I would change my vote if it resulted in a lynch, or helped towards one, especially if we are in a situation like last time)






Can't just make a statement like that and not back it up.


From Talya: "Out of Rhea and Player, I prefer a Player Lynch...."




though I see now that she then turned to Rhea because Talya thought she could get more info out of Rhea


Sakea: "So I am going to Vote Rhea in the interest of competing trains. I'll happily vote for Player as well, however. "



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From Talya: "Out of Rhea and Player, I prefer a Player Lynch...."




though I see now that she then turned to Rhea because Talya thought she could get more info out of Rhea


Sakea: "So I am going to Vote Rhea in the interest of competing trains. I'll happily vote for Player as well, however. "





I noticed that about sakea too, but got her confused with the other mason aiel.. I agree, if player is scum, Sakea should be looked at with the hairy eyeball

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Don't want hew to talk any mowe?


She's already revealed, would we be breaching any DM etiquette?

Am I blowing my chance of being bonded to Nyn?


Not at all. The chance never existed.




btw.. i happened to see verbal got blind lynched again on JN.. lolol


Shut your mouth when you speak to me!




I go away for a bit and already like two added pages lol


And CTM, you can't bond me if you're not in the White Tower. Plus not sure Verbal would be pleased (which means you should totally go for it :P). Don't stop calling me naughty bunny, though, it's been working for ya ;)






Verbal? hahahahaha


I heard he's known as Mr. Friend Zone at the local larping club


What is that button next to CTM's name? Looks like it says "ban". Hmmm.....interesting. I wonder what would happen if I clicked it? 80 did tell me to exact revenge for the blind lynch.....

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*strides into the room*


I am happy to be tolerated for another day! Now that my noobiness has been established I'm going to ask a question that may have some of you rolling your eyes (I'm looking at you here, CTM) - how many mafia started in this game of 21 players, was it 5?


I've read up on all the posts and I'm not ready to cast a vote yet. Smiley was still my #1 but then I read that he fully understood that my first vote was a joke vote and that helped me to think he is my friend. So now he's my #2, but the only one I've got a number on...

This post irks me. I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe because he had nothing to say about Rhea or Nolder who were the two main trains and about equal at the time and then he disappeared again--his vote could have made a difference

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*strides into the room*


I am happy to be tolerated for another day! Now that my noobiness has been established I'm going to ask a question that may have some of you rolling your eyes (I'm looking at you here, CTM) - how many mafia started in this game of 21 players, was it 5?


I've read up on all the posts and I'm not ready to cast a vote yet. Smiley was still my #1 but then I read that he fully understood that my first vote was a joke vote and that helped me to think he is my friend. So now he's my #2, but the only one I've got a number on...

This post irks me. I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe because he had nothing to say about Rhea or Nolder who were the two main trains and about equal at the time and then he disappeared again--his vote could have made a difference


Nolder? Do you know something I don't?

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*strides into the room*


I am happy to be tolerated for another day! Now that my noobiness has been established I'm going to ask a question that may have some of you rolling your eyes (I'm looking at you here, CTM) - how many mafia started in this game of 21 players, was it 5?


I've read up on all the posts and I'm not ready to cast a vote yet. Smiley was still my #1 but then I read that he fully understood that my first vote was a joke vote and that helped me to think he is my friend. So now he's my #2, but the only one I've got a number on...

This post irks me. I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe because he had nothing to say about Rhea or Nolder who were the two main trains and about equal at the time and then he disappeared again--his vote could have made a difference



Dude. Is Noldew even playing this game?


I think its safe to say the the consensus is that Solimind is still coming across as scummy, and it should not be assumed he is telling the truth until he gets vetted by the Cop. That being said... all these people continually FOS'ing the uncountered Mircale Max Doc claimant are resonating as people trying to influence the Cop's action. I want the Cop to vet Solimind as much as the next player, but we don't want to telegraph when the Cop views him IN CASE there is a scum watcher... it is safer for the Cop if we let him work without trying to influence and tip off when he/she is viewing certain people. Make sense?

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Vote Count


Rhea (7): BG, Turin, Kae, Nyn, Heart, Talya, Player

Player (6): CTM, Tina, Ape, Smiley, Rhea, Verbal


Not voting: Des, Paet, Locke, wombat, Solimind


With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch. Deadline Saturday 9 AM EST


Player not Nol *headdesk* meant that

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Dude. Is Noldew even playing this game?


I think its safe to say the the consensus is that Solimind is still coming across as scummy, and it should not be assumed he is telling the truth until he gets vetted by the Cop. That being said... all these people continually FOS'ing the uncountered Mircale Max Doc claimant are resonating as people trying to influence the Cop's action. I want the Cop to vet Solimind as much as the next player, but we don't want to telegraph when the Cop views him IN CASE there is a scum watcher... it is safer for the Cop if we let him work without trying to influence and tip off when he/she is viewing certain people. Make sense?


No I'm just still asleep


I'm not telling the cop what to do, and as I said before (I'm not trying to direct the doc either but here's how it makes sense in my head) I'd stay quiet because if I counterclaimed they'd know who I am and I'd be an easy target. I just really am not liking the vibes I get from Sol. Could be wrong though *shrug*

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