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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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LOL, med student?


Vet Student. We're more awesome.






Why didn't she just say she was the Queen?!?


I don't really understand that either. After all, it was the inaccuracy of her claim that was her doom.







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Are you kidding!!! Why didn't she say queen Bella .., 0% chance she gets lynched with the proper reveal.. Uggghhh


IMO player and bg and wombat need to be looked at closely .. Also the naughty bunny .. I haz sad.. I'm half expecting to be nk'd tonight for some reason but if not player or bg will be my vote tomorrow

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I go away for a bit and already like two added pages lol


And CTM, you can't bond me if you're not in the White Tower. Plus not sure Verbal would be pleased (which means you should totally go for it :P). Don't stop calling me naughty bunny, though, it's been working for ya ;)






Verbal? hahahahaha


I heard he's known as Mr. Friend Zone at the local larping club

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Are you kidding!!! Why didn't she say queen Bella .., 0% chance she gets lynched with the proper reveal.. Uggghhh


IMO player and bg and wombat need to be looked at closely .. Also the naughty bunny .. I haz sad.. I'm half expecting to be nk'd tonight for some reason but if not player or bg will be my vote tomorrow


BG, Tuwin, Playew and Wombat. Possibly the bunny. Been thinking about her early play, she got emo on me for virtually nothing, and I sent her a nice little note about why not to take shit serious, and how I'd like it if she would stay and play. Her reply, "Okay." Seemed weird to me.


Arghhh .., she even checked her pm


Yeah, wtf.


I go away for a bit and already like two added pages lol


And CTM, you can't bond me if you're not in the White Tower. Plus not sure Verbal would be pleased (which means you should totally go for it :P). Don't stop calling me naughty bunny, though, it's been working for ya ;)






Verbal? hahahahaha


I heard he's known as Mr. Friend Zone at the local larping club


Nice. lol


Verbal is another person requiring some pressure, him and Locke, Pater or whatever... those two guys, if town have under-participated to the point where they are screwing up the balance. lol

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Lol, I love how I'm available during the Nights, but not during the Days. By the time I get home and read through everything, the lynch is Hammered (dramatically) over and done with.


and I would much prefer that to random.

Random lynch odds aren't really that bad


What in the... Locke you're making my head spin. How did your feelings on random lynches change that much in 4 mins?! FOS


There's no contradiction there...: Rhea lynch>random lynch. Random lynch odds are not bad. Those two beliefs can coexist. Also, Wombat was in that same boat...


mafia > assigned reading


Mafia = assigned reading. >.>


I don't know why we're continuing with Sol, atm he's an uncountered doc claimant, should that change, based on meesh's defense, I may be the first in line to string him up


Then his opinions are more important since assuming he is town, he isn't attempting to manipulate us.


Don't see any reason to trust Sol in the least. If you recall, Meesh also defended him right after I placed my vote on him early Day 1. I'm actually probably more suspicious of him than anyone else right now. Just too much penalty for being wrong.


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO inactive players... Were they kidnapped too? Where did they go?


I just didn't want anyone to forget Despo declined to make the hammer vote and allowed yesterday's random result. He definitely needs some more looking into in the future. We would have had the result of a Rhea vote yesterday if he had stepped up.


Despo AND Whea wewe both able to avoid the wandom lynch and chose not to.


The masons, I presume, will be dealt with when the cop is out in the open.


Directing cop? With Inigo and Fezzik character claims, the masons are pretty close to a sure thing for town (in spite of Des's scumminess here and there)


Facepalm at Rhea lynch. Makes me feel like 2 days are wasted. The first because we didn't lynch Rhea, and the second because we did. Baffled that she was Town and lied about her character....Time to move on....



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Facepalm at Rhea lynch. Makes me feel like 2 days are wasted. The first because we didn't lynch Rhea, and the second because we did. Baffled that she was Town and lied about her character....Time to move on....




I think she was confused moreso then lied..


But agreed with everything else you're saying, unless fezzik inigo turn up dead and it's not one of them two, I'm content to trust them

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Hewe we go again:


1. A. Heart (D1 - claimed Fezzik, town mason)

2. Smiley

3. Song (D1 killed - townsfolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

4. Ithi (D1 lynch - townsfolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

5. Turin (D1 - claimed BOO hag, roleless w/ PR)

6. Despo (D1 - claimed Inigo Montoya, town mason)

7. Rhea (D2 lynch - Queen Bella, vanilla town)(D1 - claimed vanilla town)

8. meesh (N1 killed - Yellin, mafia goon)

9. Paet

10. BG

11. CTM

12. Locke

13. Player (D1 - unnecessarily offered a third claim of "townsfolk of Florin" to vouch for Talya)

14. Talya (D1 - first to claim "townsfolk of Florin)

15. Nyn (D1 - second to claim "townsfolk of Florin" and vouch for Talya)

16. Sakae

17. John McApe (D1 - claims Clergyman, roleless w/ PR)

18. wombat

19. Solimind (D1 - claims Miracle Max, town Doc)

20. Tina

21. Verbal




Final Day 1 Vote Count



Rhea (11): Song, CTM, wombat, Ape, Verbal, BG, meesh, Solimind, Player, Locke, Turin

No Lynch (5): Des, Talya, Nyn, Kae, Rhea

Solimind (2): Smiley, <3

Talya (1): Tina

Turin (1): Paet


Not voting: Ithi




D1 Vote Count on Solimind at its longest point that I could find (Note: not long after this, I think it was BG that placed the first vote for No Lynch)



Solimind (9): Des, Locke, Rhea, Turin, Player, wombat, Nyn, Smiley, Heart

Turin (2): Paet, Meesh

Des (1): Verbal

Rhea (1): Song

Smiley (1): Solimind

Talya (5): Bg, Tina, CTM, Talya, Ape,


Not voting: Kae, Ithi




D2 - Final Vote Count



Rhea (10): BG, Turin, Kae, Nyn, Heart, Talya, Player, Wombat, CTM, Ape

Player (5): Tina, Smiley, Rhea, Verbal


Not voting: Des, Paet, Locke, Solimind




People who voted Rhea both days: BG, Turin, Player, Wombat, CTM, Ape

People who only voted her on D1: Song, Meesh, Verbal, Solimind, Locke

People only voting Rhea on D2: Sakea, Nyn, Heart, Talya






On D1, No Lynch was just as good an outcome for scum as lynching Rhea, so there's really not much to conclude from where votes were. I don't think so, at least.


On D2, depending on the alignment of Player, there could have been a great deal to gain by pushing the lynch on Rhea. To save his ass.


Wombat, Turin and Player are on both of the Rhea trains, and Solimind's. Assuming Solimind is town and not lying, it gets my attention.


Top FOS: Wombat, Turin, Player, BG - to a lesser extent Sakea, Nyn and CTM (don't know what to make of the 180 he wanted to make sure we all saw him do on Rhea today, like he wanted to keep his hands clean until it was safe to pile on, when he posted "can't beat em".)

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Facepalm at Rhea lynch. Makes me feel like 2 days are wasted. The first because we didn't lynch Rhea, and the second because we did. Baffled that she was Town and lied about her character....Time to move on....




I think she was confused moreso then lied..


But agreed with everything else you're saying, unless fezzik inigo turn up dead and it's not one of them two, I'm content to trust them



Yeah, I'm pewplexed by wer play all awound.


Roleless townies have to understand that its better they die, than town power roles. She should have self-voted to avoid the random first off. Second, she should have revealed her character as Queen Bella and left it out there to potentially draw a NK. Scum might have seen that character and thought there was a role associated with it. Getting her shot, and keeping our power roles safe.

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Sorry Locke I was in Birdy Mafialand :P


mafia > assigned reading


Mafia = assigned reading. >.>


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA Yup. Don't know how my professors would feel about that though :P


I don't know why we're continuing with Sol, atm he's an uncountered doc claimant, should that change, based on meesh's defense, I may be the first in line to string him up


Then his opinions are more important since assuming he is town, he isn't attempting to manipulate us.


Don't see any reason to trust Sol in the least. If you recall, Meesh also defended him right after I placed my vote on him early Day 1. I'm actually probably more suspicious of him than anyone else right now. Just too much penalty for being wrong.


Good point


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO inactive players... Were they kidnapped too? Where did they go?


I just didn't want anyone to forget Despo declined to make the hammer vote and allowed yesterday's random result. He definitely needs some more looking into in the future. We would have had the result of a Rhea vote yesterday if he had stepped up.


Despo AND Whea wewe both able to avoid the wandom lynch and chose not to.


The masons, I presume, will be dealt with when the cop is out in the open.


Directing cop? With Inigo and Fezzik character claims, the masons are pretty close to a sure thing for town (in spite of Des's scumminess here and there)


Thank you


Facepalm at Rhea lynch. Makes me feel like 2 days are wasted. The first because we didn't lynch Rhea, and the second because we did. Baffled that she was Town and lied about her character....Time to move on....



Yeah that was a bit weird..... Oh well, now she doesn't have to add this to her stress level and we can move on.


Where did everyone else go?

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