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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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Rawr, I'm here againish!!!


First things first, I'm really glad you're staying in the game, Nyn. You do good work here, and you always have something worthwhile to contribute. *huggles*


Now that that's out of the way....


My thoughts at this time:


Honestly, I can kinda see what people are saying about Solimind, but I'm just not feeling it. It seems blown out of proportion to me. In particular, I'm looking at the people who seem to be taking advantage of a Solimind competing train.... Mostly Rhea and Turin.


Turin, I'm especially wary of because it took him so long to actually vote Solimind, and I think the reasons given are pretty rubbish, anyway....


1) He says the tone of the vote didn't fit in with the joking phase, which first of all I happened to disagree with and second of all I don't think has any bearing on someone's alignment. Even if Solimind was absolutely, 100% serious when voting for Turin, what is wrong with that? Someone has to get the game moving, or say something that will help it do so, and there's no law that says we have to joke vote for X amount of time or else we're scum.


2) He says that kind of a vote is "ruthless" which he considers a mafia trait. I just don't see a mafia revealing his hand that early, ya know? "Hi, guys, I'm a bloodthirsty killer, but don't lynch me, because...just don't." Doesn't make any sense. Everyone does things differently, so this isn't set in stone or anything, but in general, I feel like mafia try to blend in/avoid notice as much as possible. Being openly ruthless just doesn't seem like a smart move in that scenario.


3) He says that Solimind has been mostly non-existent since the vote and seems to be saying "this is my story and I'm sticking to it" which adds to his scumminess. To the "non-existent" part--there could be many reasons for that. I don't know, personally, so Turin could be totally right about this. But aside from the possibility of not really being around to post much, there is also the possibility that this vote on Turin, and subsequent "defense" of said vote (which sounds even more like a joke to me after reading his reasoning), was all about getting reactions. Or, maybe not planned as such, but honestly, I don't blame Solimind for keeping his vote on Turin, not after all the hullabaloo that it caused. Ever consider the possibility that now he honestly thinks he's onto something?


4) The final reason for Turin's vote is pretty much the only one I really think has merit: information. Enough controversy over Solimind's vote has sprung up that it would definitely be informative to see what the deal is with Solimind.




ANYway, while I think Despo has brought up a few good points about various players (chiefly Talya, in my mind), I feel like he's also been taking advantage of the Solimind thing. There's just not that much there, but he (and a few others) keep painting the whole thing as scumtastic. I feel like he's trying for an easy lynch.



Vote Despo



That defense of Solimind looks a lot like how scum would defend a scummate to me..


Also note, she pushes suspicion on Rhea and Turin, both of whom she would vote for later in the day..

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Alwighty then. Here is my list:


1. A. Heart (D1 - claimed Fezzik, town mason)

2. Smiley

3. Song (D1 killed - townsfolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

4. Ithi (D1 lynch - one of the townsfolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

5. Turin (D1 - claimed BOO hag, roleless w/ PR)

6. Despo (D1 - claimed Inigo Montoya, town mason)

7. Rhea (D1 - claimed vanilla town, and then added "aren't all townsfolk from Florin?" when asked to clarify)

8. meesh (N1 killed - Yellin, mafia goon)

9. Paet

10. BG

11. CTM

12. Locke

13. Player (D1 - unnecessarily offered a third claim of "townsfolk of Florin" to vouch for Talya)

14. Talya (D1 - first to claim "townsfolk of Florin)

15. Nyn (D1 - second to claim "townsfolk of Florin" and vouch for Talya)

16. Sakae

17. John McApe (D1 - claims Clergyman, roleless w/ PR)

18. wombat

19. Solimind (D1 - claims Miracle Max, town Doc)

20. Tina

21. Verbal



HEY!!!!!! :P

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Sorry for above. My phone is retarded.


I also do not believe that anyone else who claimed town was asked if they were from Florin.


Why did you ask only me?

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Sorry for above. My phone is retarded.


I also do not believe that anyone else who claimed town was asked if they were from Florin.


Why did you ask only me?


Vanilla Claims with names:

Turin claims to be the Ancient BOOer

Ape calims to be the Clergyman


Other Vanilla:

Talya claims townsfolk of Florin specifically

Nyn backs her up cause of the specific wording rang true, i.e. the Florin part

Player... suspectly hinted at knowing the same thing.

Song = townsolk of Florin

Ithi = townsolk of Florin


You seem to not know of this Florin part, or have refused to say your role name is "of Florin" which leads me to believe you are NOT a "townsfolk of Florin" but rather a named person.

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Sorry for above. My phone is retarded.


I also do not believe that anyone else who claimed town was asked if they were from Florin.


Why did you ask only me?


Vanilla Claims with names:

Turin claims to be the Ancient BOOer

Ape calims to be the Clergyman


Other Vanilla:

Talya claims townsfolk of Florin specifically

Nyn backs her up cause of the specific wording rang true, i.e. the Florin part

Player... suspectly hinted at knowing the same thing.

Song = townsolk of Florin

Ithi = townsolk of Florin


You seem to not know of this Florin part, or have refused to say your role name is "of Florin" which leads me to believe you are NOT a "townsfolk of Florin" but rather a named person.


Given that confirmed scum has voted her and tried to direct suspicion twoards her, for the moment I am finding you scummy like you are taking advantage of a townie fumbling over her words..


and yes, i know busses happen, but we're playing percentages here

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@Ape, I'm background suspicious of you and Turin as vanilla because you have obvious PRs and are both characters that are ambiguous enough to be both town or mafia. I have the sneaking suspicion mainly that one of you is town and the other mafia. A PR'd goon and a PR'd vanilla would make sense to me, but not 2 PR'd vanilla.


Yeah, I totally understand that. I've been a bit suspect of Tuwin myself, didn't like opening the game to find thewe was a 2nd pewson with a post westwiction.

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Also, if Rhea is town (which I'll give CTM some credit for on finding Meesh's quote of suspecting Rhea, but it could be distancing) then it must needs be that all the other mafia were already on her lynch yesterday otherwise they wouldn't have risked it going to Random and woulda hammered. Therefore, lots of info from a Rhea lynch either way.

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Alwighty then... hewe are some wespopnses...


my strong suspicion is that scum was cop hunting last night, rather then trying to set up a case on a roleless player down the road.. but that's just me..


Yeah, they very well could have been... two birds, one stone?


Self centered or just paranoid? I think there is one person that has fos´d you today? Or do you feel the need to protect yourself in advance?


Both. Also, major conspiracy theorist. I often see things that aren't there when I'm not fully engaged with the game because of work. Like this week. CTM, Verbal and Wombat have all seen me chase my own tail before. :)


fwiw... I'm going through meesh's 14 posts, and you'll notice she DID not like my plan.. Which supports the idea that some of the people opposed to it were scum, other's just mental midgets, like our prehistoric friend john mclape.. and still others just conservative people


How were you able to isolate the 14 posts, I can't seem to get the search to play nice. I know she came out opposed to your plan, but haven't been able to find much of substance beyond that.


Aaand, this makes make me even more worried about you.


Pointing out that Song was NK'd and you were the only person that suspected Song is blatant WIFOM. Feels like nobody picked up on it so you wanted to make sure it got brought to everyone's attention.


Then using the ol' noob mafia team arguement is just insulting in general. Nearly everyone in this game is plenty experienced (Solimind is new I know, and I'm not sure about Smiley and Paet, though I seem to remember them playing before) to not be classified as a noob.


Also, middle train vote of Meesh is too ambiguous to learn much from unfortunately.


My suggestion to the town is that if they are that bothered by the wifom, they lynch me after resolving the Player/Rhea situation. Frankly, I don't think I pointed out anything anyone else didn't notice. You are pinging a bit to me right now too.


Given that confirmed scum has voted her and tried to direct suspicion twoards her, for the moment I am finding you scummy like you are taking advantage of a townie fumbling over her words..


and yes, i know busses happen, but we're playing percentages here


Yep. I agree, I'm seeing a bit of this too...

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Also, if Rhea is town (which I'll give CTM some credit for on finding Meesh's quote of suspecting Rhea, but it could be distancing) then it must needs be that all the other mafia were already on her lynch yesterday otherwise they wouldn't have risked it going to Random and woulda hammered. Therefore, lots of info from a Rhea lynch either way.



Oh man, wewen't you just pointing out a wifom I cweated?

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I honestly didnt think it would make a difference. Town is town. And im trying to do this from work. It isnt like i have a lot of time.



I think they have a point, but I also don't think day 2 is not the day to lynch someone on the possibility of a bus when it's more likely scum was trying to get you lynched as it would be more beneficial then a random or no lynch..


In short, I'm still suspicious of you, but I think there is better places to look at the moment.

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Othew thing that has me suspicious of BG at the moment is the fact that he agweed with most of the points I made duwing night phase about CTM's plan... but then entews this day phase weady to lynch Whea and me. Not CTM.


I'm okay stringing up Player and BG, and to a lesser extent Rhea. Before I get ahead of myself connecting people, it may make the most sense to lynch Rhea for confirmation of her alignment, before pursuing Player and BG further. It just comes down to how safe we want to play it. I think if Rhea is town, then my FOS for Player and BG skyrockets.

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I'm suspicious of Rhea for 2 reasons, Player for one reason.


Rhea: she voted no lynch, and didn't change her vote to save us from a random. Yeah she would have been voting for herself, but I would've done it, cus a random could have cost us doc or cop. We were lucky it hit Ithi (sorry sis). And number 2, it took her til just a few posts ago to confirm she is a Townsfolk of Florin. She danced around that way too long IMHO.


Player: he unneededly latched on to Nyn and Talya's Townsfolk claims. It just seemed opportunistic and I'm not a fan.


So I am going to Vote Rhea in the interest of competing trains. I'll happily vote for Player as well, however.

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Othew thing that has me suspicious of BG at the moment is the fact that he agweed with most of the points I made duwing night phase about CTM's plan... but then entews this day phase weady to lynch Whea and me. Not CTM.


I'm okay stringing up Player and BG, and to a lesser extent Rhea. Before I get ahead of myself connecting people, it may make the most sense to lynch Rhea for confirmation of her alignment, before pursuing Player and BG further. It just comes down to how safe we want to play it. I think if Rhea is town, then my FOS for Player and BG skyrockets.


Why is it safer to lunch rhea (claimed roleless) then player (claimed roleless)

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Vote Count


Player (3): CTM, Tina, Ape

Rhea (3): BG, Turin, Kae


Not voting: Heart, Smiley, Des, Rhea, Paet, Locke, Player, Talya, Nyn, wombat, Solimind, Verbal


With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch. Deadline Saturday 9 AM EST

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Othew thing that has me suspicious of BG at the moment is the fact that he agweed with most of the points I made duwing night phase about CTM's plan... but then entews this day phase weady to lynch Whea and me. Not CTM.


I'm okay stringing up Player and BG, and to a lesser extent Rhea. Before I get ahead of myself connecting people, it may make the most sense to lynch Rhea for confirmation of her alignment, before pursuing Player and BG further. It just comes down to how safe we want to play it. I think if Rhea is town, then my FOS for Player and BG skyrockets.


Why is it safer to lunch rhea (claimed roleless) then player (claimed roleless)



Sowwy, that's not what I mean.


Player merits being lynched independent of all things Rhea. Not second guessing that.


I'm just self-correcting here and putting the brakes on the theorizing a bit and pumping the brakes on connecting people, in the wrong order. I'm saying it might be a safer thing to do to lynch Rhea and learn her alignment before I extrapolate my suspicion to BG and anyone else.


Basically, stopping myself from trying to catch the whole scum team at once - a tendency that has proven the wont of my failures in mafia. Gotta stick to catching scum one at a time. That's all.

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I already stated my thoughts during night time. I'm game for either Rhea or Player.


I can't seem to swallow down the option of Rhea just innocently fumbling with her wording in regards to her role. I don't like her asking about there being other kinds of town folk. Or asking why she was the only one asked about it. I just don't buy it because she seems too careful with her reactions.


As for Meesh mentioning her as a suspect... doesn't really mean much to me. What with Meesh being scum and all, I'm sure she had some good play in mind. Mentioning Rhea could have just been her way of alienating herself from her. Or not. Point is that it doesn't really make me feel any differently about Rhea.



Vote Rhea






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Warning: this is my very long one of the day




And I am about....95% sure that this list is correct :P


Dead Townie Dead Mafia Alive Claimed Role Alive No Claimed Role


1. A. Heart--Fezzik--town--Mason

2. Smiley

3. Song--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--killed N1

4. Ithi--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--random killed D1

5. Turin--claims Anchient Booer--?--vanilla w/pr

6. Des-Des--Inigo Montoya--town--Mason

7. Rhea--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

8. meesh--Yellin--mafia--goon--killed N1

9. Paet

10. BG

11. Matt McsCTM

12. Locke

13. Player--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

14. Talya--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

15. Nyn--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

16. Kae

17. John McApe--Impressive Clergyman--?--Vanilla w/ PR

18. wombat

19. Solimind--Claims Miracle Max--town--doc

20. Tina

21. Verbal


Blahblahblah, spamspamspam


post that caused drama:


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Solimind for...I don't know I'll think of something.



Not if you are dead first. Vote Turin


Locke said he was going to be on LoA until Monday afternoon here but I don’t recall seeing much of him since then....


Wombat voted for Des without explaining until later (though the more I look at his “explanation,” the less I like it. Didn’t give any solid reasons for why he’d be “pretty sure” my buddy was mafia, Song votes for Des and gives reasons

I have finally seen the film. I´m still crying. I do feel the pain that Buttercup must have felt when her Wesley didn´t rescued her from her wedding. He didn´t rescue me from mine either. *blows the nose with Song´s dress*


Now I think Turin has some explaining to do. He left locaine in my glass and now tells me he did it to help me build an immunity to it. That is so nice. And who does something nice to another in a mafia game? Mafia - that is who! I will keep my eyes on you this game, mister. Could you please come to my kitchen and do what you usually do there so it will be easier for me to keep my eyes on you. Thank you!


Song - I admit. I love you too. If life was fair you would be dead by now anyway. :tongue: Anyway, I do agree with you. The scummiest player this far is Des. So I´m going to vote Des and start a real bandwagon.



And Verbal - I see you are sucking up to our mod goddess. That is so low. I would never do anything like that. :rolleyes:

vote with no reason given in the middle of spam


"Everybody MOVE!!!"

My partner stole my line >.> You surely are a meanie.


I voted for Turin because he put so much effort into his list but didn't have a reason to BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO me. I'm all about providing the justification. That said, I'm observing the state of things and could be swayed to change my vote if one of you mafias makes a mistake. I'm watching you.

I still find it interesting that he didn’t unvote his joke vote; though that is possibly because it ruffled so many feathers


Yipee Kayay

I’m still wondering what the purpose of this post was :P


blahblahblah lots of cases that I’m taking into account but don’t feel the need to post.....


11 times. :) Mafia 5 times, 3rd party... twice.

Liar >.>


I believe this bit by Rhea pinged a lot of people:

I was about to say Nyn don't leave, but I shall amend that to Yay, you're staying! :happy:


I haven't posted all weekend, but I did keep up with what was going on. FOS at Rhea for unvoting Des and pointing out that her vote was a joke vote. Why did you find it necessary to point that out?


I said before the weekend that the case on Des seemed strange to me, and it still kinda does. But because of Rhea pointing out that hers was a joke, mabe we are onto something. At least it struck me oddly when I read that. So I'm going to Unvote Ape, Vote Des for now.

I felt the need to point that out because I didn't want to be accused of starting the train that was forming. As I said later...Des always looks scummy but I'm not going to vote for him on day one because he has some good information.


Your reasoning for voting Des is pretty week in my opinion. I am all for consolodating votes and since my vote on verbal isn't going anywhere...


Unvote. Vote Sloimind



Hmmm... this weally pings with me.


Why would anyone on D1, that early, care so much about being accused of starting a train? I start trains all the time as town, I call it kicking the tires. Starting a train is not scummy.


Also think you putting a vote on Verbal is a waste, he's not getting lynched on D1. I feel like you were camping out a bit there, and now you are jumping on one of the 2 larger trains "for consolidation" and yet you say someone else's reason for a vote is weak.


Pings all over this post. I'll keep my vote where its at for now, I could go with Rhea or Song too.


Because I've been accused of this on day one before. And yeah i was camping out to see where the day one voted were going. As I am not voting for Des, then I must consolidate with the Solimind vote. What you rather I do? Start a train on someone else?


first (and only if memory serves) real meesh post of the game...

Rawr, I'm here againish!!!


First things first, I'm really glad you're staying in the game, Nyn. You do good work here, and you always have something worthwhile to contribute. *huggles*


Now that that's out of the way....


My thoughts at this time:


Honestly, I can kinda see what people are saying about Solimind, but I'm just not feeling it. It seems blown out of proportion to me. In particular, I'm looking at the people who seem to be taking advantage of a Solimind competing train.... Mostly Rhea and Turin.


Turin, I'm especially wary of because it took him so long to actually vote Solimind, and I think the reasons given are pretty rubbish, anyway....


1) He says the tone of the vote didn't fit in with the joking phase, which first of all I happened to disagree with and second of all I don't think has any bearing on someone's alignment. Even if Solimind was absolutely, 100% serious when voting for Turin, what is wrong with that? Someone has to get the game moving, or say something that will help it do so, and there's no law that says we have to joke vote for X amount of time or else we're scum.


2) He says that kind of a vote is "ruthless" which he considers a mafia trait. I just don't see a mafia revealing his hand that early, ya know? "Hi, guys, I'm a bloodthirsty killer, but don't lynch me, because...just don't." Doesn't make any sense. Everyone does things differently, so this isn't set in stone or anything, but in general, I feel like mafia try to blend in/avoid notice as much as possible. Being openly ruthless just doesn't seem like a smart move in that scenario.


3) He says that Solimind has been mostly non-existent since the vote and seems to be saying "this is my story and I'm sticking to it" which adds to his scumminess. To the "non-existent" part--there could be many reasons for that. I don't know, personally, so Turin could be totally right about this. But aside from the possibility of not really being around to post much, there is also the possibility that this vote on Turin, and subsequent "defense" of said vote (which sounds even more like a joke to me after reading his reasoning), was all about getting reactions. Or, maybe not planned as such, but honestly, I don't blame Solimind for keeping his vote on Turin, not after all the hullabaloo that it caused. Ever consider the possibility that now he honestly thinks he's onto something?


4) The final reason for Turin's vote is pretty much the only one I really think has merit: information. Enough controversy over Solimind's vote has sprung up that it would definitely be informative to see what the deal is with Solimind.




ANYway, while I think Despo has brought up a few good points about various players (chiefly Talya, in my mind), I feel like he's also been taking advantage of the Solimind thing. There's just not that much there, but he (and a few others) keep painting the whole thing as scumtastic. I feel like he's trying for an easy lynch.



Vote Despo

Tried to get Des lynched, tried to get Tayla lynched (I’m leaning towards believing her and Nyn at the moment) and it seems to me that she was trying to protect Sol in the same (or at least a similar) way I tried to get the heat off of Des earlier.


CTM joined, Des revealed.... People back off, CTM and Ape clearly love playing mafia together


Time to move on I guess.

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Vote: Turin

*wonders if throwing a rock at wombat’s head would help break him of this habit*


Is it getting dark yet?

is that really all he had to say? Why not contribute to the game some by giving his thoughts?



Vote Turin

Scum voted Turin with no reason


This strikes me as interesting:

Care to explain why you think I need to be watched, Rhea?


I sure will.


I was about to say Nyn don't leave, but I shall amend that to Yay, you're staying! :happy:


I haven't posted all weekend, but I did keep up with what was going on. FOS at Rhea for unvoting Des and pointing out that her vote was a joke vote. Why did you find it necessary to point that out?


I said before the weekend that the case on Des seemed strange to me, and it still kinda does. But because of Rhea pointing out that hers was a joke, mabe we are onto something. At least it struck me oddly when I read that. So I'm going to Unvote Ape, Vote Des for now.

This ^^


Because you stated the case on Des seemed strange to you before the weekend and then said that is still felt strange then used a weak reason of my stating the obvious to jump on his train.


Turin's character could be anything. In Nae's Princess Bride game on Myndjack, the hag was a Jester who was mod-confirmed innocent. Mynd of course still managed to get himself lynched despite that minor setback.



So you think he's a Jester?


Then maybe we should oblige him



vote Turin

~neither Turing nor Rhea says anything~


vote Rhea


previous reasons

Why the change?


Let's get this moving.



Vote: Solimind

*looks around for a good rock*


I'm one vote from getting lynched and people have said commented about me possibly revealing something. I'm not sure about the rules over revealing too much or too little, but even as of now 11 of 12 votes to be lynched, I'm only feeling MOSTLY dead. But Miracles do happen. Or I guess sometimes they don't :biggrin:


From the grave, if I make it that far, I'll be interested to see Smiley's role in all of this.



You are obsessed with Smiles...


AAAAAAH SHE EDITED IT!!!!!!!! I’m telling the mod!!!!!!!!! (Lavas my Bonded :D )


I can EDIT all I want, damnit! :baalzamon:



Sol partial reveals, I reveal, clever people might have figured out I was the mysterious partner a long time ago, Sol says he is Miracle Max whom we all assume would be doc, scroll scroll scroll, I really need to not update my list when I’m busy and sleepy, Ape officially claims the Impressive Clergyman


I am Miracle Max, the town's doc.


I don’t trust it. It was very late and is a role that the real doctor (assuming Sol isn’t) would want to counterclaim because then he/she’d be wide open for a mafia target.


CTM suspects noobery. Noobery is no excuse :P


If you want to avoid wandom lynch, lynch me. Then come back and look at Song, Talya and Rhea. Please.

Insinuates he is wastable, says to look at someone we now know is town, think is possibly town, and think is possibly scum


I chose to believe Solimind for now.



Vote Talya. She is acting very weired. I will check in again before I go to sleep to see if I need to change it for consolidation.


Dearest mod goddess, could we please get a vote count.



Tayla and Nyn both claim roleless townies, the following post makes me want to believe them

And yeah, I did reveal with my confirmation. But it seemed smarter than just standing aside and saying nothing. There's no way Talya could have known that role if she was scum. It's as simple as that.

especially since no one has stood up to say that they are a roleless called something other than “one of the townsfolk of Florin”


Everyone starts scrambling to vote either Rhea or no lynch


Is verbal still voting Des?


He's been poking his head in but just leaving his vote, me no like

CTM, Verbal said something at one point about how he can't check DM from work - but he can check JN. Unless he's using his iPhone. Not an excuse for him, but maybe we can ping him on JN?


I'm here goobers.

then contribute?


Ill vouch for Nyn and Talya's thing. It rings true to my ears

This seems a(n unnecessary) reveal



Vote: Rhea

*finds a very nice rock*


Rhea claims vanilla (and she says vanilla rather than one of the “townsfolk”)


Oh hey I found Locke!!!


Ithi, “one of the townsfolk of Florin” dies


Aren't all the townsfolk from Florin?



Tbh tho, we got something fairly good with her coroner's report: now it looks even sketchier, all the peeps claiming roleless nondescript townsfolk characters. Out of that grouping, I trust Nyn the least, and Talya the second least.

why is that?


*reads, soaking in opinions and processing*


Yes, I am dramatic, GET OVER IT




It seems Sol disappeared as soon as he was no longer threatened


A plan of action is discussed.... I don’t really like the plan....


CTM, Ape and BG make me laugh. A lot. People in the dining hall are giving me funny looks :P


Another one of the “townsfolk” die as does Yellin.


So we now have two for sure dead vanilla (Ithi and Song), and from them we have confirmation on the phrasing “one of the townsfolk of Florin” which leads me to support Tayla and Nyn. Then Piano saying he’d vouch for them, then Rhea said she was a vanilla. Then there’s me and Des just having our QT, then we have Turin and Ape saying they have roles but no actions, they are also vanillas (it is still uncertain which side they’d be on.... obviously though they’re going to claim town).

10 actionless claimed, I know we can believe 4 (though not all of you will believe me and Des) and I’m leaning toward believing Tayla and Nyn, and am not sure what to think about Turin and Ape. I don’t like Piano or Rhea’s reveals.


I liked both, but I ultimately choose Player cause meesh voted Rhea, and I think rhea was the first person to use the word Vanilla (but I haven't double checked as of yet)... Maybe Vanilla is common over here, but it's not where I play so when she said "Vanilla" and the role came back with Vanilla in it, I felt a little better..


That being said, i suspect scum was given the role title to use for a fake claim, so I could go back there as well.. just like player a little better at the moment

Vanilla is a very common word here


Asking if all the townspeople are from Florin was a legit question. Why would anoyone ask me if they are all the townoes are from Florin to start with?



While I’m suspicious of others, the top of my list is Rhea, and I really don’t like Sol or Tina, and don’t like the way Player revealed.



Rhea has been weird about her reveal, meesh seemed to be trying to distance herself to me, and I’ve been getting strange vibes from her. I feel like we could learn a lot from her lynch. Vote Rhea


I’d like very much to hear from the people who have been inactive.

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I already stated my thoughts during night time. I'm game for either Rhea or Player.


I can't seem to swallow down the option of Rhea just innocently fumbling with her wording in regards to her role. I don't like her asking about there being other kinds of town folk. Or asking why she was the only one asked about it. I just don't buy it because she seems too careful with her reactions.


As for Meesh mentioning her as a suspect... doesn't really mean much to me. What with Meesh being scum and all, I'm sure she had some good play in mind. Mentioning Rhea could have just been her way of alienating herself from her. Or not. Point is that it doesn't really make me feel any differently about Rhea.



Vote Rhea







Nice profile pic naughty bunny, It's used as an avatar on the iphone. I like. :D



What about the last minute vote of Rhea by Meesh?

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You too aiel, all those posts but no mention of scum hopping on to vote Rhea last minute..


Don't get me wrong, I'm still suspicious of Rhea (if you look, as I was the main person arguing for her lynch rather then a no lynch yesterday), but I just can't put my head around scum making that vote..


She had posted what, 12 times up to that point, why not just keep quiet and let it go to random or let town no lynch.. in my mind, the odds are better that she switched from no lynch to Rhea cause she saw an opportunity to get a townie lynched with her hands relatively clean, after all, it was not her that had been pushing Rhea..


I think you and Nyn have had good grasps on this game, but neither of you have addressed this fairly important point

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