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what's the coldest you've ever been?


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The temps here in sunny Savannah, GA are dropping into the low 20's tonight, which makes me pretty darned miserable. I am NOT a cold weather person. Don't look at me like that. Anything under 60 means I'm unhappy! LOL


But it made me think... What is the lowest temp you've ever experienced? Where were you? When did it happen? I need to know so u know where to avoid when I start traveling. :)

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The lowest temp I've ever experienced was 7 degrees in Traverse City, MI the week before St. Patrick's Day in 2009. My husband's grandmother had passed away and we drove up there for the funeral.


For the record, Peanut didn't like the cold & snow, either. :)

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Geeze Leesa what part of canuckistan are you from? Coldest southern Ontario temp I have been in is about -31. Was colder feeling falling out of my kayak in lake ontario a couple weeks back. :(

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