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New Years resolutions.


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  • 11 months later...

My goals would probably come to doing well in school, since getting into a medicine in university will probably be tough, I've got a few things going against me, hopefully I can work through that otherwise I have very little problems in my life that need serious working out, new year's resolutions though seems silly to me, goals are better, easier to procrastinate with.


and moar debating, debating is fun



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My goals would probably come to doing well in school, since getting into a medicine in university will probably be tough

Basically this, but replace the word medicine with the much nicer word of maths :)

Moar success :happy:


yay for achieving moderate goals!

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I don´t make any resolutions but, like Song, I have some goals.

Take over the Black Tower. (Don´t tell Talmanes.) biggrin.gif

Success :myrddraal:




Well if we are doing moderate realistic goals ... then I will aim to try and be less isolated from people and do more exercise and eat less food that is bad for me.


But unfortunately I very much like things that are bad for me.


*nods* Me too.

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