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You know who i meant, LOL...we had a programme over here for kids called Hectors house...i get confused!!!


So another night over and Day begins with NO death!


It is now Day 8, you have until Sunday at 9pm GMT to get make your lynch.


Here it is, but I feel weird casing a former teammate.


Our team was given as Pants,Kae,Me,Amadine,Meesh in that order. Kae was the Killer, when he died it went to the next person in line. I didn't think anything about Pants being listed above Kae, and therefore not in line to receive the kill at the time.


First off, I want you to notice how nobody has ever seriously FoSed or attacked Pants, other than his randomness on the first day or so. Kinda lynch proof with 9/20 people making sure he's not lynched.


I'm fairly certain that he might be a solo win case, either that or he threw in with Turin assuming that I'd be more most likely to be lynched, which I completely understand. Either way, at the beginning of Day 7 my win condition was changed and I was denied communication from then on out. Probably because I'm the only one on my team left and he officially abandoned me and with no Godfather there is no mafia. Just guessing. Also, I want you to know that for the most part, he kinda took a backseat and was a bit indifferent to what we were doing letting us make the decisions.


Anyway, there is a good chance you don't believe me, and I don't expect you to believe me on a simple whim so let me run things through for you.


Day 1:

He was acting a bit crazy and we tried to settle him down. But he kept editing his posts. Anyway, he lost his Godfathering ability for the night so if he was viewed he woulda flipped scum this night. I'm not sure what went on on the other team, but this is what we planned for with him, and he seems to have followed it. Maybe he worked with the other team to implement the same idea with them. He'd play the newbie card when appropriate and fake LD throughout the game. It was a good claim for him since it is easy to fake and leave trails of throughout the game and he won't get seen by a tracker or watcher.


So anyway, that night we decided on the following actions:


RB Des

Switched Red/Meesh

Kill Wombat

I can only assume that the other team tried to kill Wombat as well. Wombat self protected and we all got messed up.



Day 2:

Since the plan to kill Wombat failed, we got bitter and decided to try and lynch him instead. And decided Pants should lead it off incase he was ever Findered for it. After which I'd back him up and push a little harder. Anyway, he wanted to try to draw a Finder to his Godfather status so he made some more off kilter remarks. Also since he is Godfather, we want him to be the town sympathizer in the group. Then when it was apparent Wombat wasn't getting lynched, we all migrated to the next likely subject and Pants hammered it home for us on Poet. By the way, you might notice him starting to hint at his LD role here, but he screwed it up a bit because he says he believes Desp role on Day 2, rather than waiting till Night 2 when the NA would go through. So we decide if worse comes to worse, claim Day Action LD.


That night we go all out on Wombat:

RB Wombat

Kill Wombat

Switch Meesh/Desp


But when day came something interesting happened... Hoof died for hiding with Leyrann, that was obvious... but then Leyrann died.

At this point we knew there were 2 mafias obviously and that they (Leelou) had switched Wombat and Leyrann, probably to get his protection. I can only assume that Pants thought the Leelou switch wouldn't have caused a death cause of Wombat self protect, or he was just willing to sacrifice a teammate for some greater scheme... like vetting Leelou maybe :darkone: . Or if his win condition was solo, it allowed him to start picking people off.



Day 3:


We have him start hinting at Wombat being town, cause at this point, there is no killing the dude. But we want to use the pressure a little first so he doesn't claim to know Wombat is town till AFTER his healer role reveal. In fact Pants kinda eggs it on a little, then right afterward gets kinda chastizy about it. As the day plays out, we decide to bus Kae cause we knew someone had to take the fall for it since it was obvious someone on the list was scum and Kae was pinging already.


Here's the kicker:

From this point on I stopped using my RB all together. And this is also the best proof I have for you, though you have to take my word for it, so it isn't really proof at all, but anyway...


Kill Turin 1.0

Switch BG/Pants

We wanted to switch me with someone who'd show up as Town (as I was taking a little heat after announcing I was a RB... coulda been a Backup Finder, ya never know). Now that means switching me with Pants. Plus it would hide my kill from Song. So because of the switch, I killed Turin 1.0 unhindered and Tina actually RB'd Pants. This also means that Song viewed Pants, who had no NA.


I'm not sure what the other team did, but Meesh died that night. I'm thinking that Leelou probably lied and didn't switch Wombat and Meesh, that's the only thing I can think of there.


Day 4:

We decided that there was a fair chance I might get lynched by counterclaiming Tina, especially after Turin flipping Jailer so we'd place our Godfather on my own vote early on and keep him there. It was risky, but it worked out. At this point, I'll be honest, I truly thought Tina was RB for the other team. My head exploded when she flipped town. I thought I was dead for sure the next day. I got a little concerned that day as he started asking people on the opposite side to vote for me, I didn't see why he'd encourage it so much. In retrospect, knowing he's playing for both teams or is solo makes sense to me.


Here's an interesting night:

Switch Myself/Red

Kill Myself, in attempt to kill Red.

Kinda thought Wombat MIGHT protect Red since we had her pegged as Mason (at least I did) from vote counts and process of elimination.


For some reason Leelou and AH died. I targeted Myself... to kill Red... and instead AH died and Leelou died? I probably got blocked.

AH probably knocked off Leelou, and Locke probably offed AH. That's my theory at least.



Day 5:

I told Pants to back off because he was laying the pressure a little thick the day before and so he basically left me completely alone on this day. But then he FoS'd Amadine pretty good for the Hammer. Which I suppose was inevitable, but we didn't need to bring it up. It took of way faster than I hoped for and I helped to Bus Amadine to protect myself. Pants starts laying in the LD hints super thick. I think he wanted people to know for certain. But again, he had nothing to fear from Mafia because after all, he was on both our teams...


Anyway, that night I tried to Kill Locke, but Locke didn't die. I can assume that I was RB'd again. Something Pants would have known, but did not inform me of... I guess he saw our team as a dying team and therefore was picking us off with the other team. Then I can only assume that whoever they targeted Wombat saved.



Day 6:

I come out swinging at Locke without consulting. Pants says he'll vote with me and does. Then for some reason he tries to Unvote Locke last minute to keep him alive... I figure, meh, trying to sound Townie, but I kinda think he was serious now. I'd have to RB Locke or town would know I had a kill when 2 kills would happen. More blatant LD hints meant to be noticed. More about this later. Luckily, we hit Hammer before he could unvote.


I wanted to NK Turin, but Pants suggested Red instead. It was a toss up, and Red started casing me bad so I agreed and killed Red. I suppose Turin did too. I must have seen like the sinking ship of the two at this point. When morning came, it was at this point I was informed my alignment changed and I was no longer allowed communication with Pants or to kill.



Day 7:

I figured I got screwed over. Let it be, so I bent over to take it. Then wonderful Desp flew in and saved my butt by announcing Turin was on Red too. I had to think quickly. I figured Turin might not know what happened, but I knew. If I immediately flipped on Pants, it would gain me nothing.


I wanted Turin to out Pants, so I attempted to manipulate. It worked to a degree, thanks to Desp again. But then Turin failed me and claimed Tiink. Makes sense, quiet guy in the corner who voted for me. Takes the pressure off anyone else and it is fairly believable.



Then something happened that made me believe he had the solo win condition. He votes Turin. Maybe everything backfired when Desp outed Turin, and he was just trying to vet himself. But then him and Turin have this friendly convo. about his LD stuff.

Turin is basically dead at this point, but they are talking it out without any weirdness, like Turin was a townie. I see what is going on as he is trying to get Pants to "disprove" my claim that Desp is my partner through one of his LD night actions. Pants starts getting a little cocky I think at this point saying how scum are taking full advantage and talking about town in 3rd person.


In conclusion:


I think heeither had a solo win condition or he had to abandon a team first before it was completetly eliminated though as a part of that win. He probably thought he had a better shot of taking me out, but we flipped it around on him, so he betrayed his partner to clear his name.


So then in an effort to out Pants in a lie, I asked him to give his NA results in full, since I knew I had evidence he had none on one night in particular.


Here is what he claims: (and it only partially makes sense if you accept that his ability is a Day action)


D1 N/A


D2 DES is the watcher - Hints this DURING Day 2


D3 wombat is town - Hints this DURING Day 3, even though he waits for the Healer claim first.


D4 Tina is town - Hints this DURING Day 4 - (Song's track was on him N3 though, so that shows there wasn't a NA, btw)


D5 (day before [Locke] was lynched (Day 6)) - Locke is scum, but he doesn't vote Locke that day. He doesn't hint Locke that day, only that he plans on testing him with his outrageeous "ARE YOU MAFIA?" line. This would make sense if he had a Night Action on on N5 to check this out, but previous days have made it clear it would have to be a Day Action.


D6 Des is town - Why even check this at this point? I thought we all knew that a long time ago.


I'm sure he'll tell you I'm lying today. Whatever. I've said my peace.


Wow. That is so damn elaborate that I have to believe it and go with it. If you're lying the Oscar goes to you, but I am willing to roll with this.


What is your win condition and do you still have RB ability BG?




BG is very good at elaborate claims. That being said, this kind of claim would probably only work at LyLo. I would like to hear from everyone before making a decision.


I acted on my information as it was available.


I think Mr BG is a very crafty player and has had elaborate ploys in this game. Defusing the instant lynch following Tina's death and Turin's demise.



Now is the tipping point Des and Wombat you both know you are town.


Interesting. If BG is lying and still scum, then I think he has a teammate left and it is LyLo. On the other hand, if BG is town now then Pants is probably the last scum and it is probably 4-1-1 which is a bit tricky but not actually LyLo (although it could be MyLo depending on what Tiinker does). Unfortunately, I think we might have to lynch today. It all comes down to whether or not we believe BG....Again.


Unfortunately, that is true. And I don't exactly have any good reason you should trust me, the only thing I can do is to tell you all I know.


Goin with my gut. It's tough trusting BG after so many other convulted claims and whatnot, but he was overly helpful with his play by play of how stuff went down, and honestly I have been very wary of Pants for awhile, his playstyle has shifted several times this game.


Plus, BG flattered me, which is always an easy way to buy my vote (what can I say, I got a bit of an ego lol) :tongue:


Unvote, Vote Pants


I wish me and BG got a seperate QT when I tried helping him in the purpose of finding Turin's partner :biggrin:


Mighta been nice for him to react to me goin along with it. Did you guess that I would BG, or was it a roll of the dice?


I would work it through symetry in the scum teams. I believe Song is also scum, being BG's partner. While I can't provide you with a load of half truths an implications I will dissemble BG's post and rebutt when I get home.


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