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[Light vs Shadow] The battle for Ithillian

Ithillian Turambar

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you are welcome Tina. It will be in your Thread if I ever get the rest written.


Leelou can't be left out. *offers Leelou fake ID with Dec 12th birthday*


EP, gotta be a BT member to be in this club.


Well, you are a bit myrdraalish sometimes... lol


I also think it´s an ox.


Now this rabbit will go to bed and do what rabbits do best - sleep. (Well, this one at least. :biggrin: )


Well, you are a bit myrdraalish sometimes... lol


I also think it´s an ox.


Now this rabbit will go to bed and do what rabbits do best - sleep. (Well, this one at least. :biggrin: )

Myrrdraal is probly more acurate. :myrddraal: Not te rabbits I know about. :wink:


sleep well.


This thread has taken a fun turn :blink:


I'm a virgo to the Nth degree :biggrin: Seriously, in my complete star map (which shows alignment of all planets at time of birth) I have like 6 or seven in the virgo phase, and the personality traits fit me to a T


*hopeless romantic at heart*


As for my zodiac sign, I too am an ox, though this one is a slightly less accurate representation of myself :tongue: I wonder if any might guess why...


I saw that, and posted :biggrin:


Ox's aren't supposed to like to flirt :blush: They're supposed to be straight forward, no small talk kind of people. Plus they're supposed to be hard workers, not lazybones like me :tongue:


I don't like to flirt. I tend to be too 'straight to the point' sometimes. Must be my cold sarcastic English heart.


However I am lazy to the point of comatose.


*replying whilst still dozing in bed*




Says the woman who singlehandedly organizes 500 awesome events a months for the WT, and soon to be BT :myrddraal:


(and helps immensely with my blog, covering up my lazybonesedness [gah! must resist adding more smilies! I swear I need an intervention!])


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