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Creature is here

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Hello Creature. Would you like a name? I can think of one for you ;)


Mine is Aiel Heart (just AH or Heart is fine though)


I'm sure you'd feel right at home at the WT, as Turin said :D


Hello Aiel Heart. A name, for me?


You have an unusual name. What is your heart made of?


Hi, Creature. My name is Ledinna. I have to agree with the others: You'd definetly belong to the WT on Monday :))


Who is your favourite Forsaken?

Sammael. He is far less gideous than me, and yet is unhappy with his appearance.


Hi Creature. I'm Turin. You doing anything Monday? if not there is a cool party going on over at the White Tower. You would fit right in.

*cocks head in interest* The White Tower? It sounds like a nice place...as long as there is no one with flaming pitchforks around.

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If you'd like :)


My heart is made of tough stuff. It can endure any pain and keep going. It is filled with honor and a want to do what is right.

In my avatar it is made of diamond, due to diamond's unyielding nature. I thought it fit well

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Hi Creature. I'm Turin. You doing anything Monday? if not there is a cool party going on over at the White Tower. You would fit right in.

*cocks head in interest* The White Tower? It sounds like a nice place...as long as there is no one with flaming pitchforks around.


No flaming pitchforks allowed at the White Tower - they make SUCH a mess of the lace curtains! :rolleyes:


You might encounter a Trolloc, but I have a feeling you might be kindred spirits in some way so no killing each other, okay?

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