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PS4 and Xbox Next


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Both Microsoft and Sony still believe that their respective consoles have plenty of life left in them, but that doesn't mean they aren't actively planning for the future.


Develop has a report from a source that says that work on "several" PS4 projects has begun at unspecified Sony first-party studios. These aren't games yet, per se, because their concepts haven't been green-lit for full production. Particularly because the PS4's tech specs, etc. haven't been decided yet.


Develop has also heard from various sources that Microsoft plans to bring out the Xbox 360's successor, the so-called Xbox Next, in late 2013. The system would be fully debuted at the E3 convention that same year.


From everything we've heard on our end, these timetables seem very reasonable.

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Microsoft and industry partners are working towards a 2013 launch of the next generation Xbox, Develop understands.


Multiple sources across the industry, from processor chip manufacturers to middleware firms, have told Develop they expect the console to be fully unveiled at E3 2013, months before its release. The collection of data points to a 2013 launch for the system across all main regions, though early 2014 remains a possibility.


Few in the games business expect Xbox Next to be in stores before the holiday side of 2013 – this Christmas and the next will likely see Microsoft marketing software for Xbox 360, Windows Phone and its Kinect motion controller.


Microsoft has declined to comment.

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Unless it has backwards compatibility and I have an iron-clad vow from Sony that they will not remove functionality in the future then it is extremely unlikely that I would buy a PS4, not after their B.S with the PS3. As for the next xBox, I want backwards compatibility from them too.... and some decent fsking RPGs unlike the trash they have had.

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I have been waiting for this for a long time

I basically skipped this generation of consoles (I did play some games at a friends house)


given my opinion on the PS3 I doubt I'll go for the PS4 but a big part of my decision will come from the launch titles so who knows

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Nintendos already talking about releasing a next gen consle as well. the main concern with them (according to GI mag) is the reaction to the 3DS, in which they dropped the price really quick. that, and the software updates Nintendo is implimenting (liek 3D capabilities and such) will put it on price line with the 360 and PS3 (which low price was the Wii's major selling point when it came out).



i do have to wonder what technology will drive the consoles this time. last time it was the HDD versus Blueray competition (of which Sony won out in). we can already see Sony leaning on the 3D fad, Batman Arkham Aslyum is 3D tv compatable, but i can't see an industrie basing their next gen consoles (that are supposed to last on average 10 years) on a technology liek 3D which has, over the years, been a fade that booms for a few years then dies down once the novelty wears off.



aside form the fact that the older gen of gammers don't particularly like the 3D game play, he being forced to wear glasses to play or watch a movie and with the no glass 3D technology by the 3DS, after a few minutes of game play you get a massive headache and your eyes feel overworked.

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nothing for you to play, are you serious. they remade OoT just for that system, not to mention the Mario game they revamped for it and the remake of Star Fox. (3 games remade for this console that defined the N64!!)



i'd add in Star Wars Pod Racing too, but they've yet to remake that great game yet *pouts*

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nothing for you to play, are you serious. they remade OoT just for that system, not to mention the Mario game they revamped for it and the remake of Star Fox. (3 games remade for this console that defined the N64!!)

putting aside the fact that remade games rarely interest me I never played OoT or Star Fox really (I messed around with SF but not much)

the mario game is....mario 64? I never played that either


I'm most interested in the new resident evil game that's supposed to come out on 3DS as well as the layton/wright crossover


I'm sure there's games out I would play

but I'm just saying since the last time I checked it wasn't enough to entice me to get a 3DS

that was before the price drop too

maybe if I have the money I'll look into getting one after christmas

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