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Well, if someone wants to know how to pronounce Nynaeve, then all that person has to do is look up that name in the glossary of the EoTW. myrddraal.gif



Well... except I've always thought that the pronunciation guides in the back of the books are kinda vague.


For example, Myrddraal is pronounced MUHRD-draal.

Do both a's get pronounced?


what about saidar and saidin?


they are sah-ih-DAHR and sah-ih-DEEN.

I don't see three syllables in the spellings, yet they are there.

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Well, if someone wants to know how to pronounce Nynaeve, then all that person has to do is look up that name in the glossary of the EoTW. myrddraal.gif


Ive not looked it up but Ive always assumed that I was correct on it being Nina Eve in one word.


Say dar and say din is how I say em. I can understand Taim being Ta-eem but Im not going out of my way to pronounce every single i as its own syllable.

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I'm right there with ya. I get the whole run pussycat, kill kill concept....


And I think you did get it right. 99% of people call me New-reet. And the remaining 1% avoids saying my name so they wouldn't say it that way lol


Oh well. I don't really care. As long as you have sweets, I'll answer to any name.






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