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Why is Rand still getting sick when...and a few other questions.


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Just a disclaimer: I'm halfway thru book 11. I just finished the part where a trolloc army attacks Rand at some village, and he and Logain and the others kill them all.(SUCH A GREAT PART. Especially sinse theres been VERY LITTLE action in this book sinse it opened with Galad killing Eamon Valda: hope I spelled those right) And I've learned my lessons about GOOGLING for answers. Several times Ive learned things that havent happened in the series yet, so please try to answer without giving too much away. Also googling for answers isnt as interesting as asking the forum.


Now this chapter is the first Ive read of Rand(I think). And considering the last time I read the series was about 4 or 5 years ago(give or take some time) it's been a while sinse I've read much about Rand.


So given that information, why is it that Rand still gets sick when he channels. Didnt he cleanse the source. Also the book even says things like, he still gets sick even though the source has been cleansed. So maybe Im not suppose to know this yet? Or is it something I forgot. I'll consider that QUESTION ONE. So if anyone wants to answer you can reference the questions by number.


QUESTION TWO: Can soneone recap the wound in Rands side? It seems that he has two difference wounds in the same spot? Nynaeve just tried to heal it, but commented that it didnt do anything, and that there is two wounds. Is this whats making him dizzy when he channels? Again, if im not suppose to know yet, then thats fine. But any information Im already suppose to know would be appreciated.


QUESTION THREE: Supposedly during the part where RAND was holding as much of the One Power as he could, and Logain comments "I know youre stronger than me, what are you trying to prove," or something along those lines, how can Logain see that hes holding the True Power if thats what he was holding. Or was it the One Power, and it was just earlier that he had touched the True Power. SO CONFUSING. I'd like that one cleared. Rand CAN embrace the TRUE POWER at will? And can he chose between the One Power and True Power? Am I suppose to know this yet? PLEASE dont give anything away, but also please clarify anything that can be clarified.


QUESTION FOUR: Rand has the guys face who saved him in Shadar Logoth float through his mind about the time of this attack. Does it ever say, let me rephrase, HAS it said who that was that saved him? Or is that a tid-bit for later on. Also, didnt he hit someone else's Balefire? Was it this same guy's Balefire that he hit? THe guy that saved him? Or am I confusing that part with someone else.Did he cross balefire with a different person? (LOL makes me think of Ghostbusters: DONT CROSS THE STREAMS)


Anyway Ive got a billion questions, but Ill stop at that for now. Too much might give too much away. Again thanks in advance for anyone taking time to read this and taking time to post any answers. And please refrain from any spoilers if you can. I know you might let something slip that wasnt in the timeline yet, but if you can....




EDIT: WHY DOES NOONE BELIEVE RAND AND NYAEVE CLEANSED THE MALE POWER? Logain and Taim neither one believe him. The way his character is written, it doesnt seem like he would lie about something like that.


You will mostly get RAFO'd on these to be honest because you're only up to book 11. (RAFO=Read And Find Out)


About Rands sickness, definitely a RAFO, that one.


QUESTION TWO: Can soneone recap the wound in Rands side? It seems that he has two difference wounds in the same spot? Nynaeve just tried to heal it, but commented that it didnt do anything, and that there is two wounds. Is this whats making him dizzy when he channels? Again, if im not suppose to know yet, then thats fine. But any information Im already suppose to know would be appreciated.


I can explain this one seeing as youre on book 11. The first wound is a round half-healed scar from his last fight with Ishamael, tainted with either the True Power or the Taint itself, not 100% sure which but Id guess the Taint. The second wound is a knife slice he got off Fain, which runs over the first scar, and that ones infected with the Shadar Logoth nastiness from the dagger. Because the Ishy wound and the Fain one are of opposing evil forces the two infections fight each other according to Damer Flynn, but he still felt the need to ward them with saidin.


QUESTION THREE: Supposedly during the part where RAND was holding as much of the One Power as he could, and Logain comments "I know youre stronger than me, what are you trying to prove," or something along those lines, how can Logain see that hes holding the True Power if thats what he was holding. Or was it the One Power, and it was just earlier that he had touched the True Power. SO CONFUSING. I'd like that one cleared. Rand CAN embrace the TRUE POWER at will? And can he chose between the One Power and True Power? Am I suppose to know this yet? PLEASE dont give anything away, but also please clarify anything that can be clarified.


Its easy to get mixed up between the One Power and the True Power because the One Power is drawn from the True Source :D Rand was holding saidin in that scene, and Logain was making an estimate, nothing more. An educated guess.


QUESTION FOUR: Rand has the guys face who saved him in Shadar Logoth float through his mind about the time of this attack. Does it ever say, let me rephrase, HAS it said who that was that saved him? Or is that a tid-bit for later on. Also, didnt he hit someone else's Balefire? Was it this same guy's Balefire that he hit? THe guy that saved him? Or am I confusing that part with someone else.Did he cross balefire with a different person? (LOL makes me think of Ghostbusters: DONT CROSS THE STREAMS)


Rand crossed balefires and that guy at Shadar Logoth, its the same scene you're thinking of. They crossed balefires at Shadar Logoth. And no, if this is your first time through, you havent been told who that guy is yet. Thats one for later :D


And I know what you mean about people not believing Rand. Thing is, its not necessarily that people think Rand is lying, but they think hes not 100% sane. To some people, Rand saying he Cleansed saidin is a bit like people nowadays saying they hear the voice of God. But I agree, its really annoying, especially the fact that Logain of all people is a skeptic.


Thank you. That helps clear up some of this. No I havent read the whole series. I read up to book 10. And on top of that, I read the first couple books probably over 10 years ago, maybe more. I KNOW I read the first one at least 15 years ago, but its hard to estimate when I read the others. I read them over a course of probably 10 years.


I havent read any of them in probably 5 to 7 years. Hard to say. And I WANTED to re-read the first 10, but I cant wait. Ill more than likely reread them once Im done with the series(not gonna be much help helping me catch up for books 11-14 but oh well). So yeah I cant remember SOO much.


Which is the reason I came to this forum to begin with. In fact this forum has helped me SOOO MUCH. But even with all its help, I feel lost about a good many things. But even though you RAFO'd question one, that pretty much answers my question. If its something that is still hanging, thats fine. I would just rather KNOW that Im not suppose to know something and opposed to having forgotten it.


A side note while Im thinking about it: As far as QUESTIOIN FOUR goes, the man who helped Rand at Shadar Logoth, I remember thinking(back in the day after reading it for the first time) that it was somehow Rand himself that saved...himself. Sort of like the Harry Potter scene where Harry saves himself(And I hadnt even saw that movie yet, so it was a totally original thought, not a Harry Potter based thought....anyway) But if Im not suppose to know thats fine. In fact thats a reason why I dont google anymore. I read too much about who that might be accidentally, when trying to catch up on some recaps from the first books. So Im trying to put that out of my mind. Anyway, thats why I HATE googling for these answers.


Thanks, again.


No probs! All Id say is, get through TGS and ToM as quick as you can, that way you wont be "spoiled" by anything in the general WoT board.


Funnily enough I recently started another reread starting with book 11 too... cool coincedence. Im nearly done with KoD, which is good because book

is my second favorite :D But yeah, I think most of us will end up doing a full reread once the last book is out. Me I started this one because I wanted a recap but prob wouldnt make it a full way through before AMoL is released (Im a slow reader)


Im not saying any more about the Shadar Logoth incedent other than RAFO and enjoy. I-and probably many others on here-would probably give a lot to be in your position again!


Since it has been so long since you started I would recommend after KoD you do a reread of the entire series before you continue. I know that will be difficult but it will make the experience far more enjoyable and you will also be a lot closer to aMoL being released when you finish!


Thank you. That helps clear up some of this. No I havent read the whole series. I read up to book 10. And on top of that, I read the first couple books probably over 10 years ago, maybe more. I KNOW I read the first one at least 15 years ago, but its hard to estimate when I read the others. I read them over a course of probably 10 years.


I havent read any of them in probably 5 to 7 years. Hard to say. And I WANTED to re-read the first 10, but I cant wait. Ill more than likely reread them once Im done with the series(not gonna be much help helping me catch up for books 11-14 but oh well). So yeah I cant remember SOO much.


Which is the reason I came to this forum to begin with. In fact this forum has helped me SOOO MUCH. But even with all its help, I feel lost about a good many things. But even though you RAFO'd question one, that pretty much answers my question. If its something that is still hanging, thats fine. I would just rather KNOW that Im not suppose to know something and opposed to having forgotten it.


A side note while Im thinking about it: As far as QUESTIOIN FOUR goes, the man who helped Rand at Shadar Logoth, I remember thinking(back in the day after reading it for the first time) that it was somehow Rand himself that saved...himself. Sort of like the Harry Potter scene where Harry saves himself(And I hadnt even saw that movie yet, so it was a totally original thought, not a Harry Potter based thought....anyway) But if Im not suppose to know thats fine. In fact thats a reason why I dont google anymore. I read too much about who that might be accidentally, when trying to catch up on some recaps from the first books. So Im trying to put that out of my mind. Anyway, thats why I HATE googling for these answers.


Thanks, again.


I've been reading and re-reading this series for the last 15 years. Each time a book has come out I have re-read the entire series and sometimes more than once if there was a wait. I don't claim to be a fanatic like a lot of people here (I hardly ever back myself by quoting books, chapters, pages etc., let alone interviews or blogs/twitter god forbid) but I usually know whar I'm talking about even if I have it in the wring time-frame or context.


My point is, that you have plenty of time to finish the series twice over as it stands. Don't forget to include New Spring as it has many truths to impart and will enhance your comprehension of the entire series.


As to your Q4: RAFO, you will be surprised!


I have an opinion on what it was. but I won't spoil. I will say "VoG" "Madness" and a "web of light." everyone who has read through can probably catch what I mean.

So given that information, why is it that Rand still gets sick when he channels. Didnt he cleanse the source. Also the book even says things like, he still gets sick even though the source has been cleansed. So maybe Im not suppose to know this yet? Or is it something I forgot. I'll consider that QUESTION ONE. So if anyone wants to answer you can reference the questions by number.



If you want to, take a look at my thread on Rand and Moridin--it covers the sickness, and hasn't been updated since KoD came out so no spoilers.

So given that information, why is it that Rand still gets sick when he channels. Didnt he cleanse the source.
Firstly, Cleansing the Source will prevent the symptoms of the taint from spreading, but it won't cure them. But the sickness doesn't relate to the taint.


QUESTION THREE: Supposedly during the part where RAND was holding as much of the One Power as he could, and Logain comments "I know youre stronger than me, what are you trying to prove," or something along those lines, how can Logain see that hes holding the True Power if thats what he was holding. Or was it the One Power, and it was just earlier that he had touched the True Power. SO CONFUSING. I'd like that one cleared. Rand CAN embrace the TRUE POWER at will? And can he chose between the One Power and True Power? Am I suppose to know this yet? PLEASE dont give anything away, but also please clarify anything that can be clarified.
Rand hasn't touched the TP by this point, so that's something you shouldn't know. He was holding OP in that scene.


QUESTION FOUR: Rand has the guys face who saved him in Shadar Logoth float through his mind about the time of this attack. Does it ever say, let me rephrase, HAS it said who that was that saved him?
Explicitly, no, but there is enough information to work it out.

It was Moridin.



Well, look at it from their point of view - does it really seem that likely? This guy works out how to cleanse the Source and does so by channeling more of the OP than any human could? If he broke out the CK and channeled, it would seem rather more likely - he could show that he was really capable of channeling in the required quantities.
So given that information, why is it that Rand still gets sick when he channels. Didnt he cleanse the source.
Firstly, Cleansing the Source will prevent the symptoms of the taint from spreading, but it won't cure them. But the sickness doesn't relate to the taint.


QUESTION THREE: Supposedly during the part where RAND was holding as much of the One Power as he could, and Logain comments "I know youre stronger than me, what are you trying to prove," or something along those lines, how can Logain see that hes holding the True Power if thats what he was holding. Or was it the One Power, and it was just earlier that he had touched the True Power. SO CONFUSING. I'd like that one cleared. Rand CAN embrace the TRUE POWER at will? And can he chose between the One Power and True Power? Am I suppose to know this yet? PLEASE dont give anything away, but also please clarify anything that can be clarified.
Rand hasn't touched the TP by this point, so that's something you shouldn't know. He was holding OP in that scene.


QUESTION FOUR: Rand has the guys face who saved him in Shadar Logoth float through his mind about the time of this attack. Does it ever say, let me rephrase, HAS it said who that was that saved him?
Explicitly, no, but there is enough information to work it out.

It was Moridin.



Well, look at it from their point of view - does it really seem that likely? This guy works out how to cleanse the Source and does so by channeling more of the OP than any human could? If he broke out the CK and channeled, it would seem rather more likely - he could show that he was really capable of channeling in the required quantities.



I thought channeling saidin was what made male channelers get sick? I thought thats why he cleansed it? Like I said its been a real long time sinse I read. Or does channeling just make them go crazy, not sick?


And as for him using the True Source, when it says he reached out and filled himself with the One Power, isnt that different from Saidin? If its not I feel stupid. But This is the first time in the book that it goes into detail about a man channeling in first person PoV. And like I said its been 5+ years sinse I read the books. When women channel do they use the One Power, too? Is it the name for saidin and sadir? And lastly. In the Eye of the World when he killed one of those forsaken, he reached out and tapped into The True Source then? Or was it just saidin. I know Im an idiot. And Im NOT googling for answers. It gives so much away that I shouldnt know.

So given that information, why is it that Rand still gets sick when he channels. Didnt he cleanse the source. Also the book even says things like, he still gets sick even though the source has been cleansed. So maybe Im not suppose to know this yet? Or is it something I forgot. I'll consider that QUESTION ONE. So if anyone wants to answer you can reference the questions by number.



If you want to, take a look at my thread on Rand and Moridin--it covers the sickness, and hasn't been updated since KoD came out so no spoilers.


Where does it say in the book anywhere in books 1 thru 11 that he figures out that its Moridin? In chapter Vows from book 11, Rand sees the face again. But he only describes it as the man from Shadar Logoth. He hasnt mentioned anywhere the name Moridin. Anytime he sees the face so far he only calls it the man from Shadar Logoth. In fact he goes on after seeing the face to say that he thinks it must me a Darkfiend, but not a Forsaken, because he knew all their faces by heart.


Are you saying that we as the readers have to conclude that its Moridin, because we know he used the True Source? Or are you saying Rand actually knows the guys name is Moridin, and is aware who he is, etc...


I'm saying that by book 11 the readers know it is Moridin. Rand's connected it to the man in Shadar Logoth, and that that man was using the True Power, but he doesn't know the name Moridin, nor that Moridin used to be Ishamael--we the readers do, Rand does not.


And as for him using the True Source, when it says he reached out and filled himself with the One Power, isnt that different from Saidin? If its not I feel stupid. But This is the first time in the book that it goes into detail about a man channeling in first person PoV. And like I said its been 5+ years sinse I read the books. When women channel do they use the One Power, too? Is it the name for saidin and sadir? And lastly. In the Eye of the World when he killed one of those forsaken, he reached out and tapped into The True Source then? Or was it just saidin. I know Im an idiot. And Im NOT googling for answers. It gives so much away that I shouldnt know.


The True Source and the One Power are the same thing. Saidin and Saidar are each one half of the True Source/One Power.


The True Power is the power that the Dark One allows certain of his followers to use. It is basically channeling the essence of the Dark One.


I'm saying that by book 11 the readers know it is Moridin. Rand's connected it to the man in Shadar Logoth, and that that man was using the True Power, but he doesn't know the name Moridin, nor that Moridin used to be Ishamael--we the readers do, Rand does not.


AH. Makes sense now.

I thought channeling saidin was what made male channelers get sick? I thought thats why he cleansed it? Like I said its been a real long time sinse I read. Or does channeling just make them go crazy, not sick?
Just crazy (the other symptom of the taint, rotting, hasn't happened to Rand. For which Min, Elayne and Avi should be very grateful). You will note that the sickness when he grasps saidin starts after SL (at the end of ACoS, when he crosses the streams). Mark Grayson already answered your other point.


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