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i am so bored

Mrs. Cindy Gill

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

um, czechs, are you ok? i didn't mean to scare ya... aw, darn it. i lost another one. :sad:




Cindeh. Trust your evil instincts!


And Nyn is right (for once). I dunni scare easy.


Also thanks for the colon thingy. It tickled.


Should also say if I am slow to reply its because I have no internetz at the mo. Library internet ftw? No? Ok fair enough


Careful, I might just lock you in a small, windowless room with Ed. Forever.



No prison can contain me!

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ok... no talking about the last martins book then *sigh*



why not? i'm sorry, i won't perform any dastardly medical procedures on you if you don't want me to. i think most everyone else has read it, and i love spoilers. plus maybe i'll get the book, and i won't have to worry about unpleasant surprises.


very relieved to hear you enjoyed the procedure, czechs, and definitely library internet ftw!


(wish i knew how to multiquote, or keep up, but can only do this, sorry)


and ya :myrddraal: chat was fun, Nyn, and i was very un-bored last night, though i got a bit fuzzy afterwards when i ignored the labels on some of my meds. but i blame them for implanting the idea by putting it on the labels.

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

Mouse problems? I have mere mortal problems! Theres just so many. Theyre like carrion-eating maggots, except they arent maggots, and only the best ones eat carrion.





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Posted Yesterday, 03:38 PM


so i bend down a few minutes ago to clean up what i assume is a hairball, which is... a cat thing, and can't be helped, so i'm cool with that.


and then i see that it is not a hairball, though it was formed in the same manner.


it was, instead, a reverse peristaltically ejected whole baby mouse.






and last night replays itself in my mind....


how snuggly and close my little bugsy boy was, all night long... how he slept pressed right up to my back, and wouldn't even move when i turned in my sleep.


i thought, every time i woke, oh, my sweet precious bunny boy, he must be cold, or feeling poorly, or needing comfort...


but now... i remember the last time he behaved this way - it was last fall, when he had a freshly killed mousie to guard and figured my pillow would be the safest spot in the house.


all night long he had slept beside me, treasuring his precious kill like a lion... what a delightful sight i woke to that day...


but this day, i did not wake to it. i slept with both of them, the kittie and the deceased mousielet, all night... and then either he, or my darling murphy, swallowed that thing down whole. and hacked it back up.


and now i realize that where there is one baby mouse, there are at least 5 more. minimum.


and murphy's been hanging out under the bed way more than usual... very quiet and content and off on her own, which neither of my cats ever do...


and i know where the nest has to be... or the graveyard.


and i pray that it is a graveyard, lord forgive me. because my kitties have an odd habit of making pets of mice, and playing with them for weeks on end... until the mice run away from me, and toward the kitties, because they have that much love for each other...


and... i just.... had to type this to try to get it out of my head a bit. after i washed my hands a few dozen times. and replayed the probable dead baby mouse sleepover in my mind a few times.




that is all.




yes, ley, i know this was tl;dr. it's okay, you missed nothing good. nothing good at all.

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