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it was kind of a pleasant rocking in my office chair, that went on too long and was obviously an earthquake after we all yelled across the office, "hey, is this an earthquake?" my sister in westchester thoguht they were doing some heavy repairs in her building. my mom was driving in the same neighborhood and felt nothing. my stepdad was in jersey doing a medical procedure and the monitors and the lights swayed, and the walls and floor shook. i guess he was closer.


on the way home it seemed that some of the power poles were not quite plumb, but then again, i don't know if i ever looked that close before.


Checking in from Portsmouth va. Lots of shaking but everything seems ok. Talked to some family in Richmond and they are ok too. I think this thing rocked the entire East coast. Who-hoo! I survived my first earthquake! Do you think I should get a teeshirt for it? Lol


Absolutely! I would like one too...though this is my 3rd quake. :D


Yeah I know. And freakin' A...now we may get hit with a hurricane the likes of the 1938 one that nearly wiped out parts of Long Island and changed its geographical shape. Winds 80 - 120 mph. Possible tornado warnings and flooding. And I live near the coast. Flipping lovely. I'm a bit nervous about this one...


Gonne go get some emergency gear tomorrow.


be safe, love!


Thanks Charis *hugs* My husband may be forced to work Sat night when this all starts to come down. So...I may be left with our 14 year old, my elderly mother in law, and 2 animals to care for if something happens. So I'm stocking up on first aid kits, tarps, food etc...


Same here in southern Brooklyn. We're right near the Coney Island coast and it's likely we'll be evacuated! =O This has never happened to me in my life and I'm a bit anxious. I have an 11-mth-old and I'm almost 6 mths pregnant! T__T Not a good time to be evacuated from your comfy home... =/


Same here in southern Brooklyn. We're right near the Coney Island coast and it's likely we'll be evacuated! =O This has never happened to me in my life and I'm a bit anxious. I have an 11-mth-old and I'm almost 6 mths pregnant! T__T Not a good time to be evacuated from your comfy home... =/


I heard about that. They have already evacuated some of Fire Island. Now there is talk that they mighr evacuate everyone south of Sunrise Highway. We're south. Hope it doesn't happen. Hope you and your babies are safe. Isn't there anyone you can stay with? Go and rent a hotel or something. After Katrina I don't really trust emergency nshelters.



Went out on foot today to buy some provisions. The stores were mobbed and much of the food and water was gone. Still need to go again tomorrow because I can only carry so much by hand.


Usually people evacuate FROM Florida - maybe y'all should evacuate TO Florida!


Y'all stay safe and check in when you can. Remember power outages are likely too so have lots of non-perishables and if you have a camp stove, make sure you have fuel for it. Flashlights, batteries, weather radio, fill the tubs/sinks with water (and jugs if you have them). Also, fill up your cars now in case you are forced to evacuate.


LOL not a bad idea Daruya. ^-^ Actually we were initially thinking of driving upstate and renting a hotel room. But my mother in law won't leave her pets and we're not willing to leave her so we're sticking it out here. Plus my parents are on the island too.


Working on the water situation. A lot of the stores near me are out and I only managed to lug home enough for aday. BUt I'm heading out again tomorrow and this time I'll have a ride. ^^




Seriously, there are some real nuts out there. Holidays and hurricanes bring out the crazies. Nearly got hit by 2 speeding cars walking around the parking lots and people were fighting over the last flashlight at the dollar store. And it's not even a full moon. O-o


Hope everyone is safe this weekend.


Yea, Poet, I think if they evacuate us we're going to drive up to my husband's grandma's apt. It's small, an assisted living bldg, but it's in a safe zone. Right now we're also stocking up on water, charging up phones, filling gas tanks, etc. What a crazy wknd. My husband and I were supposed to go to Pennsylvania for the day on Sat, and now we're debating because if the subways get shut down (very likely), then the highways or bridges may, too, which means we're stuck in PA separated from our daughter and parents. I'd rather we're home in case of anything. So now I've got to cancel all the plans... =/


Remember to boil as much water as you can and preferably keep it in flasks.


*Hugs everyone* please stay safe and keep us updated as much as you can.


Is anyone willing to make a list of people who are in affected areas, so we can tick them off as safe as and when?


Checing in. :) Everyone's OK here. Some still have no power but I'm in a lucky spot. Had a big piece of a downed tree fall inches from our front door, and some flooding that made it hard to drive. Saw a few fallen trees and lots of debris on the roads. But no serious damage anyhere near me that I can see. :)


Got to ride out the entire storm in my husband's taxi for his 12 hour shift. It was very interesting, and wet, and cold, and exhausting. LOL I'm a storm chaser at heart. It was totally awesome. :)


Hoping everyone else is OK out there.


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