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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

Bought my son an iPad & my daughter an iPod. The wife got me an iPhone & I got her an iRon. Wife wasn't overjoyed even after i explained it can be integrated with the iWash, iCook, and iClean networks. This opened the iNag reminder service which totally wiped out the iShag function

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael



Oh dear. 20 points.


Why thank you good sir.




WHAT AM I SAYING?!? *stabs ed*









Oh come on, you KNOW the corners of that mouth are twitching! Just smquirk and be done with it

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

Oh, that is priceless! 20 points.



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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

It was clever but alas I can only give you praise for my points to give out are none


*ponders for a moment*


Fair excuse. But dont use it again. Otherwise you'll learn the real the meaning of bad company! :myrddraal:


Still, 50 points for one joke ain't half bad.


Ok I have a question! As I understand, I got 20 points last month. Does that mean I can hand them out in the same fashion?

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

Silly? *looks over his shoulder* Who you talking to?




I didnt know there was a wiki, will have a look. Nice one, geezer!

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  • Club Leader

When you reach 100 pts, Czechs, you'll get an invitation to join a faction. (If you have a preference, there's nothing wrong with letting that faction leader know it :wink: ) That will put you at level 2. Long story short, you need to be at level 4 to give out points. And there aren't many of those positions (3 per faction) so it can be competitive. (Except in the Shadowspawn. They're afraid of work...)


HERE is the link to the wiki. (Something Ed could have provided, if he wasn't so lazy.)

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So, if you're lazy but still want attention....yeah.



And I'm using the "iRon" idea with my wife. I'll let you know how that works out. Heck, I'll just type it here while I'm sleeping on the couch. O_o

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