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Hi-New to DragonMount!


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Hello all of you WoT fans !!! I am new to Dragonmount community and I would like to learn more about the release date of the Memory of Light, and also a simple explanation about the end of the ToM cause I got as little confused... :flamingsword:

Why does Lanfear appear and IS it truly Lanfear? I know she has been ressurected, but why (and how) does Rand see her in his dreams?

Finally, what do you think wiull happen with the Seanchan? The images we saw from Aviendhas vision were quite grim...

Anyway, thank you all, I am ready to post in any of your topics! :laugh:


PS. How can I add specific..sentences under my posts? Like quotes you know? :flamingsword:

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hello, and welcome to dragonmount, Mike al Thor!


as far as i know, the latest expected release date is novemberish 2012.


for discussion of your other questions, try popping down on the forum boards into wheel of time discussion, sub-forums "general WOT discussion," and also "aMoL non-spoler discussion." i think the search function is working, so you can type in like "lanfear," or something, and get a jillion hits. or you can just scan the boards and find several threads which deal, at length, with your questions. if you don't find the answer to a "simple" question, there's a thread in the general WOT forum called something like ask a simple question, get a simple answer. it works very well.


re getting quotes to appear under your post, that's a signature. up in the right hand corner of the webpage you see your nick, and next to it an arrow pointing down? click on the arrow and you get a drop down menu. second thing on the menu should be "my settings." click on that, and one of the tabs under settings will be "profile." on the left side of that page is a submenu, and third from the top on mine says "change signature," and yours probably says that too, or something very similar. click on that. . . phew, i promise this is easier to do than to describe. . . and there should be a box on the right that says "edit signature," and in that box you type what you want, and then click on the red box that says "save changes." easy peasy, ya? :blink:



but your professional greeters will be here soon to assist you further, and much more better. please enjoy your stay, and if you have any questions, just ask. :smile:

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Welcome to Dragonmount Mike! I hope you enjoy your time here and I'm sure you'll love the book forums! Try to be a little careful of what you post outside of those forums though, because some haven't read the entire series and you could be unwittingly spoiling the books for them. If you want to have some fun socially be sure to check out the Social Organizations, you can be a Warder or an Aes Sedai or many other things and get to know other Wheel of Time fans. Have fun! Hope I see you around! :)

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hello, and welcome to dragonmount, Mike al Thor!


as far as i know, the latest expected release date is novemberish 2012.


for discussion of your other questions, try popping down on the forum boards into wheel of time discussion, sub-forums "general WOT discussion," and also "aMoL non-spoler discussion." i think the search function is working, so you can type in like "lanfear," or something, and get a jillion hits. or you can just scan the boards and find several threads which deal, at length, with your questions. if you don't find the answer to a "simple" question, there's a thread in the general WOT forum called something like ask a simple question, get a simple answer. it works very well.


re getting quotes to appear under your post, that's a signature. up in the right hand corner of the webpage you see your nick, and next to it an arrow pointing down? click on the arrow and you get a drop down menu. second thing on the menu should be "my settings." click on that, and one of the tabs under settings will be "profile." on the left side of that page is a submenu, and third from the top on mine says "change signature," and yours probably says that too, or something very similar. click on that. . . phew, i promise this is easier to do than to describe. . . and there should be a box on the right that says "edit signature," and in that box you type what you want, and then click on the red box that says "save changes." easy peasy, ya? :blink:



but your professional greeters will be here soon to assist you further, and much more better. please enjoy your stay, and if you have any questions, just ask. :smile:


thank you very much for the info..

also, i thought that the signature was sth else, sth like a strange 3 letter thing.. :tongue: lol

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Welcome to Dragonmount Mike! I hope you enjoy your time here and I'm sure you'll love the book forums! Try to be a little careful of what you post outside of those forums though, because some haven't read the entire series and you could be unwittingly spoiling the books for them. If you want to have some fun socially be sure to check out the Social Organizations, you can be a Warder or an Aes Sedai or many other things and get to know other Wheel of Time fans. Have fun! Hope I see you around! :)


thank you and thanks for the tip ! i will be careful lol i hadnt thought of that :)

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For what Aviendha saw, I like to believe it won't happen because I think she saw it before Rand sat at Dragonmount and he changed after that so it shoudn't happen. Gathering Storm and Towers of Midnight have confused the time.


Welcome to Dragonmount.


If you have any questions, just ask.


Have fun here.

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Welcome to DM Mike :)


Cindy and Lia really covered everything so i am just adding my hi! LOL


If you need help with anything at all to do with DM just drop me a PM or post here and i will get back to you.


I hope you are loving DM as much as the rest of us addicts do.



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