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Black Head incoming


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Hi guys - I've requested that Kathleen, Head of the Black Ajah, be added to this board, since she's RPing the NSW Black Head who also happens to be a Blue. It will just make it easier to plan RPs if she can also have access here. Hope you guys don't mind!

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I believe you CC'd her Em, so you should know about her :P


But all the rest of us, she is a thinker. She loves a challenge, and is really good with cracking codes. Infact, she's been known to be one of the top people to go to when other Aes Sedai can't crack a code. She has a great memory for piecing together puzzles and remembering small details. She is really well regarded by many Aes Sedai around the Tower as well as within the blues(so if any of you wanna be my fwiend I'm totally up for it!). She had been a straight shooting Blue for many years and only became Black after she got too caught up in trying to puzzle out the death of 2 Aes Sedai. It was more of a 'do or die' situation, that she logically talked herself into taking the 'life' option for.


She still is as devoted to the Blues as she can be, and hasn't given up her drive to throw herself into her work for the Tower. She is still the same girl she always was, she'll just stab you in the back if the Great Lord tells her to <.<


On that note, I'd love to play her as a Blue as well as a Black to really develop her, so please don't hesitate to involve her in Blue things k?

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