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Aelfinn and Eelfinn Ter'angreal stockpile


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We know they have a stockpile of Aes Sedai items given to them during the Age of Legends. But do they have any of the Ter'angreal that allow ordinary people to create Ter'angreal? The kind that were used to mass produce Ter'angreal iPods during the Age of Legends? It seems that it would make sense for them to have it sense it would allow them to replenish their stock.

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We know they have great stores of ter'angreal from a Q&A with Brandon Sanderson. Other than that, I'm not sure about any of the other things you said.


I would assume that some of their ter'angreal came from people visiting during the AoL, the gifts of them likely being a proper 'price' for either their leavetaking or other requests, because they knew how things worked and would be prepared. Many probably didn't escape, so whatever possessions they carried were also added to the stockpile. I'd guess that 'great stores' means that they've been gathering stuff for longer than an age. But, there's no way to know for sure either way.


I don't recall ever having heard of ter'angreal that would allow ordinary people to make ter'angreal. Nor have I heard of mass produced ter'angreal iPods in the AoL. Were those ideas mentioned in interviews I haven't read?


As for replenishing their stocks, I'm guessing that they just have been collecting them for so long that they have a lot (over the course of many ages). A tiny minority of people people would have the luck or bargaining skills to actually come away with many of them.

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A terangreal that makes terangreal, not sure whether there ever was one anywhere.


Age of Legends might have had assembly lines, but they might have been very big.

I guess just channelers can make terangreal/sa'angreal/angreal.


Eelfinn's stock pile I guess would be relatively small things.

Aelfinn I guess would not have a stock pile since they seem to not exchange items.

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