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my name is lance, though here on the boards I use a name I took when I became pagan. I use that name for a lot of things. I'm 25 years old, married with 3 wonderful children. I've been following the wheel of time since I was 14. Ever since I turned the first page I fell in love with the series. Though it is rather difficult to keep up with all things WOT when I have my job and family that are above everything else in my life. I've been serving in the army for the past 4 years and have been to korea, iraq (and again some time soon), and all over the USA. I am a massive d&d nerd. and love spending time outdoors with my family. Questions?


Hm questions, so what made you join up here, looking for debates, just hanging out with other people with same interest in the social groups, want to write in the wot'verse through RP...


this will help us help you navigate, oh and do you have any questions yourself?



read wot since late teens


Well I love a good debate on topics from WOT. I definitely enjoy good RP, though I couldn't do it regularly with my schedule. But the idea of putting my ideas out there and talking with people that enjoy the series as much as I do was largely the appeal that drew me to DM. In all honesty I'd like to put some of the campaigns I wrote for the WOT rpg here and get some feedback. Especially the stuff for the AOL.


Welcome to Dragonmount! You've come to the right place for good WoT discussions. :laugh: Personally, I rarely join the discussions, but I like to read everyone's theories. I'm more active in the social group part of DM. :smile:


well for that you may want too look too the artist, writers and crafters guild, i know they were working on some other worldbuilding projects


it would also be posible to test it out in the free rp postal stone world which i never remember the name of (shame on me)


and there are people who are on and off and dont mind rolleplays taking time, so even if your schedule is hectic its posible to rolleplay if you want too


well for that you may want too look too the artist, writers and crafters guild, i know they were working on some other worldbuilding projects


it would also be posible to test it out in the free rp postal stone world which i never remember the name of (shame on me)


and there are people who are on and off and dont mind rolleplays taking time, so even if your schedule is hectic its posible to rolleplay if you want too




Thank you very much


I can't remember the name either, Lii - I just call it the Wacky RP Board ... lol


Welcome to DM, Valkyn - as Lii said, feel free to ask us any questions. I'm on both the RP and the Social side, and I read some of the WoT Discussions when I have time. Well, usually I just stalk Luckers and Mr Ares to see what interesting things they've been posting :tongue:


Welcome to DM! :biggrin:


Glad you are enjoying yourself here! Don't hesitate to ask questions if you want help or further advice.


And maybe our paths will cross...


Welcome to DM! :biggrin:


Glad you are enjoying yourself here! Don't hesitate to ask questions if you want help or further advice.


And maybe our paths will cross...




already applied. Mat is my fav char. I really like the idea of tBotRH

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain


Ahh, nice to see new members, as always.


Fresh meat to turn. Would you like to step over here? Dont mind those lovely ladies in Black or the Myrddraal, and no need to count, wouldnt want to strain you.


I have been a regular on the WoT discussion board for a year or so, it will be great to here new PoV's!


Just joined up to the Social groups myself, and I regret not taking the chance sooner. Lovely people all on the boards, I recommend it 100%



Oh, and questions?


Well, how about favoite and least favorite characters?

already applied. Mat is my fav char. I really like the idea of tBotRH

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

Great to have you on board!


Ahh, nice to see new members, as always.


Fresh meat to turn. Would you like to step over here? Dont mind those lovely ladies in Black or the Myrddraal, and no need to count, wouldnt want to strain you.


I have been a regular on the WoT discussion board for a year or so, it will be great to here new PoV's!


Just joined up to the Social groups myself, and I regret not taking the chance sooner. Lovely people all on the boards, I recommend it 100%



Oh, and questions?


Well, how about favoite and least favorite characters?





Honestly my least favorite major characters were the gholam, aran'gar, moghedien. The gholam didn't really do much besides pop up from time to time and pretty much say "Hi, I'm that weird thing that shows up from time to time. By the way, some people you know are dead. Yep, I killed em. Smack we with your medallion a couple times Matt then I'll run until you chuck me off a skimming platform." Aran'gar was to busy doing nothing important, being a nuisance, and trying to kiss and "play" with anything breathing or not. As for Moghedien, sucking at life that bad should earn an award. As soon as she was collared she became a simpering, worthless, whining little brat. You'd think the DO would screen his employees first lol.


For my favorites I would have to first say Matrim Cauthon, then Rand, Lan, Logain, Thom, and Loial. Matt has a tendency to be hilariously sarcastic, and just wants to live a simple and fun life. Funny enough, that's how I see a lot of my own aspects. Rand I tend to connect to his inner turmoil due to some things I've been through in my own life. Lan because of his sense of honor and duty. Logain because he's the guy that you could see as a friend to Rand, as well as a non-corrupt, non-DF leader to the black tower. Thom because he is incredibly creative and always has a surprise...and a dagger...up his sleeve. Loial is an adventuring scholar who you grow to love in every book until ToM when his only mention is at the very beginning of the prologue(kinda makes you want to hear more about the happenings of the great stump)


then may i invite you to join the shadow forces and show all how it should be done ;)


of course in the rp, we are a portal stone so we dont follow the book too the T, and curently we are holding a couple countries in the mainplot (many plotlines are not set a time too or is in the past, mainplot is the most future or present line there is which is compatible too how far into the books we goten, though some things may happen differently too the books)



Congress of the Shadow RP Group


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