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Pandy's Really Hard Music Quiz


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So, it's midnight and I'm taking a break from writing my essay. Points to anybody who can explain one of the following terms (in a musical context, if the option exists). Google makes the following pretty easy, but I'm eager to share even a little of the pain.


1. panenphysicality (moderate difficulty: 10 points)


2. saltus duriusculus (easy: 8 points)


3. Nag-Gnosticism (difficult: 12 points)


4. materiality (moderate: 10 points)


5. fugue (Good luck sorting through the wikipedia article. 10 points)

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A Fugue is a composition (otherwise known as a piece of music) that uses two or more voices (either groups of the same instruments or literal voices) that is built upon a theme (usually a melody or the heart of the piece). The theme is usually introduced in the beginning of the piece (but it's not the true theme, it's an imitation that plays the theme at different pitches) and recurs throughout the rest of the piece, the theme is reintroduced and often tweaked moderately or substantially.


Best I could do for Fugue.

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Nope, I came back to work my way back up the ranks.


Or however that might work. I dunno. I couldn't tell you where they would put me, but probably back with the lightfuls. Which I was only a part of for mere moments the first time I showed up back in 2005.


I keep thinking I can't wait to get my teeth back. *sigh* I miss my teeth. But at least I have eyes now. :)

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*prods with a tazer* I'm pretty sure your Eyeless self would be the current Shaidar Haran. In which case, I probably shouldn't be prodding you with a tazer...


Old habits die hard.


But, yes, I doubt I'll ever be anything but SS. I had entertained thoughts of BA or DL, but, really, I just wouldn't fit in.

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