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Final Fantasy, anyone?


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But then I'd have to put him in my party :( And I have a philosophical objection to doing that.


I still can't wait for Versus 13 to come out. That should be a blast.


Indeed. I'm quite looking forward to it. Tho I wish they would've left 13 whole, instead of chopping it into 2 games. At any rate, it should be better than 13 was. But I shall be most irritated if Hope is in it.

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Versus 13, isn't actually apart of FF13 in the normal method.

FF13-2 however, is the direct sequel.


(From the way I understand it, FF versus 13, is in the same world, but its not, aka, you won't see lightning in it. Also appears to be in a version that looks similar to modern day tokyo...



Posted 08 April 2011 - 04:50 AM


Yeah, the sphere grid in X was awesome. Loved the story, blitzball, the whole thing. If you haven't played VIII or IX tho, you really ought to give them a try. They are so worth it


I would play them but it's going to cost me $100 plus dollars to buy and I really can't justify that cost no matter how much I love FF.


I ended up with Vaan, Ashe and Balthiers as my mains. Balthiers with beserk and gun=win and then the other two for support, so far the toughest battle I've had was gilgamesh the second time, him and his annoying dog :angry:


I didn't have a problem with Gilgamesh, for some reason. It was kinda fun, actually.

Try looking on Ebay for them. I got a brand new copy of Tactics for $20. It was awesome :biggrin:


Top 3?


1. FFX - Excelled in everything! I actually refuse to beat Sin because I don't think i could deal with it ending twice :(

2. FF13

3. FF7/8/9 - Just can't choose!


Most awesome Villain? KEFKA!


Thing about FF12 though is, if your characters are over-leveled it makes it insanely easy. But if they're under leveled then you're screwed. Atleast in my case :p


FFTactics, VII, VIII, IX are all available at the Playstation Store for 10 dollars a piece. If you have a PS3 (or PSP, I think) just go that route.


My top three would have to be:

1. FFX




X for the characters, storyline, blitzball, and sphere grid. VIII for, well, everything. Characters, storyline, massive sidequests, Triple Triad, the junctioning system, the GFs...yeah, everything. And XII because I found the story to be intriguing, the characters fun (particularly Basch and Ashe), the license system rocked, I liked the challenge of the hunts and getting all the Espers,even though using them actually sucked, and I loved the new battle system.


As I've said, I'm currently playing VII, but I'm really looking forward to playing VIII again :laugh:


I did really enjoy Blitzball. I thought it was hard the first time I played the Mandatory game, but once I joined the League, I found it was really easy to break, and so had to purposely hold myself back just to not roll through everyone. XD


It was the same for me, but it ended up not mattering much.

I put Ropp as my Center, Tidus and Brother on the wings and the Guado goalie in net.

Boom, instant juggernaut


Tidus and one of the al bheds on the other wing, brother in the centres since he was the quickest and I could just swim around and leave a whole team behind while I passed to fowards wide open. If I can get him Nimrook in goals and Ropp and Judda as backs.

Al Bhed Psyches are almost all of my team


My favorite Final Fantasy games -


FFIV hardtype - I remember playing FF 2 as a kid, and being so excited to play it again the next day I had trouble going to sleep. I loved the game THAT much. Then I discovered emu, and the fact there was a BETTER version out. OMG. It was on.


FFX - The gameplay was near pitch perfect. Having to use all of the char's in order to get exp? I had really never used 'steal' in a game before, but it was kinda fun to pop Rikku in for the battle, steal, use a bomb or something, then pop back out. Also, while some of the story tended to wander into normal WTF moments, the relationship between Tidus and Yuna....yeah...the last scene with them together, as the music plays and the camera encircles them before he jumps off the ship. Priceless.


FFIX - "I'm sorry my princess, the abduction is over. I can carry you no further." Before I had got there myself, one of my roommates got to the end. All three of us watched the ending together. When it got to that line, we were all kinda weeping just a little bit.


FFXIII - I know, most of you probably hate it. I wasn't much for the first half being liner. But the battle system, for those that stuck it out and learned it, was one of the freshest I've ever seen. It was addictive enough to farm ALL the trophy's in the PS3 version. And I'm not a trophy guy.


FFX-2 - A cute game. Good mechanics. As I am neither 13 nor female, obviously I wasn't the target audience for the story. But seeing the true ending with her getting back together with Tidus? Yeah, what can I say. I'm a Yuna/Tidus fanboy.


FF1 - First RPG I ever played. My goodness, that Marsh Cave was tough. (For a 9 year old, or whatever I was when I first played it) A punishing difficulty. Maybe if I discovered it today, I would have been bored with it. But back then, with no internet, and only our friends and Nintendo Power for help. It felt more epic then I suppose it really was. But my memories of it are epic, and to me, that is what counts.



Least favorite?


FFVIII - The only one I really didn't like. I might would have liked it more, but at the beginning when you basically had to use summons to survive, and the summon animations took SO SO SO LONG. It just kinda sucked the enjoyment out of it for me. I beat it, because I made a vow to beat every Final Fantasy game, and almost to a tee I've kept said vow. But, it really wasn't enjoyable.



Most Overrated to Me


FFVII - I liked it. I enjoyed it. But I never thought it was like, oh my goodness the most amazing thing ever. I think the reason being is I didn't have a Playstation when it first came out, and Bleem at the time didn't work very well if at all. So I didn't play it until years later. So the whole "OMG it's in 3D" thing wasn't apart of my experience playing the game. Still, I totally enjoyed it, don't get me wrong. And the end of Disc 1 I believe, or maybe it's 2, when a certain someone dies. Awsomesauce. But, eh


Just my opinions!




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