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The Flame & The Void

Dark Justice

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re-reading "knife of dreams" & noticed something. In Galads battle with Valda, he uses the old "flame & void" consentration power-trick. It was describing Galads sensations very much the same way its described when Rand reaches for the source.


What im wondering is basically: Do we have a channeler here? Or is that just the way flame & void workes for both channelers & non channelers?


The flame and void technique can basically be equated to a form of meditation, allowing yourself to become one with your surounding so you understand it better, and can react properly. It would be a technique that would be used by any proper swordsman, archer, fighter, etc. The extra sensation of ones senses is merely from paying more attention to them. That is from a real life perspective. Of course, the source adds more sensation, but I dont think that Galad is a channeler..it would be an interesting twist though for RJ to take.


yes. I know its i kond of meditation used for swordsmen. But I never saw it described so close to using the source. He describes it pretty much like Rand does. I thought it could be a weir turn for RJ to make thugh... Ashaman & Lord Captain Commander at the same time.. That could have been very weir..


It would be a differant turn of events, cool actually, but we have never seen aLan or Tam PoV as they entered the Flame and Void. But the reason it is used is for the heightness in senses, as described in both Rands and Galads PoVs


They do share the same mother and the ability to channel is thought to travel through bloodlines. Plus Rand is one of the most powerful male channelers since the Age of Legends although whether this is due to his bloodlines or him being Lews Therin reborn is debatable. I will have to read the passage again to get my own perspective on this one but I would think the ability to channel would have already manifested itself in Galad since he is older than Rand and presumably would have the spark inborn... but good thought I'll look into it.


Well... we know the Flame and Void is a state of mind practiced by experienced swordsman (or any warriors for that matter). Tam uses the technique, as does Lan, and I'm sure most other blademasters out there. We can't conclude they're all channelers simply because they can clear their mind of emotion and meditate on the task at hand.


Now... unless there are some very odd wordings in how its described with Galad (I'd have to re-read it), I'd probably say the flame and void doesn't prove anything. Not to say its impossible Galad could be a channeler... I just don't think his use of the flame and void is proof.


Lan's experience while having assumed the Oneness is very similar to Galad's when it is described in New Spring. Both have heightened awareness of their surroundings, but neither is described with the "spyglass" quality vision and such experienced by channelers while embracing the Source.


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