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Dungeons and Dragons attribures


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WOT fanatics please help!!! A number of years ago I was browsing through a book store and happened up on a wheel of time book. This book had dungeons and dragons type attributes for all of the boys and a few other notables as well (fades etc.) and looked to be a WOT themed D&D adventure.


I foolishly did not purchace that book.


I decided to rectify my atrocious decision a few weeks ago and ordered "Prophecies of the Dragon" online, which appeared to be the book I was interested in. I just got it... it does not contain the attributes that I remembered reading back in the day (or maybe I'm just not clever enough to find it). That being said it still looks like it will be a very entertaining read (if you are fanatical about WOT anyway).


Does anyone know what the book with the attributes is called and where I can get it?


Thanks in advance.




I enjoyed reading through it, though there was never enough time or interest to run a campaign from it. It even has a foreword by Robert Jordan :happy:


Too bad that was the only roleplaying book published for WoT. This book has the rules and an initial campaign but thats it. This might of had something to do with Red Eagle. Not sure.


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