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Cold got you down? Heat becoming too much?

Kwom Masbag

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The new product that I mentioned is the Concentration Technique mentioned in the WoT books. Sure sure, people might think that it was just created for the books, but have I got news for you! It works! I know this from experience; a few days ago while waiting for the bus in the morning at 6:45 in the morning, I figured that I didn't have to put up with the cold, such as it was. So I focused, not on the point behind my navel as I should, but merely concentrated on a point in my mind, at which point I suddenly stopped shivering. I've been using it since that time last week, and it's still working. :smile:


So, if any of you are finding the Summer heat or Winter chill unbearable, I suggest you give it a try. If you find it hard to get to that point of concentration, perhaps try the Flame and Void technique before giving this one a shot? :happy:


I can attest to this, and I live in New York. We’ve had perma-snow and ice for the past three weeks that is only now just starting to melt. It works but only as long as you’re concentrating on it. As soon as you get distracted the cold hits you again. You can still get frostbite though. ^^


Haven’t had much luck with heat and sweat though.


I won a competition once on who couldstay in a plunge pool, i found i could actually stay in there pretty much indefinately (well assuming i didnt actually die or get frostbite or whatever. Ok, not indefinately, but as long as needed) by simply not thinking about it.


Mind over matter is very much a cliche but also very very true. I see people giving up after running ten yards and walking again- assuming the person is not obese or physically impaired i guarantee you this is a mental failure not physical.


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