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February Sign in Discussion


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*just laughs* The poor thing is only cursed because of silly fan-girls who have flooded the world with their Twilight crap. If he was in Star Wars, instead, we'd all be drooling. al la Han Solo... *sighs wistfully*

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Nah, I genuinely think he's weird-looking! "Celebrity" menfolk generally look quite.......... girly, is that the right word? Too well groomed.



(And, sorry, but Han Solo's no good either. Maybe he's before my time, ha-ha.)

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*laughs* All good princes are like parking spaces. The best ones are usually taken. ;)


And Lyliann, are you joining the Kin? I see you signed into the sign in thread! :D If so, please feel free to start your own "I wanna join the Kin!" thread so we can give you the party you deserve! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

See, this is why I think to have a little..Twinnie's Twattle thread or something..I was thinking about that just the other dayy..well sort of...like lor liking hans solo..and then the comment he was before her time to like....I was watching VH1 Classic..and the BOn Jovi video came on of "I'll Be Here For You" ..I soooo MISS the Jon BON Jovi with LONG HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact I miss the whole hair thing! I liked hair bands..and long hair! I liked Mullets..and alot the guys that had them looked really GOOOD! of course there were the extremes...some of them were so sculpted they looked really bad..but still...*shrugs* I like the whole Jacob image myself and his wolfieness..he is a cute boy! All those lovely arms....*grins*

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lol, Harrison Ford... *sighs wistfully* I'd still go there, to be honest. My current yum-yum is Timothy Olyphant. I fell in love when he was doing Deadwood on HBO, but now he's on Justified (and I'm fighting like MAD not to get started watching THAT). He's not alone in my collection of "I'd forget Dana's name if he walked up..." men, but he's my favorite. ;)

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