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*enters and see everyone wearing loinclothes* "Umm.. maybe it was a bad idea about getting a drink here... especially if I have to wear one of those..." *points at the Pink loincloth tied around Imperium's head*


*sighs* the barkeep is quite a slacker isn't he?? *walks behind the bar, almost tripping a few times because her eyes are still closed* Now... where is that bandy he was talkin about... *starts feeling around random shelves*


*walks over to Kaylen* "Here let me assist you, since your eyes are closed" *grabs the bottle of Bandy and turns and fills Wolf's cup* "Hmm I wonder what they pay the Barkeep to be doing this job"


*shakes head* "wow no wonder he isn't around at the moment..." *looks at Imperium and gestures at Imperium's legs* "sir I know I am only a recruit and it's probably not my place, but could you please put some pants on. So that the lovely Kaylen here can open her pretty little eyes?"


*looks at Wolf, then throws him a Bar cloth* "your wiping that up! do it again and I'll make you lick it up!" *remembers that he is not the barkeep and chuckles at his comment*


"that works to..." *chuckles again* "Why do I have the feeling that I'm not gonna like what happens to me when the real bartender gets back?"


Psh... the real bartender is a big teddy bear... don't worry... and if he were here doing his job you wouldn't have to worry... :rolleyes:


and by the way it would probably be best to mind your language.. This is a PG-13 forum, and while I know how kids are these days it's better to act like these are precious sheltered children and not use profanity when posting so as to protect them :wink:

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