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Toy and Minion

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Nah, I don't care about getting grammared. If grammar were so important in everyday life, people who write for a living wouldn't have editors. It never bothered me :)


Also, he maybe small and fuzzy, but he is neiter dear nor poor. Have no pity for the ewok, it's a ruse to lure you into coming within face stabbing range...

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see, that's the thing. it's not always a mistake. accidents are often just exactly that. where i drive, the number one cause of accidents is deer collision, and there's nothing you can do anout that most of the time. and that can kill you, and it can cause you to lose control of the car and kill others. if you're lucky it just kills your car.


then there's snow and ice, and other bad road conditions, like a tiny bit of rain on a road that's been dry long enough to get greasy, or leaves, or sudden potholes, washouts, trees or power lines down. doesn't matter how much experience you have, that can mess you up good.


my best friends once called me in a snowstorm - they were one wheel off the cliff at the side of the road. i have no idea what they thought i could do about it. they managed to maneuver back on, but with all the cliffs and snow here, it goes the other way as often as not.


a friend of mine was driving home one snowy night in 97 and had the once in a lifetime good luck to have a tree crash down on his hood. the thing just came down from too much snow weight, and he just happened to drive past as it came down. nothing to do but pray. but when you have an accident, time slows down enough to pray alot. he was super lucky it hit the hood and not the passenger compartment.


then there's freak weather and sudden high winds. again, nothing you can do about it. just hang on and pray,


and my favorite thing most people never think about - the driver, you or the other guy, has a heart attack, a stroke, a seizure, a sleep seizure, or looks away just at the wrong moment, and boom. or grandma whillikins drives up the exit ramp cause she went old in a hurry.


i pray before i drive, every time. and i always prepare to die in the car, because it's the most dangerous thing i do. and because we're rarely, maybe never, in control of anything. if you're not comfortable with the concept of G-d, you can call it the universe, or luck, or fate - but when stuff happens, it happens.


sorry about the doomfulness. but if it's any consolation, the prayer really works for me. and the speed limit, and the room i give other drivers, you know, in case of unexpected human behavior.


so, good luck with the driving. :smile:


(and i got dozens of bad car stories, but i'm holding myself back, cause i have way exceeded most of your attention spans, sorry.)




What's this?????


This thread is the 100 000 post thread, Cindy!!!!!!

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