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Hello, I'd like to join, please!! :)


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Right, please correct me if I'm doing this wrong! I really don't understand the social groups system at all, I only joined DM a couple of days ago. I want to join the Kin because I've read you're about hugs and friendship, pretty sashes and the like... I like the sound of that!


Little bit about me... I live in Scotland, I've been a WoT fan for just over a year and I play the harp. I have a cat who is (supposedly) called Sam, but we know him as Meowkins, and I like to think I'm better at singing than him. My favourite Wheel of Time characters are Nynaeve, Cadsuane, Faile, Moiraine if you ignore New Spring, Mat, Perrin and Rand in everything before book 4 and after the last chapter of 12... and Narg? Ingtar needs more credit for being an absolutely fantastic character! I love Ingtar and Cadsuane! I'm here for friends and chatting. :)


I suppose that's all... please let me join! :wub:

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Welcome to the world of insanity, Lass! *pokes the blue one with her golden needle* :biggrin:


Ugh, you like Fail? And whatya' mean 'Moiraine if you disregard New Spring'? She's fantastic! I wanna be able to order ants to march in guys' pants too and drop lakes on their heads and all that stuff! Loads of fun LOL.


*demonstrates with Kyn*




*runs like hell*


btw, I love your O Fortuna siggy ;)

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Ugh, you like Fail? And whatya' mean 'Moiraine if you disregard New Spring'? She's fantastic! I wanna be able to order ants to march in guys' pants too and drop lakes on their heads and all that stuff! Loads of fun LOL.


Well, in New Spring, she's so immature! I like how she grows up in the end, but the pranks ruined her "mysterious" persona a bit for me, but of course I still love Moiraine. :) I like Faile because she's clever and behaves like the best of the Aes Sedai, but is still very much human. :)


btw, I love your O Fortuna siggy ;)


Thank you! :D Not my favourite piece of music from Carmina Burana, but I love the poetry. :P



*needle hug!*

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I dunno, the whole New Spring made Moiraine more human to me and showed a fun(ny) and lighter side of her that only added to her whole character for me personally.


Fail? The perfect Aes Sedai? :blink: I suppose, if you consider the ones prone to self-importance, getting their names in history books and forever nagging about being the one in the spotlight as the perfect Aes Sedai :tongue: She ruined Perrin. Utterly and completely destroyed the guy who was one of my favorites prior to his 'Oh Woe! Where is my Fail?' soap series episode.


lol sorry, I'm one of those that don't like Fail at all. Never have.

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I didn't say the perfect Aes Sedai! That has to be Moiraine! :D I said the best of the Aes Sedai: she plots, maneuvers, manipulates and keeps tons of secrets like an expert. And I think her protectiveness of Perrin is really cute. :3 I love Perrin!

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he used to be cute and fantastic. Now he's a reduced to a whining nag, with an itchy scratchy beard he doesn't want, a title he doesn't want, servants he doesn't want and a boring job he doesn't want. Oh yeah, Fail's been real good to him. :tongue:


Agreed, Moiraine = perfect Aes Sedai!

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Holy crap! Newbies starting on topic discussions? What is this world coming to?





Yes, I'm kidding! Don't freak out.














I can't decide who's the "perfect" Aes Sedai. Moiraine bends a lot of rules and, at times, thwarts everything it means to be Aes Sedai. That she does it "for the cause" I suppose makes up for it, being the Blue she is, but still...


Now, the world can start turning again. I'm done with on topic stuff for today. *laughs*

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*freaks out and runs in circles, arms flailing*








Okay, all done! :)


Yeah, sorry for arriving and immediately trying to indoctrinate people into my Cult of Faile... Oops. :P I swear it was an accident.

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*laughs* I'll try to find some way to forgive you... ;) (yes, I'm kidding. Please don't take anything I say too seriously, Lord knows I don't say it with any kind of seriousness, anyway. ok, unless I'm reinforcing rules, then I'm totally serious...). I do agree she ruined Perin, though. :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

lmao she's actually thrilled to have a new member immediately engaging in creating activity in the Kin, hon. Don't worry about it.

Just don't let a difference of opinion become a personal thing (as that's when drama starts and Lor stops being funny then. She's not pretty when serious, trust me *shudders*).


As for indoctrinating people in to the Faile Cult. You do realise that most cults end up in suicide, right? :tongue:


Come to think of it.... that's a perfect use for Faile. Put her on an island, send captured Darkfriends to her and wait till they kill themselves. WOT recycling system. Perfect!


The nobles manipulate. It's what nobles do, including Faile (who is a noble herself) and she manipulates him much more than anyone else. Turning him from the man he loved to be to a thing he hates to be. What is it with women that the moment they hook a man they instantly start to change him? I'm a woman and I NEVER got that! If you don't like how the guy is, move on and get another one.



I can't decide who's the "perfect" Aes Sedai. Moiraine bends a lot of rules and, at times, thwarts everything it means to be Aes Sedai. That she does it "for the cause" I suppose makes up for it, being the Blue she is, but still...


Moiraine sees things for what they are, which is a far cry more than most Aes Sedai pre-Dragon would dare to do even in their sleep. The Aes Sedai have become corrupted over the millenia. Even those dedicated to the Light. They turned from being Servants of all to being Dictators of all. That is NOT what an Aes Sedai is supposed to be. Moiraine embodies what a real Aes Sedai is supposed to be like. That that clashes with how Aes Sedai have become doesn't mean she's wrong, vain or willfull. Yes, she thwarps what it means to be Aes Sedai and bends the rules. Because they hàve to be thwarped and have to be bent in order for the world to survive. She doesn't ben her neck to Aes Sedai supremecy but instead adopts the Servant part of her role. The REAL meaning of an Aes Sedai and not the corrupted, selfish and self-important one it has become.


And then there is Cadsuane. She doesn't just bend the rules, she throws them straight out the window and will warm the Amyrlin's backside while doing so to get her point across. Gotta' love Caddy!


Verin..... what can I say. Epic proportions that one. For a plump (read 'fat'), unobtrusive, distracted, ink smeared lass, she makes all the rest seem like kids playing with dolls.


Sylviana. While she has a tendency to follow the rules and proper propriety, she also has a deeper understanding of what being Aes Sedai means and the courage to stand for it, regardless what happens to her. And she's just way cool! :biggrin:



:happy: I think each Sister should have a Mat Cauthon as a non-controllable Warder. Would do them a WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD of good! :happy:

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Yes, I'm totally part of the Cult of Faile and the Cadsuane Club. And only suicide cults end up in suicide! Harrumph! POUR EXEMPLE the Cult of Athena Nike and pretty much every religious order pre-Christ? :D (Okay that makes me sound a bit weird.)

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LMAO Cads is awesome, she just lets Rand get away with too much. Should've been a true Green and gotten him drunk in a tavern surrounded by wenches. You want a man to laugh, you gotta hit him below the belt. ;)



And ya'll don't tell anyone you're doing stuff on topic and I'm participating. I have a rep to protect, ya know?

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