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Bonding Rules


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I THINK currently the rule is set at 3, I think. For the Greens I have found talk of it being raised but I can't find if it was ever implemented. I haven't had a chance to chat with Elgee about it yet because I've been doing finals and she won't let me work. LOL So I would go with three unless Elgee says otherwise. ;)


I haven't a clue about the warder question.

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This is a very rough draft of what I want to post:



It is preferable to first see if anyone from the Warder's Yard is available. Should none be, or none whom you wish to Bond, then you may approach the Black Tower. No Aes Sedai, except Reds, may bond more than 1 Asha'man. See individual Ajahs for other specific Rules.


Bear in mind that there should be a balance between Aes Sedai being bond holders, and Asha'man being bond holders.



Blue Blues are allowed to bond 1 Warder + 1 Asha'man, but they must have 1 Warder before they can bond an Asha'man

Brown Browns are allowed to bond 1 Warder + 1 Ashaman but must have a warder before being allowed to bond an Ashaman and there must be a good reason IC for wanting to bond an Ashaman.

Gray If a Gray wants to bond an Asha'man she must have bonded a warder already, and a good IC reason for wanting/needing a second warder.

Green Greens may bond up to 3 people, but only 1 of them may be an Asha'man ....

Red Reds may only bond Asha'man. She may bond up to 3.

White Whites are allowed to bond one Warder or one Asha'man. If they wish to bond a Warder and an Asha'man they must have already bonded a warder in the past and have a good reason IC.

Yellow Yellows are allowed to bond only 1 Warder OR 1 Asha'man.

then procedure:


If anyone other than a Red wants to bond an Asha'man, they have to apply to their Ajah Head, the WT DL, and the Warder DL. The Warder DL will have veto right.

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Oops moved this to the Hall before I saw Arath had posted a question.


Arath, we don't have it in there yet, but the rule will be that only AS with no Warders (either "traditional" or Asha'man) may BE bonded. It will just get a bit messy if we have Warders who're not only bonded by an Aes Sedai, but up the line by an Asha'man too (which is what it would come down to, technically, given the nature of the Asha'man bond).


To everyone else: this topic is still being finalized by the Hall. Once that's done, we'll publish the final version for everyone's information. (Ems, you can find it at the Hall)

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