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All I want for Christmas...


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The Wheel of Time turns, and books are always being reprinted in new editions. For the last twenty years, we've essentially had the same format for the most part in the printing of Wheel of Time hardcovers, with Sweet covers. As the series is ongoing, this is a good thing - it'd suck pretty bad to have a variety of different cover styles on the bookshelf. However, there will come a time when the series is finished, all the books have been released, and it's time to make Tor more money through reprinting hardcovers. The Lord of the Rings has had a lot of high quality reprints, and the Wheel of Time deserves similar.


Personally, what I'd like would be an oversize format similar to that of DC Comics Absolute Editions. Give us 12x8 or even slightly larger books, with faux leather covers, and put three books in each one of the oversize hardcovers. Two columns of text per page would mean that a 600-800 page hardcover could contain three books. So, the first volume would be New Spring, The Eye of the World, and The Great Hunt. The second volume would be The Dragon Reborn, the Shadow Rising, and The Fires of Heaven. The third volume would be Lord of Chaos, A Crown of Swords, and the Path of Daggers. The fourth volume would be Winter's Heart, Crossroads of Twilight and Knife of Dreams. The fifth and final volume would be The Gathering Storm, Towers of Midnight, and A Memory of Light. Price each around $75-$100 and it'd totally be worth it.


They wouldn't exactly be practical for reading on the bus or in the bathtub, but for putting up the shelf in a place of honor and rereading for decades down the road, they'd be awesome.



Anyone else have a preferred format for reprints?


hmmm, i dunno about 'megabooks' 3 in one seems a bit too much.



I'd rather have a WoT box-set or something, with...i dunno, leather bound versions of each book?


And it would come in a Proper big wooden chest with classy WoT artwork, just a simple aes sedai symbol or the wheel with the great serpent...



It would come with the whole series including New Spring, the Guide and even a hard copy of the strike at shayol ghul. Ltd edition of course....a couple of hundred £...for us propper loonies that would pay that even though we alreadh have multiple copies of all the books.


Tbh i want hardback copies of UK covers and US covers :rolleyes:


But i propper vintage looking box-set would be so, so, so, so ,so, SO AWESOME.


I want them to release the stories in a jolly man with a book ter'angreal. Til then I'll be unsatisfied


Edit: Should probably add that maybe this new version could not require channeling though please...


im in australia and we have about 2 or 3 different book covers on the shelves at any time, ive never actually seen the Sweet covers for sale, except for in 2nd hand book stores (where i buy most of my books anyway) im pretty sure we got the illustrations up to book 9, then the next issues were all black cover with a different coloured 'wheel' logo, or the book was a marble colour (COT was dark red marble, KOD was greenish black)


i would love to have the books all matching though


Orbit released the first 9 or so with the same covers as Tor I beleive, then changed to the Wheel and Snake symbol from there. (Oh yeah, I'm in Austraia too, and have all those old covers) Anywho, at that point they went back and changed all old WoT books to the Wheel and Snake. 1-9 WoT paperback books were just black with different colour whhel and snake symbols and I think you'll find a verticle strip on the back cover which shows a glimpse of the previous cover design there.


I would love for the books to be released with the eBook covers. Hardback or paperback would be fine, but I love those covers.


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