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Celestine sunk a bit lower into the water of the warm bath she was taking, the last she would take in the Accepted's Quarters. She was still shaking from her experience only a few hours before--how long had the test lasted? It had felt like a lifetime.

When Celestine was called forth to test for Aes Sedai she thought she had misinterpreted how she was reading the Sister's lips, and her words too mumbled to truly understand. And then she had thought it was a poor joke, but Aes Sedai did not play jokes. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest and all at once everything she had gone through came to her mind. She recalled her life as a child in Yvel, expecting to grow up, marry and have kids, and perhaps take care of her father's book collection and add to it. She did not dream that one day she would be part of the most powerful group of people in the world--and that she would make it this far. Her biggest fear was always that her handicap--her difference, they taught her to think of it as--would have her eventually kicked out of the Tower. It was difficult for her to hear others, and near impossible to hear distant sounds. She felt honored she was chosen to be one of the few who would make it.

Channeling had actually come somewhat easy to her. Now thirty two, she spent an average time as a novice and Accepted. Though where others stressed about channeling and learning weaves, that had come easy. What was hard was taking lessons from teachers that didn't involve channeling or reading, but listening. Since it was something she had a problem with a bit of her learning had to be modified.
In a way it had been an advantage. She was a quick and rather determined learner, never giving up. She had even made a few friends along the way.

As she closed her eyes she thought of the tests she had gone through. They had certainly made it hard enough. The weaves were little problem to her. She had practiced many times from sunup to sundown, when she had the opportunity to memorize every one to absolute perfection. But what had given her a disadvantage was how aware she had become of her own seclusion. As an Accepted she was allowed to venture out of the Tower, but she rarely did, letting the Tower comfort her. This night pushed her. She had been afraid for a lot of it until she began to realize that her fear would lead to failure.

Celestine was sure it was her determination alone that got her through everything. People and creatures she didn't recognize at first--Trollocs and Fades--they had sneaked up on her from behind mountains and trees, in small groups or in the hundreds--and she had not become aware of them until she turned around or felt tremors beneath her slippered feet. Other times there were men coming up from behind and grabbing her, to rob her or do worse, and only her ability in splitting weaves let her escape out of some of those. Even under stress she had come to learn to use saidar and that was exactly what she needed to pass. Long ago she learned to surrender to the One Power and that was not a problem for her personality. She was calm and reserved, easy going and yet playful and with a childish personality, though serious when she needed to be. Always, however, her parents taught her to accept what came to her--as everyone always told her, 'The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.' Accepting everything that came her way helped her to learn to surrender to the Wheel and the Source to use the power given to her by the Creator.

After a bit she slipped out of the bath. She could not sleep tonight but if she stayed in any longer her hands would look pruny. She almost laughed at the thought, wishing for sleep. However she had already spent many hours in contemplation of what her purpose was, especially with how dangerous the world had become. And she felt she knew exactly what she wanted to do.

Celestine dried off slowly and dressed into a fresh, clean shift and Accepted's dress, again the last she would wear. Smiling, she looked at the different colored stripes and let her finger trace over one before walking out. She let herself glance out on passing a balcony to see the time. The sky was graying to sunrise. Someone would be arriving for her soon. Celestine spent a few more moments looking at the stars before going back to her room. She brushed out her brown hair, falling to her mid back in loose waves. She permitted herself a yellow and white ribbon to tie back her hair and sat to wait, closing her eyes and thinking of the day ahead.

Her door began to open, snapping Celestine out of her reverie. She stood quickly and dropped a curtsy to the Mistress of Novices. She motioned for Celestine to follow. Silence was required now but that was easy for her so she just followed along carefully, but proudly too. She had reached her goal of becoming Aes Sedai after so long. She was lead forth to an area where many Aes Sedai were gathered--Sitters from each Ajah, she noted, and a Sister for each too. The Amyrlin and Keeper were there too. She gave her respects to them and cleared her throat. It felt dry. Their gazes seemed hard on her too. What did they think of Celestine, a deaf girl becoming Aes Sedai? I can be just like them; I will be just like them, she thought.

Her eyes focused on the Amyrlin and she kept her gaze on her face, listening close, ears straining to hear what she longed to, even though she already knew the words and how to answer.

"Who comes here?" Her gaze seemed more intent than the rest of them as she spoke. Celestine felt small but tried to ignore the feeling. She fought too hard to come this far.
"Celestine Erebruz."
“For what reason do you come?”
”To swear the three oaths and thereby claim the shawl of an Aes Sedai.” I deserve this as much as anyone else.
“By what right do you claim this burden?” She knew everyone was asked this question yet it seemed so personal just then. Celestine took a deep breath.
“By right of having made the passage, submitting myself to the will of the White Tower.” I will continue to improve myself and show everyone exactly what I can do, she added in her mind.
“Then enter, if you dare, and bind yourself to the White Tower.”

She stepped through the ter'angreal before her and knelt before the Amyrlin. She was ready for this more than anything. This would give her her freedom to go out in the world and help as she always dreamed. Help others and maybe help herself too.

She felt the Amyrlin embrace the Source as she handed her the ivory Oath Rod. Celestine grasped it firmly as the Amyrlin channeled. She carefully recited the needed words.

“Under the light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will speak no word that is not true." She tensed up as she felt the Oath bind itself to her. She nearly gasped but pressed on, knowing she needed to.

"Under the light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will make no weapon for one man to kill another. Under the light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will never use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn, or in the last extreme of defending my life, or that of my warder or another sister.”

By the end she felt physically discomforted, to say the least, but she felt proud too. She was Aes Sedai!

"It is half done, and the White Tower is graven on your bones. Rise now Aes Sedai and choose your Ajah and all will be done that may be done under the Light."

She smiled widely. The Amyrlin named her Aes Sedai. She turned and looked at each group of women. Knowing not to keep them waiting, she began to walk. Many thought she would chose Brown for her love of books and studying, but she had another passion stronger than even what books gave her, and that was healing. She did not need to be a Brown to go around studying and helping to preserve books, but she needed to be a Yellow if she wanted to learn all she could about Healing. She took it as a sign that she had the Talent for Healing so it only made sense she chose the Yellow. Smiling, she stood as tall as she could before them.

"I ask permission to become a Sister of the Yellow Ajah." She bowed her head slightly to be respectful, but it was a bit spoiled as she had to raise her hand to prevent a tear from falling.

Edited by Jagen Sedai
  • 2 weeks later...

The chamber felt cooler than usual. Camigwen stroked her chin thoughtfully as she fidgetted with the shawl in her hands. Truth be told, she was itching to return to the Infirmary since it was the day most parents from the Villages surrounding Tar Valon brought their children to be treated. Camigwen had always a soft heart for the young ones. Still, being present for the Raising of a new sister, especially one whom Camigwen was sure would choose the Yellows, was a great thing. A direct stare from one of the other Sitters standing next to her stilled her fidgetting and made her calm down once more.


"I ask permission to become a Sister of the Yellow Ajah." The New Sister, one called Celestine Erebrus bowed her head slowly. Around the Yellow sisters, the other Aes Sedai prepared to leave, knowing that they would not be welcoming a new member today.


Camigwen waited for Eqwina, the current Head of Yellows to nod before gliding forward to place the Yellow Shawl around Celestine.


"Welcome home, sister." Desandra, one of the Sitters intoned.


Camigwen embraced Celestine. "Welcome home, sister." And then Nynaeve the last Sitter did the same.


Each of the Sitters then gave Celestine a kiss on the left cheek, a tradition from long past.


"My name is Camigwen. I am one of the current Sitters, or Weaver as we are called. Eqwina here is our First Weaver or Head of the Ajah, while Desandra and Nynaeve are the other two Weavers. As the newest Weaver amongst the three it is my duty to instruct you in the ways of the Yellow Ajah. So attend. Our tradition as Healers makes us duty bound to ensure the health and safety of all within the White Tower and indeed the whole world. As you know our Infirmaries are a priority to our Ajah, and as an Accepted you would have received instruction on them. But for now, you have much to learn yet." Camigwen began, reciting the traditions of the Ajah including some of the secret histories only known to the Ajah itself. Many of those who sat in the Hall knew about them, but even then, there were secrets privvy only to Ajah members. There were weaves as well. Many of them meant to facilitate the Yellow Ajah's work of Healing. These included weaves that calmed the mind or helped patients sleep or weaves that produced momentary stedding effects.


Their walk took them to the Yellow wing of the White Tower where flamboyant tapestries and beautiful sculptures adorned the quarters. It was another tradition that the Yellows maintained the most extravagant of the Aes Sedai quarters, with each suceeding member's room decorated by the three latest members, resulting in a riot of colours and patterns. Sometimes Camigwen wondered if it was a way of revenge. Her own room had been toned down somewhat from the first design. But it was a necessaity. When faced with deatha nd illness, the bright colours kept them sane and cheerful, Camigwen wondered if there was more than randomness to the colours assigned to each Ajah; the Yellow being a colour of cheer and happiness, necessity for those who Heal. It certainly kept the sister's spirits up in times of dire straits. As Healers, they could not afford an attitude of gloom, for they had a duty to their patients. Positivity was key in any healing.


The lecture ended as the five Yellows entered the main hall of the Ajah. Yellow sisters lined both sides of the room, many of them with Yellow fringed shawls. One of the newer Sisters, Busaya Caravinda, Camigwen remembered her name was, held a huge bouquet of Yellow Thunderfoxes. Thunderfoxes were a key ingredient in many concoctions for sleeping potions, some what of an expertise for Busaya. These were presented to Celestine, who barely managed to hold them with one arm.


"Welcome home, sister." Camigwen said again as she moved aside for the other Yellow Aes Sedai to welcome their newest sister.


Her rooms seemed dark after the bright light of the infirmary. Carys blinked and strode across the room to draw back the heavy drapes. Sunlight streamed in, so fast it seemed as if the drapes had been a locked door and the sunlight an invader pressing hard against them. The Yellow blinked again and smiled as the sunlight lit up the room. Several of the furniture pieces had thin slices of gold running through the wood and when the daylight hit those gilded lines, the room erupted in a warm glow. Once she thought the gold in the furniture and walls was gaudy, but over time she’d come to appreciate the warmth it provided.


The Yellow moved from the windows to her bedroom. After two straight shifts in the infirmary, she desperately needed new clothing. Sleep too, but that would have to wait. Word had been passed down that they would be welcoming a new Sister today and the Altaran wanted to be there for the new Aes Sedai. Secretly, she hoped it would be Celestine. Carys had been mentoring the girl for years now and she showed much promise. Any new addition would be great, of course, but Carys knew that she and Celestine would be fast friends from all their time spent together. She wanted to share her secrets with the younger woman.


She’d left the curtains in her bedroom open apparently, for darkness escaped the bright room. Much like the sitting room, the walls and furniture were adorned with gilded lines. The walls were a brighter color here though, as if to surround her with brilliance as she slept. Not that Carys spent much time in her rooms. She was often chided by her Ajah mates and other Aes Sedai alike for spending practically all her time in the infirmary. She even ate her meals there.


Shrugging out of the old dress, Carys picked through her wardrobe until she found a nice simple silk dress. It was a pleasant blue with yellow wildflowers around the neck and all the hems. She tied her flaxen hair back with a yellow ribbon and slipped out of her quarters to take her place on the right wall of the Yellow Hall. Carys smiled and winked at Busaya as the plump girls’s arms were full of Thunderfoxes.


The party of Sisters appeared at the end of the hall. Toward the end of the hall, Carys couldn’t see right away who their new member was. As Busaya unloaded her arms though, the Altaran was delighted to see that it was indeed Celestine. She grinned widely at the girl as she gave her the customary kiss on her left cheek. “Welcome home my Sister!”

  • 3 weeks later...

As Camigwen placed the shawl over Celestine's shoulders, she had to still her hands to keep from stroking the fringe. At least at first. Her eyes on the Sitters and sister before her, she reached up and touched the shawl, adjusting it slightly more comfortably on her shoulders. Yes, she was Aes Sedai now! Thirty two years of her life in, but today was the first she would begin to be treated like the woman she was. She felt a burden lift.


That did not mean her training was over of course. Far from it, it seemed. Each Ajah had its own customs, she knew that, but what surprised her is that they were launching right into the teaching of them so quickly. It seems as a Sister I have even more rules to step lightly around than I did as an Accepted. Rules were lifted from her only to replaced by others. However, these made Celestine happy. She tried committing each to memory as Camigwen lectured her on their way to the Yellow Quarters. Her hand again brushed the fringe of the shawl, and she smiled as they rounded the final corner.


These flamboyant halls were her favorite of the Ajah Quarters, they always had been. What added to it here, now, made her smile as wide as she could. Sisters lined the halls to welcome her. Her heart fluttered as she saw Carys. Look, I'm Aes Sedai now! I'm your sister! she wanted to shout.


Instead she conducted herself quietly and gratefully to each Sister there, even the ones she did not know or recognize. She tried to catch the details of every face now, as impossible as it was. She welcomed each kiss. Especially Carys', when she smiled like that.


"Thank you," she said in a tone full of emotion. Her eyes watered, her hands still on Carys' arms from accepting the customary kiss. "For everything these years, thank you... Sister."

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