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Give Thanks


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I know this is Shayol Ghul and we are all evil and heartless here.. (right.. this is known as the humor social group) but anyways... this is November and Vetrans day and Thanksgiving are this month... So take the time to post your thanks to someone/something. Thank a fellow DM'er, a soldier, say you are thankful for sex and knives if you want. Long as it's within board standards knock yourself out.



I'll start....



Kivam: I want to thank you for our talks. I have really enjoyed getting to know you better this year and you have become a special friend to me. Your prodding and annoyingly chipper pep talks helped motivate me to start looking at going back to school. hehe


Aust: Thanks for helping with the Cour'souvra tasks. Maybe eventually someone else will actually want to do that bond again. Your crazy humor and playful teasing are the kinds of things that makes Shayol Ghul such a great group! Keep up the good work with the monthly report too. I want to see a good one for november. ;)


Lily: We don't always see eye to eye and have even had quite the fights from time to time but I respect you as a person and thank you for helping to keep SG afloat while we didn't have a leader. I'd really appreciate your continued help in making sure we are a kick butt orgsocial group.


Mogs: I do not envy you your tasks within this social group. You may work behind the scenes but you have the hardest job here. I could never be organized enough to keep track of the points system and all like you do. Please don't ever leave!



I'm thankful for this social group. I can come here and insult Barm or Verbal or Ed and then stab them and it's ok. They know we are still friends and its all in the fun and humor that this place is. (or should be) I won't take the insults and rudness going over the line but fun and humor is what this social group is about. We don't really have to be crude hateful evil... more like mischevious playful evil.


And yes, I'm aware those holidays are only for the states members... Canada had their thanksgiving last month and our overseas friends don't have either.. but you can play along anyways. :)

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  • Club Leader

I'm thankful to too many people here for too many things to list them all. I hope I say so often enough to them. (I like to think I'm the evil girl with the big heart.)


But Nae, I have to respond to that. We haven't always seen eye to eye. I think we can say that we haven't always liked each other very much, but we found our way to a good place, and I'm glad. I'm also glad you got the top spot (honestly, I'd rather have more time in the trenches first) and I support you 100%. Just tell me what you need. I'm thankful we worked through our issues and are (I hope) friends now, or at least friendly.

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Well, I suppose I should toss my hat into the ring. *does*


Well, now that I'm naked, let's begin.



Verbal's List Of Stuff He's Thankful For

1. George Lucas, for without him I would not exist.

2. The Shadowspawn peeps, for helping me figure out what the hell I'm doing.

3. Nae, for being an awesome cour'souvra and not making it hurt. Much.

4. Barm, for promising to slap me on the ass in front of my wife when I meet him.

5. Hmm....maybe I'm the one who said that. :-/

6. Moggy, for the reasons Nae stated. MVP of this Org, no doubt.

7. My good looks.

8. My ability to lie - see #7.

9. Family Guy and The Office, for some of my top one-liners.

10. And finally - Nyn, for her caring and loving disposition and her tender way with words. Also, for the long talks through the night when I thought all was lost. Many hours of crying, and what did I learn? That we should meet, of course! And meet we did. It was........exhilirating just waiting there for her to arrive. And then she walked around the corner and it was........Barm? Yes, it was Barm. Nyn doesn't really exist! She's Barm! And what happened next? He slapped me on the ass. Bastard beat me to it.

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