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Announcing Harry Potter Week Nov 15 – 21!


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The Blue Ajah invites you to participate in our Annual Harry Potter Week! The big event will be held the week of November 15 – 21 to correspond with The Deathly Hallows Part I’s opening in theaters on November 19. We have several exciting events planned so please stay tuned and be prepared to sign up for some fantastic fun and hair-raising adventures!


If any aspies would like to suggest and volunteer to run an event, send me an e-mail at rhapsodyacres at comcast dot net and we’ll see if we can get you plugged in! Use subject line "DM HP Week 2010" so it won't get lost in the shuffle.


Finally, if someone has ideas for an event where people are assigned to houses and the houses compete against each other in some way, e-mail me with your idea and we’ll see about getting it off the ground, too. Nothing too complicated because we're down to the wire on HP Week!


Red had planned to run an HP Mafia game during this event; unfortunately, it will be hard to do that with PMs not working . . . so the HP Mafia game will have to be postponed until such time as the PMs are functional.


Last but not least, we’d love to have some volunteers make up some siggies to advertise the event!


Anyway, keep an eye out for further announcements! Any siggie submissions can be posted here in this thread.


*smooches all*






I'm still trying to plan my HP marathon and knit a Slytherin scarf for the midnight release: my Ravenclaw costume is all put together, and my friend is Slytherin. ^.^ I'm so excited for HP Week. :biggrin:


I'm a Slytherin myself :D


Yes, I will be running a trivia game and a scavenger hunt, among other activities planned! And we would very much love if anyone who's good at sig-making would like to make us some. Definitely let us know!


I'd love to make siggies, but I don't have the time right now to do much of anything, and I'm barely done with my friend's scarf, so that comes first. Ahhhh, *is excited* Think I'll need sneak around the Blue's part of the WT for a week or so :happy: hehe


Well, we will be having HP week this week! I promise! I just need to track down Red and Alanna so they can post their activities. If they don't get them posted by the a.m., I'll do it for them. Stay tuned . . . :moiraine:


Sorry, Dar, totally slipped my mind today! I will definitely get my stuff posted by tomorrow :D Actually, I may do that now.


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