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Instructors Needed!


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I cannot be held responsible for the irresponsible actions of the Soldiers. If you are captured, killed, or gentled, or seen at all, I'll simply say "I don't know these guys."




Anywho, when it comes to classes, the BT is a lot less strict than the WT on requirements. Basically, if you want to do one of your reqs, come up with an idea and ask someone to join in on it. Post a general idea on this board so I know what you're up to and I have a chance to shoot it down if it's too wild (never really had to do that yet, but you never know).


As far as finding a teacher, I prefer to let other peoples get the first pick at it. If you post an idea but can't get anyone to help out with it, PM me and I'll do what I can to help out.

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Hmm, righto, then.


Here's how I would imagine the lesson would go down, then.


1. Soldiers gather near the Dedicate/Asha'man running the lesson in one of the training fields.

2. Soldiers are instructed in the fine art of Seizing Saidin, as well as learning to handle the stomach-turning effects of the Taint. (I can see a handful of Soldiers hurling all over the nice, clean, grass. lol)

3. Soldiers learn to recognize the difference between the Elements.

4. Asha'man/Dedicated declares the class over, possibly moves on to a Weapons Training Class. (In another thread of course.)

5. People consume biscuits and tea.


What do the rest of you think?

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Personally, I see the introduction to Saidin as a little more bare bones than the White Tower's introduction to Saidar. Part of this has to do with the fact that the Black Tower, I think leaves you alone to figure stuff out on your own. They expect you to learn by doing, as in you have to figure out how to light the fire to cook your food with the power, whether that's by using a weave of fire, or by using weaves of air to manipulate the flint and tinder they don't care, so long as you use the power to do it. So I think they'd teach the flame and the void, and how to seize saidin, after that the class would be over. I don't think they'd teach you combat effective weaves until you can reliably seize saidin whenever you want. I also think they'd expect you to learn the differences between the elements on your own.


My own idea was for Nandiel to have learned how to seize saidin, but having difficultly lighting the fire with weaves of fire. Or he's with a group and they're all having problems with the fire. So Nandiel gets the idea to manipulate the flint and tinder with weaves of air. Granted this would probably make more sense for female channellers and they're not supposed to be strong with fire, and stronger with air, but it's just an idea of trying to attack the problem in a manner other than the obvious.

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The BT is primarily a military organization for channelers. You are absolutely no good unless you can function as a weapon, so fire is one of the first things we teach you. Remember, soldiers don't get to eat a hot meal until they can cook it with Saidin. That is kind of important considering we're in the middle of the uber-harsh winter.


Typically, a soldier spends the first couple of days just trying to sieze the source. Then the next few days learning fire. The basic idea is that if Tarmon Gai'don starts tomorrow, we need you to be able to at least throw a fireball :biggrin: Once 'Fireballs 101' is finished, then we move on to '1001 ways to skin a Trolloc'.

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