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Gawyn and Padan Fain


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I'm doing the annual series reread and a thought struck me at the beginning of LoC.


Gawyn and the Younglings are waiting for the Shaido to meet with the Aes Sedai. A peddler arrives and brings rumours of Morgase and Elayne's death at the Dragon Reborn's hands.


And Gawyn becomes set in his belief that Rand is the murderer. No questioning the rumour, just certainty which colours him from this point on.


Could the peddler actually have been Fain?



- Fain's powers would explain Gawyn's personality shift


- Not a great description of the peddler given. Fain in disguise, but a description of his "big nose" would have made this a certainty.

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No. That would mean that Gawyn isn't responsible for his behavior. So I can't buy your theory because of that.


On a serious note, I see how that could have happened, but I don't find it likely. There has be no direct contact between the two and the discussion didn't lasted very long. And he came from the south, whereas Fain was out of Tar Valon before going to Caemlyn, if I have the chronology well, which I'm not sure. And the influence Fain has on people seems more like causing paranoia and it becoming wild rage for someone, I find too unlikely.


And Gawyn, because I have to say something good of him for a while, seems to be undergoing development toward truth and rectitude. He found his path and seems to be doubting about what he shall believe. Let's hope everything will be all right, because I don't want to see him one more time screwing things. Let's believe in Redemption : )

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Interesting... I think it would be possible, i mean we don't really know much about Fain's movements in the later part of the series and the fact that even Bryne cant talk some sense into him in tGS would lend some weight to the possibility. and because it was only in passing not really large contact Fain wouldn't of had much opportunity to do anything major.

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Jordan said the peddler was just a normal guy. Not a Hound of the DO, not a forsaken, just a peddler doing his job. Check the Theoryland archive if you don't want to take my word for it. This type of theory has been around for a long time.

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No. That would mean that Gawyn isn't responsible for his behavior. So I can't buy your theory because of that.


That's not grounds for dismissing the idea, though. That's just what you'd prefer to believe. Given that mind control techniques with varying strengths and Fain's ability to warp personalities are plain and amply demonstrated fact in TWoT, it's at least logically possible for this idea to be true. Nonetheless, it is of course wrong, because RJ said so.

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No. That would mean that Gawyn isn't responsible for his behavior. So I can't buy your theory because of that.


That's not grounds for dismissing the idea, though. That's just what you'd prefer to believe. Given that mind control techniques with varying strengths and Fain's ability to warp personalities are plain and amply demonstrated fact in TWoT, it's at least logically possible for this idea to be true. Nonetheless, it is of course wrong, because RJ said so.

My next words were "On a serious note […]", and followed by an explanation of why I think it is unlikely. So please read the entire post and understand that I tried to make a little joke to begin my post with.

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No. That would mean that Gawyn isn't responsible for his behavior. So I can't buy your theory because of that.


That's not grounds for dismissing the idea, though. That's just what you'd prefer to believe. Given that mind control techniques with varying strengths and Fain's ability to warp personalities are plain and amply demonstrated fact in TWoT, it's at least logically possible for this idea to be true. Nonetheless, it is of course wrong, because RJ said so.

My next words were "On a serious note […]", and followed by an explanation of why I think it is unlikely. So please read the entire post and understand that I tried to make a little joke to begin my post with.


Haha, we have ourselves another MB here!


Dont worry, I got your joke Demiandre

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