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Welcome welcome welcome. I'm sure you know the deal with reading all the stickies. Check them out and you will get to know us better. We are about to start our Halloween activities so you came just in time! :biggrin:


Lor, will be along shortly to give you your new Blue sash and in the mean time, welcome to the Kin!

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WOOT! This is the "Year of the Frog" in my classroom! How terribly appropriate that you join! *grins*



*clears her throat and gets all serious*


*wraps a blue sash around Froggie's hips and kisses both cheeks*


Welcome to the Kin! :D

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lol Yes, strut all you like, dear.


So tell us a little about yourself. What you like to do, what is going on in your life, and if you eat flies :wacko::wink:


I'm Torrie, wife for too long and mother of two little girls. I read, got to school, coach 5 year old soccer and am looking for a job right now.


I enjoying camping and anything outdoors. Like I said earlier, I have two fire belly frogs and love watching them run around. I am a bit of a tom boy and am perfectly fine with that.


It will be great having you around.

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I'm still in high school, I have too big of a mouth, and I'm random... I don't know... Oh! I'll paste what I posted on the writers guild for their thingy!


I am a 17 year old senior at high school. I live in Minnesota and I love it here, as anyone who knows anything about Minnesota can guess, I like fishing, swimming, water skiing, water tubing, boating, kayaking, and canoeing in our 11,000 lakes.

I spend a lot of time indoors, though I have to go outside at least once daily to take care of our rabbits. My mother takes care of our poultry and horses.

We have over 100 animals that we can barely afford but we love them far too much to give them up.

We have many funny breeds of animals including lion head rabbits, polish crested chickens, mottled hoodan chickens, indian runner ducks, a peacock, a cuddly goose named Karl, and golden pheasants. (Plus more breeds I don't feel like listing)

I enjoy riding my horses one of which I got into the paper for riding in a show. I lost that show but had the most fun.

I read a lot, nonfiction as much as fiction. I am almost always studying a random subject in the hopes that the answers I find may someday provide something good for society or at the very least that I can use my accumulated knowledge to broaden the minds of others.

I am currently studying suicide and the many causes of it.

So far I disagree greatly with mot of the authors. Each researcher seems to pick something random, TV, peer pressure, drugs, alcohol, sex, abuse, rap music, media ect ect to be the cause of most suicides when I can't help but feel as if it is a combination of these things, though maybe not all and maybe none depending on the case plus things that are personal to the individual that cause each death.

I am also currently studying the past treatments of the less mentally fortunate and believe that I may have stumbled upon a better treatment that could perhaps cure more people of their insanity.

However, I can't be sure until I look into it further.

If ever you are curious about a random subject but don't feel like reading about it for ages wanting only a summary or have questions about a random philosophy I am usually the one to go to. If I don't know the answer I will find it and then double check that my facts are legit.

I tend to care too much about people and too little about myself. Or in other words, if you post tons of demonic stories or consistently say depressing things, you can expect some very concerned PM's from me :/


Probably too much by far, but there ya go :D

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It is a good intro to a new forum. Lots of good info.


It sounds like you will be studying for your lifetime. Reasons for suicide, I would think, would be a far ranging subject.


So... philosophy. :wacko:



I'm taking my first philosophy class right now. I just wrote a letter to a dead European philosopher telling him why he was wrong.

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Guest BaLefireP

*walkies in and hugs froggy*


We have talked a lot by PM and gotten to know each other pretty well, plus we have a LOT in common with each other! :laugh:

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  • 4 weeks later...

HI Froggy! I'm Twinnie..one of the old foggies of the Kin! Welcome to the family! *hugs, kisses his forehead in welcome and then hands him a shiny blue knitting needle and giggles at the look*


No you don't need to go learn how to knit! LOL We use our needles in fun and frolic and love! Mostly to poke each other affectionatly! *grins and pokes him with her red needle with merry bells ringing*


Now I am fascinated with your intro! My degree is in philosophy..and it's just a fun place to let your brain play! Also a great thing to study! but not that great as a career! but a valuable tool to add to whatever ca you do!


So why the study of suicide? I have done some research and work in this area..and can tell you honestly that many of the reasons you've discovered can be contributing factors...I find it interesting that self esteem issues wasn't included . Often that is the foundation that underlies all other reasons...It would be interesting if you perhaps started a discussion thread at the Farm about it...


Again..welcome to the Kin!

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's nice to be in the kin and meet you both, I am sorry for your struggles, I have suicidal friends which leads me to the subject and it isn't any fun.


I can't help but think that the self esteem issues are generally caused by other things, which would be the more prominent cause. I believe I already posted a thread somewhere about my suicide theories... hmm... I could repost it here perhaps...


Out of curiosity, are you by any chance from Minnesota a well? We had a lot of car crashes here in a row a while back...

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