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'Scuse me, I'm off into town...........................




muttermuttersulkflaminghalloweenjunkblockingtheflamingshelvesmutternotaflamingsignofitevenatthe specialistplacemuttermutter


Oh well. Roll on Tuesday.

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Ok, since Tarmon Gaidon is getting closer, and what seems like rand finally started to turn in the right direction at the last chapter in TGS, i think he will now see the need for action. What he will do is:

1. Meet Tuon once more, he will kneel to her, out of necessity, saying something like "ive kneeled, now stop your stupid wars against what should be your allies against the D.O. he will not however, demand the return of captured Aes Sedai, and thereby earning Egwenes (the amyrlins) wrath

2. Mat, Thom and either Olver or Noal will enter ToG, i think Olver because i feel that his interest in snakes and foxes means something. They will succeed, either with losses or not, If Noal joins i bet he sacrifices himself. Afterwards he will return to Tuon, plow her, and be formally recognized as the Prince of Ravens among all seanchan forces, and being their supreme commander. Mats earlier feelings towards Aes Sedai, leads me to believe that he will convince, or demand all damane to be freed. This might happen in accordance with the Sul'dam secret being released.

3. Perrin will still be an emotional wreck, or he might have found some resolve stuffed behind that hairy chest of his.

4. Moiraine is in perfect condition after being released.

5. The Ogiers from all stedding will arrive at some last second reinforcements to some battle (i think Caemlyn has been theorized forever) all armed with Tree-grown axes and brutal strength decimating the invading forces. They might even get in contact with the Ogier gardeners in the seanchan forces



Alright, most is pretty loony, but maybe something might happen to come true :P

  On 10/26/2010 at 6:38 PM, Pinzarn said:


2. Garetb Byrne will lead the Tar Valon forces which are a combination of the Tower Guard and Rebel Forces. At the end of the book, the Tower will come to the rescue of Lan at the Gap. Somehow avenging the the Aes Sedai arriving late the last time. Ny will weave some hug gateway for everyone to get there in time.



i really love this idea, Captain Chubain (Tower Guards) will be his second in command. At the very least, we will read that they have been assimilated into one army. Nynaeve and Egwene might argue over helping Lan or attacking the Seanchan. I believe the latter to be more likely due to Egwene's hatred of seanchan


I'm expecting all the great generals will come together with Matt, Perrin and Rand to nut out a stratagem for keeping the Dark Forces off Rand back while him and his small elite group head to Shayol Ghul to tackle the locking down of the bore with new seals and a touch of Dragon blood.


Who do I think will be with Rand, well let me see:


Ashaman, Aes Sedai, Maiden of the Spear, Seanchan flyers, and a squad of Matts shock and awe troops the Band of the Red Hand Artillery Squadron.


Demandred is Asunawa (Hand of the light)


Ogier bitch fight!

Loial becomes some sort of main leader in the Ogier.


Galad finds out his relationship to Rand and that whole Tigraine backstory is revealed to the characters.


Gholam makes a reappearance


Min reveals the secret to sealing the DO



Got some more but gotta dash :D


Greandal will go after Nynaeve and bite off more than she can chew.


Lan will acquire a mighty army.


Loial will lead negotiations with the Seanchan ogier Death guard, and they'll get into some long-winded debates on the prophecies.


Aviendha will finally bring her wedding flowers thing to Rand and propose.


Elayne has her babies. Morgase and Lini come home to help. Everyone finds out about Rand and Galad being brothers.


No spoilers for ToM, but some spoilers for earlier books.


I only have one real prediction for book 11, but I suspect it will be an unpopular one. Many other sites I've seen have predicted that this will not happen.


The DO will bring back Aginor/Osan'gar again.


I say this because, though Aginor made a poor choice in attacking Rand during Book 8 (assuming he was NOT under orders), he's loyal to the DO and tries to do what he's told. Add to that the fact that there are perhaps only 3 or 4 people in all of Randland history that are stronger channelers than Aginor (Ishamael, Rand, MAYBE Lanfear, possibly Alivia). To use a football analogy, those are All-Pro stats, and you don't bench a All-Pro player if you want to win. The Last Battle is starting, and Dark One will not leave his starting players on the bench. How many male channelers can the DO put into play that are as powerful as Aginor? Only Moridin. Demandred is close, maybe Taim, but the ranks of the Forsaken are certainly thinning.


The DO gave Moggy a last chance, brought back Lanfear, and let Messana live, all of whom CLEARLY disobeyed orders from Moridin and/or the DO. Why would he not do the same for Aginor? Especially now, so close to the end?

  • 6 months later...

By popular request (well, herid asked :biggrin: ) I thought I'd bump this thread up..


The idea being to set out any predictions you might have for AMoL. Some of mine for ToM have proved wrong and some I think haven't been tested yet. You might feel the same way. So for now (I have to go shopping shortly, well it is 10:30 am (BST) over here) I'll put this one out:


Someone will convince Olver that the man actually responsible for his father's death is Mat. Feeling betrayed, he goes after Mat seeking revenge. They meet at the Waygate battle. Mat has to kill Olver, but is seriously wounded in the process. He manages to get to TV to seek the HoV.. but the Seanchan are attacking there. Tuon sees Mat collapse and to save his life, channels and Bonds him. Seanchan society rocked to its foundations!

  On 5/18/2011 at 9:29 AM, FarShainMael said:

By popular request (well, herid asked :biggrin: ) I thought I'd bump this thread up..


The idea being to set out any predictions you might have for AMoL. Some of mine for ToM have proved wrong and some I think haven't been tested yet. You might feel the same way. So for now (I have to go shopping shortly, well it is 10:30 am (BST) over here) I'll put this one out:


Someone will convince Olver that the man actually responsible for his father's death is Mat. Feeling betrayed, he goes after Mat seeking revenge. They meet at the Waygate battle. Mat has to kill Olver, but is seriously wounded in the process. He manages to get to TV to seek the HoV.. but the Seanchan are attacking there. Tuon sees Mat collapse and to save his life, channels and Bonds him. Seanchan society rocked to its foundations!


Perhaps this should be remade on the AMOL thread, as it is dealing with predictions of AMOL.

  • 1 year later...

Perhaps now is the time to reawaken this discussion.


From my earlier post in this thread a couple of years ago (almost exactly! :ohmy: ) :


  On 9/13/2010 at 5:23 PM, FarShainMael said:

The prophecy

"He shall hold a blade of light in his hands, and the three shall be one"

is in two parts. The first refers to Rand taking Callandor from the Stone, and is also in the Seanchan version (Essanik Cycle);  the second refers to the three ta'veren.


This is the BUT: Janduin was Hawkwing reborn, and had to die to be returned to T'A'R. His son Rand will be revealed as the son of Hawkwing, which will carry the day with the Seanchan and lead to a proper alliance, not merely a truce. (Though this may not happen until AMOL.)


Asmodean died because he stepped onto Rand's skimming platform just as Rand began to move it. He was already scared of Rand because he knew he had overstepped the mark by playing mocking music and made Rand murderously angry with him. He took one step through that small door onto the skimming platform. Rand was facing the other way and didn't see him, he was concentrating on the meal he'd Skimmed to the pantry to obtain after he'd rejected the soup provided. Frightened at seeing Rand, Asmo gasped 'You? no!' and stepped backwards in shock.. right off the platform and into nothing. His dead body will fall onto another Skimming platform in ToM. Rand will think 'So that's the sound I thought I heard..'


Mat's ashandarei will turn out to be the other male sa'angreal. Mat will be using his new longbow if he does any actual fighting, or perhaps he will pass it to Birgitte.


Bashere will be revealed as a DF. Taim will be found to be in cahoots with Bashere and Moridin. The seal he gave Rand was a fake.


The final seal is the mosaic floor in the tower in Rhuidean (TFOH 6)


The wolves will be revealed as the Unseen Eyes of T'A'R. I don't think the UE are evil, since they only seem to induce uneasiness, not fear and a desire to protect oneself by wearing armour / carrying weapons etc.


The Asha'man lapel pins will become active somehow, and that is how Rand will regain control aver the Asha'man.


Cyndane will be revealed as a merged Lanfear and Moiraine. Moiraine will be revealed to be Ilyena reborn.


ToM will end with Mat trapped in the ToG, Perrin fleeing from a pack of Darkhounds, and a spreading rumour of the death of the Dragon Reborn.


Mat's marriage to Tuon has been dissolved by her 'death' when she announced herself Empress (tGS Ch 35), after the meeting with Rand. She referred to Mat as 'First Prince of the Ravens' during that meeting. (oops!)

Oh, and Mat will acquire some memories of Gaidal Cain courtesy of the 'finns, and marry Birgitte...


The DO will be defeated by being gentled. The Bore will be closed by Tinkers and Ogier Singing the Pattern whole.


Elaida's Foretelling about Rand facing the Amyrlin and knowing her anger will be about Egwene giving him the rough edge of her tongue for allowing Asha'man to bond AS, with the danger of them going mad and destroying said AS. Rand will protest that he cleansed saidin so that won't happen, but Egwene will not believe him. Not until Nyn confirms it.


The Aelfinn answer 'If you would live, you must die' was fulfilled when Rand's old self 'died' during his epiphany on DM. Alivia's involvement in this will be shown thus: in the crossover where Cadsuane meets Perrin and his band, Alivia was not invited along, but she watched Cadsuane form the Travelling weave and follows with her own Gateway. Tam was not at first willing to be ordered around by Cadsuane, but Alivia pleads with him, and he agrees.


(But see below..)


Gawyn will kill/try to kill Morgase by mistake when he gets to Caemlyn. Galad will prevent this, possibly by killing Gawyn.


With his memories of all his lives intact, Rand becomes fluent in the Old tongue, including 'harsh dialects' of it, and realises that various documents such as the Karaethon Cycle have been mistranslated over the years. This will reveal certain important items of information wrt the defeat of the DO.


There is a journal among Herid Fel's books now in Min's possession that is concealed by a bookmark ter'angreal similar to the one used by Verin to hide her BA list and codebook. It contains info on how to seal the Bore.


At some point during the LB, Mat will strap a couple of Aludra's 'dragons' under the wings of a to'raken and 'the fox that makes the ravens fly' will 'ride like the sun on high'.




Someone is using the dice ter'angreal to counteract Mat's luck and make him vulnerable.


Olver will try to kill Mat after being persuaded that Mat was responsible for his Dad's death.


The Broken Wolf is Taim. (Or possibly Demandred.. :wacko: )


"And his destruction shall bring fear and sorrow to the hearts of men, and shall shake their very will itself. " refers to the destruction wrought by Mat's cannons.


Rand will have to die to meet the DO directly. Alivia will 'help him die' by telling him how the Bloodrings work, and he uses one. This also fulfils the 'blood on the rocks' prophecies, since the rings are made of SG rock.


The --- in the Blight is a third redstone doorway into 'finnworld. The 'red veils' are a Blighted strain of 'finns.


Min will be killed before she can tell Rand what he has to do.


More as they occur to me, until the Prologue is released.. (mutter mutter mutter.......)

  On 9/14/2012 at 1:48 PM, FarShainMael said:

Perhaps now is the time to reawaken this discussion.


From my earlier post in this thread a couple of years ago (almost exactly! :ohmy: ) :


  On 9/13/2010 at 5:23 PM, FarShainMael said:

The prophecy

"He shall hold a blade of light in his hands, and the three shall be one"

is in two parts. The first refers to Rand taking Callandor from the Stone, and is also in the Seanchan version (Essanik Cycle); the second refers to the three ta'veren.


This is the BUT: Janduin was Hawkwing reborn, and had to die to be returned to T'A'R. His son Rand will be revealed as the son of Hawkwing, which will carry the day with the Seanchan and lead to a proper alliance, not merely a truce. (Though this may not happen until AMOL.)


Asmodean died because he stepped onto Rand's skimming platform just as Rand began to move it. He was already scared of Rand because he knew he had overstepped the mark by playing mocking music and made Rand murderously angry with him. He took one step through that small door onto the skimming platform. Rand was facing the other way and didn't see him, he was concentrating on the meal he'd Skimmed to the pantry to obtain after he'd rejected the soup provided. Frightened at seeing Rand, Asmo gasped 'You? no!' and stepped backwards in shock.. right off the platform and into nothing. His dead body will fall onto another Skimming platform in ToM. Rand will think 'So that's the sound I thought I heard..'


Mat's ashandarei will turn out to be the other male sa'angreal. Mat will be using his new longbow if he does any actual fighting, or perhaps he will pass it to Birgitte.


Bashere will be revealed as a DF. Taim will be found to be in cahoots with Bashere and Moridin. The seal he gave Rand was a fake.


The final seal is the mosaic floor in the tower in Rhuidean (TFOH 6)


The wolves will be revealed as the Unseen Eyes of T'A'R. I don't think the UE are evil, since they only seem to induce uneasiness, not fear and a desire to protect oneself by wearing armour / carrying weapons etc.


The Asha'man lapel pins will become active somehow, and that is how Rand will regain control aver the Asha'man.


Cyndane will be revealed as a merged Lanfear and Moiraine. Moiraine will be revealed to be Ilyena reborn.


ToM will end with Mat trapped in the ToG, Perrin fleeing from a pack of Darkhounds, and a spreading rumour of the death of the Dragon Reborn.


Mat's marriage to Tuon has been dissolved by her 'death' when she announced herself Empress (tGS Ch 35), after the meeting with Rand. She referred to Mat as 'First Prince of the Ravens' during that meeting. (oops!)

Oh, and Mat will acquire some memories of Gaidal Cain courtesy of the 'finns, and marry Birgitte...


The DO will be defeated by being gentled. The Bore will be closed by Tinkers and Ogier Singing the Pattern whole.


Elaida's Foretelling about Rand facing the Amyrlin and knowing her anger will be about Egwene giving him the rough edge of her tongue for allowing Asha'man to bond AS, with the danger of them going mad and destroying said AS. Rand will protest that he cleansed saidin so that won't happen, but Egwene will not believe him. Not until Nyn confirms it.


The Aelfinn answer 'If you would live, you must die' was fulfilled when Rand's old self 'died' during his epiphany on DM. Alivia's involvement in this will be shown thus: in the crossover where Cadsuane meets Perrin and his band, Alivia was not invited along, but she watched Cadsuane form the Travelling weave and follows with her own Gateway. Tam was not at first willing to be ordered around by Cadsuane, but Alivia pleads with him, and he agrees.


(But see below..)


Gawyn will kill/try to kill Morgase by mistake when he gets to Caemlyn. Galad will prevent this, possibly by killing Gawyn.


With his memories of all his lives intact, Rand becomes fluent in the Old tongue, including 'harsh dialects' of it, and realises that various documents such as the Karaethon Cycle have been mistranslated over the years. This will reveal certain important items of information wrt the defeat of the DO.


There is a journal among Herid Fel's books now in Min's possession that is concealed by a bookmark ter'angreal similar to the one used by Verin to hide her BA list and codebook. It contains info on how to seal the Bore.


At some point during the LB, Mat will strap a couple of Aludra's 'dragons' under the wings of a to'raken and 'the fox that makes the ravens fly' will 'ride like the sun on high'.




Someone is using the dice ter'angreal to counteract Mat's luck and make him vulnerable.


Olver will try to kill Mat after being persuaded that Mat was responsible for his Dad's death.


The Broken Wolf is Taim. (Or possibly Demandred.. :wacko: )


"And his destruction shall bring fear and sorrow to the hearts of men, and shall shake their very will itself. " refers to the destruction wrought by Mat's cannons.


Rand will have to die to meet the DO directly. Alivia will 'help him die' by telling him how the Bloodrings work, and he uses one. This also fulfils the 'blood on the rocks' prophecies, since the rings are made of SG rock.


The --- in the Blight is a third redstone doorway into 'finnworld. The 'red veils' are a Blighted strain of 'finns.


Min will be killed before she can tell Rand what he has to do.


More as they occur to me, until the Prologue is released.. (mutter mutter mutter.......)


If Min dies I'm blaming you lol. She is my favorite of the ladies.


Another thought:


Rand will give Mat the sword Justice to help him in his dealings with the Seanchan.


ETA: Elayne will complete her pregnancy in T'A'R, where time can run faster than in the world. Her children will turn out to be Calian and Shivan, and will mature in T'A'R.


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