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wot from an 11 year old's point of view


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Hey folks. I have been lurking around this site for many, many years but have yet to post. However, this I just had to share with some fellow wot fans...


I recently recommended The Eye of the World to my 11 year old niece, Regan, who is an avid reader. Today, my sister (Regan's mom) sent me the following message:


I asked Regan if she had started the Eye of the World yet, and she said she had read a bit, but didn't really understand it so far.  "especially the part where the guy turns into a volcano".  I told her I am pretty sure no one turns into a volcano.  I can't wait til I can read the passage for myself.


You know, I always DID think that prologue was a little confusing to the first time reader... :)


Anyway, I'll keep y'all posted on any more nuggets I get if you're interested!




Hey folks. I have been lurking around this site for many, many years but have yet to post. However, this I just had to share with some fellow wot fans...


I recently recommended The Eye of the World to my 11 year old niece, Regan, who is an avid reader. Today, my sister (Regan's mom) sent me the following message:


I asked Regan if she had started the Eye of the World yet, and she said she had read a bit, but didn't really understand it so far.  "especially the part where the guy turns into a volcano".  I told her I am pretty sure no one turns into a volcano.  I can't wait til I can read the passage for myself.


You know, I always DID think that prologue was a little confusing to the first time reader... :)


Anyway, I'll keep y'all posted on any more nuggets I get if you're interested!


LOL.  Lews Therin vs. the volcano!


I always think it is interesting to hear opinions of first-time readers of the WoT, regardless of age.  Keep us posted!


I was about 12 or 13 when I was first introduced to WoT because my older brother was reading tEotW.  I picked it up and didn't like it too much (I thought it moved to slow), but a few years later I picked it up again, and for the past ten years I haven't stopped.


Quite a clever 11 yr old there, I dont think I couldve handled TEoTW at that age. Maybe I should give that book to my sister, shes just turned 12 and has inherited my love of reading


hahaha, @Lilbaz, I read your post when I was thinking the exact same thing nearly word for word. 31 My self this year hahaha.


I'm torn though. Looking forward to reading the final book, but then it will be all over apart from a few re-reads.  Think I'll definitely have a lump in my throat.


I am looking forward to the last book with no fears of being upset at all.


Waiting for the new book and speculating on what's going to be revealed in it is fun, but actually, finally having this epic wrapped up is going to be wonderful.


We can all go out and buy the complete boxed set with new art (I hope), and read and reread the series again.  There will always be more we will be able to learn about world of tWoT, and to finally have a complete series on my bookshelf will be infinity more satisfying and pleasing than speculating on internet message boards all day.


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