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Aviendah's Travelling


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*Balefire? What's that?? Never heard of it...*


This is quite specific. It depends of many factors. (After thnking about Balefire-time travelling, there is something odd with the Nynaeve unblocking scene and the Semi's-ass-kicking scene...)


So with balefire, either you have luck, or you don't survive. So yes and no...


Nobody has said that time can't be turned back or forward in the world of the WoT.


The WoT could theoretically be turned back for a time, or stopped; or turned forward at a faster pace.  It could be possible.  We just don't know enough.


I like to think that Time Travel could be possible in the WoT world.


If this is the case, and RJ seems to have been hinting at it with "RAFO", then it certainly sets up the Rand dying YET living, if on one side of her gateway he is dying and the other he's alive... However to me it seems a little too much to be trying to jam-pack into the last 2 books if there is also time-travel :O


Well said, Sid!^^


Jemron, after the theory of the linked page, there are comments quoting RJ speaking of time never going backward. I didn't copy paste them (I can't in fact, not for the moment).


But you can go technically forward in time. Or less forward.



What do we make of the Finns being able to read into the future, or Min's viewings, Dreamwalking, all that seems to be at least a partial time travel, if only of the mind, or something like that. As for turning back, well, Sid said it. The balefire situation would not really be a situation (DO ressurecting people) if he could go back in time and do crap.


Anyway, I dont know enough about the time travel and such to have a difinitive answer.


However, even if it is possible, it would be terrible in the story, RJ has made the WoT so great, in part, because it is so realistic, all of the events and systems are explained. If Rand or someone manages to cheat everything by time travel, well... that is kinda crap. Nothing like that has really happened, nothing totally extremely left field (or right field, whichever you prefer) so doing it now seems stupid really.


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