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What is the best thing to do in your opinion during the summer?

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Running in the morning, Its cool and peacfull.  In the winter its too cold and fall and spring present light issues with timing and sun but this time of year I can get out at 0530ish and the suns just cresting so the sky has that soft Baby blue and air is that crisp feel that happens right before the sun hits.

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Weekends, as it means I can play the great game of cricket, weather depending.


I am working 5 days a week during the summer and taking my week of holiday in September as it is cheaper and avoids all the horrible kids that could be about. I do have more than a week of holiday a year, but I currently use a lot of it for study leave around my accountancy exam period.

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Yea I hate summer it's too hot! I hate the heat!! Definently Fall is THE best time of year..hence why we're getting married in the fall. But I do love the options of things to do in the summer and most people are freer in the summer.


oo you have a date set?!!I need pictures!!We need pictures!!!!


*gets all girly*


so is it inside or out? is there a theme? Your Korean right, so will it be a tradtional Korean wedding or something more american traditional? Will it be big or just a few family?.....*runs out of breath* only thing i get all girly excitable about weddings!!!!!


make sure yuo smash some cake in his face during the reception!!!Do it for all us banders!!rotfl

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I prefer going to one of the smaller lakes around the city, rather than the beach, since beaches tend to be crowded with noisy teenagers and other annoying things.


Amen Maj, Amen!


I'm with Karasyl when she said nighttime rooftop beers...that's where it's at.  Add in a cigar or pipe and you've got a perfect evening with friends.


I've never been a big beach person, I much prefer a lake or the mountains.  At the beach you have annoying kids, sand gets in your suit, the sun's too hot, the salt water gets in my mouth and eyes and tastes like shite.


Rock climbing is fun in the summer; it's a little hot, but it's primo climbing season...although I prefer climbing in October, it's perfectly cool and breezy.

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