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Geirrin stood on the docks of Southharbor looking past the harbor to the River Erinen.  Gulls looking for their next meal cried out as the dockworkers loaded and unloaded the vessels moored to the loading docks.  The water lapped rhythmically against the hulls.  All the sounds in the harbor mixed together to provide a soothing symphony which sang to him reminding him of his days before coming to the farm.  It was a simple life but a blissful one provided by his ignorance of the events outside his small fishing village.


Now life was far more complex, exponentially so!  Bloody fish guts Geirrin thought as he turned and walked laboriously towards the Tower like a ship sailing into the wind.  It was only a couple miles from the Southharbor to the Tower though it felt like he was walking for an eternity before reaching the steps of the ivory tower.  Geirrin glanced at the position of the sun estimating that roughly an hour had passed since leaving the serenity of the harbor.  Without conscious thought Geirrin climbed the steps to the main entry hall then steeled himself for the worst before entering. 


The White Tower was unsettling to Geirrin even moreso than Tar Valon istelf.  He grew up a simple fisherman therefore he was unaccustomed to such magnificence and extravagence.  He must have been gawking for abit as a young woman in a white dress stood there staring up at him while tapping her slippered foot impatiently.  "Can I help you" she said as sweet as pie though her look said she was quickly running out of patience with him.  That ball of emotions in the back of his head had been nagging him to no end.  It seemed even more prevelant now that he was within the Tower.  He was certain he could point right to her.  What under the light had Arath and Covai gotten him into!       


Geirrin began to walk raising his hand dismissively though the young woman screeched softly then hurried to bar his path assaulting him with a flurry of questions and demands.  He smiled smugly as she harangued him unmercilessly.  He could shield her, or crush her like an ant, or do any number of things to her with the power and she would be helpless.  He frowned for a moment as he looked down at his simple servants clothing.  If he had his uniform on with his sword and dragon pins she would be pissing herself.  The thought made him smile wryly and he finally agreed to be escorted to Larindhra Sedai's quarters.


His wry smile never left his face as he followed the Accepted.  Every time he called her girl she shot him a glare and forcefully corrected his mistake naming herself an Accepted.  Finally they reached their destination, the girl reached to knock on the door though Geirrin beat her to it pounding on the door like a drum as if he intended to wake the dead.  She glared at him calling him every name in the book though her face was red as a beet as she figured Larindhra Sedai would probably assume she was the one who knocked obnoxiously.


Geirrin felt Larindhra Sedai approaching, felt something else through the bond though it was still too new for him to decipher what it was.  The door opened and there she stood eyeing them both.  If she was surprised to see him she did not let it show.  If anything he would say Larindhra Sedai appeared more annoyed than surprised.  He listened as the girl told the Aes Sedai how difficult Geirrin had been making sure to inform her that it was he who had knocked on her door.  Geirrin smiled wryly as Larindhra Sedai dismissed the Accepted.  "Thank you Girl" he called to her retreating form as soft laughter left his lips.  His wry smile was almost wiped from his face as he made eye contact with Larindhra Sedai.  Bloody fish guts he thought to himself, she is going to be as much fun as a stick in the mud I bet!


She could feel one of them approaching, though she couldn’t make out which of the two it was. It had taken her a while to realise that he wasn’t simply strolling around the city, but slowly nearing the White Tower itself, then entering it, and definitely coming right towards her quarters. Despite orders to the contrary.


Her mouth set in a firm line that would have warned any novice they had better have a good explanation, Larindhra calmly gave her long, dark hair a last few strokes with the brush. Winding it up into an even more severe bun than usual (another thing that would scream a warning at any novice who knew her), she pinned it securely at the back of her head. A gray hair caught her eye, making her pause. She felt silly for doing it, but plucked it out nevertheless. At the rate they were coming out, she’d soon have to stop doing that or suffer going bald.


How on earth did the years fly by so fast? I suppose at two hundred and change, a few gray hairs are to be expected. She snorted indelicately at herself. Worry more about the Last Battle approaching, if being Bonded … BONDED! … to two men who can Channel aren’t enough to keep your mind off trivialities, my girl.


The sudden loud and insistent pounding on her door would have had her jumping in her chair, if she hadn’t felt him coming nearer and nearer. As it was, her eyes narrowed at the effrontery. Surely they hadn’t let the silly boy wander loose around the Tower? No novice or Accepted would dare do that!


Calmly she stood, draped her shawl carefully around her shoulders like a man donning his armour in preparation for battle, then strode towards the door. She took a deep breath before opening it, just in time to hear him call the red-faced Accepted glaring at him, “Girl”, in what seemed a rather insulting tone, though the feelings coming through the Bond seemed more … childishly amused. She regarded the two of them with a raised eyebrow, which made the Accepted lose her high colour rapidly.


“Thank you, Clarissa – you may go.”  She waited for the Accepted to scurry out of sight, then reluctantly bade him to enter. She eyed his attire disdainfully, then proceeded towards a chair in a stately manner. She sat without inviting him to take a seat too. “So … Geirrin, isn’t it? … explain to me why you are here, in the Red Quarters, when you were specifically told to not come near the White Tower at any cost?”



Larindhra Reyne

Red Sitter



Larindhra Sedai’s disdainful look gave him pause as it could have been a number of things about him that put her off.  It didn’t bother him though, if she had an issue with him then that was her problem he thought to himself.  He shrugged letting the matter slip from his mind as he realized that Larindhra had walked into the sitting room.  She took a seat as he surveyed the room not even realizing that she failed to offer him a seat.  He was not sophisticated or even slightly polished.  Had he wanted to sit he would have simply done so with or without permission and thought nothing of it.  The bond might have given him a clue had he possessed the ability to understand what he was sensing through it, then again it might have offered notghin of use. 


Geirrin was busy staring at a tapestry so he had his back to Larindhra when she spoke.  Her words might as well have been inaudible initially as his focus was elsewhere.  The tapestry he was studying probably cost more than all of his family’s possessions put together.  He was not used to such extravagance.  Were all the quarters like this?  How did they come by such finery? 


Finally her words sunk in.  “So … Geirrin, isn’t it? … explain to me why you are here, in the Red Quarters, when you were specifically told to not come near the White Tower at any cost?”


Geirrin turned looking in Larindhra’s direction a wry smile on his face, so that’s how she’s going to play it…scolding him for not remembering orders while she acted as if she was uncertain of his name.  Her eyebrow raised in response to his smile, good let her chew on that.  When he replied, he spoke as if he were simply stating the obvious, well not simply, his tone had a slightly overconfident edge to it.  “umm...yes...well as you are already aware, it seems as though my superiors have deemed the inn to be less than suitable for our needs.” 


Geirrin looked about the room assuming that she had been playing games with him making him tell her when she already knew.  Larindhra uttered something that was too soft for him to make out which forced him look to her.  Studying her it appeared as though his words had missed the mark.  She sat there patiently waiting as if she expected him to say more.  Was she dim-witted, did she really not get it!  He spoke as plainly as he could.  "The Storm Leaders don't like the inn!"


Light she didn't know? “Bloody fish guts…you mean you don’t know why I’m here?”  “Don’t you bloody Aes Sedai speak to each other?  We were all told to find accommodations in our Aes Sedai’s quarters.  My belongings are being brought later when there are less people about.  Fortunately for you I travel light, well that and I don’t really own much so I don't need much space."  He had no use for trivial things.  "I cannot speak for your other, Ikki is his name in case you forgot..."  He shot her a dirty look "for all I know he packs like a noblewoman."


While Larindhra was digesting his words, Geirrin surveyed the room again searching for a suitable location for his belongings.  Her quarters were far more spacious than what he was accustomed to.  The Barracks in the Black Tower were often cramped, there was not a lot of personal space for men of the rank and file.



“Don’t you bloody Aes Sedai speak to each other?  We were all told to find accommodations in our Aes Sedai’s quarters.  My belongings are being brought later when there are less people about.”


She vaguely heard him speaking further; something about her other Bonded. She was too busy clamping down on her fury to take it in, though. I’m a rosebud, floating gently on a pond. Rosebud. It wasn’t working too well. Abruptly Larindhra stood, pointing vaguely to a chair. “Just sit down there and wait – I will be right back.”


She gave her shawl a huffy hitch, then strode out of the room. That woman was going to hear about this, yes she was! The Highest’s quarters were only a short way down the passage from her own, which meant her temper was still raging when she barged into Zarinen’s quarters.




Larindhra’s teeth were clenched so tightly she could feel the tendons standing out in her neck when she re-entered her own quarters. What under the Light was Zarinen thinking? Or … did she have a choice? Even through her anger at Larindhra, Zarinen hadn’t seemed all that happy about the situation herself. A sliver of ice slid up her back. She’d heard things … seemingly impossible things … about the Aes Sedai who had been force bonded by Asha’man after that disastrous mission to the Black Tower.


She stopped just inside her quarters, eyes searching for Geirrin. Fear had her by the throat momentarily, until she recalled that at least she held the proper end of this Bond. Besides, he was just a boy. A scruffy and uncouth one, but not so different from some of the novices who had benefitted from her training.


Still, what under the Light was she to do with him … them … now? She fisted her hands on her hips as she gazed at him in frustration, then looked around at her sitting room. Perhaps if she moved most of the things out of her study into here, then had two beds put up in there for them … Light, she couldn’t ask the Tower servants to bring beds to her quarters! With the best will in the world, word of that would spread like wildfire. Maybe … she eyed the boy speculatively.


“Can you Travel, boy?”



Larindhra Reyne

Red Sitter



“Just sit down there and wait – I will be right back.”  Larindhra's tone set the stage, she expected and anticipated obedience.  You will sit down, you will wait, and there will be no discussion on the matter.  It made him feel like a young child again...he mimicked her words in a child's voice though wisely soft enough for them to be inaudible to her. 


Light, was this what it was like to be a warder?  Was he simply a tool for her bidding?  Was he relegated to being a child all over again?  "Bloody fish guts!" he cursed, he needed someone or something to vent his frustrations on.  Had he not been so angry with his situation he might have noticed the annoyance and frustration coming through the bond.


Geirrin needed a distraction but could not find one, not here.  He was stuck in these rooms, there would certainly be no games of dice or serving girls to pinch.  What he needed was a stiff drink so he began scouring her sitting room for something to ease his mind...



Mulled wine was not his choice of drinks but it would suffice in a pinch.  Geirrin was on his second goblet when he felt her drawing near.  He gulped the remainder then replaced the empty goblet on the tray before making his way to one of the plush chairs.


Geirrin was slouched in the chair with one leg hanging over the arm of the chair when she entered.  Larindhra fisted her hands on her hips as she gazed at him in frustration, then looked around at her sitting room.  The silence stretched and she appeared deep in thought which made him uncomfortable.  Her gaze returned to him causing him to sit properly in the chair.  Light the silence was unsettling. 


Finally she spoke “Can you Travel, boy?”  Her words caught him off guard so that Geirrin's first reaction was to quickly reply that he didn't do it.  Luckily he stopped himself from uttring the words.  Blood and bloody ashes she had him off balance.  He felt like he was sailing into the wind or swimming against the current. 


"Aye" He replied without his usual hint of self satisfaction concerning his abilities with Saidin.  Traveling was an amazing feat after all and not everyone could do it.  Clearly he was confused as to why she asked. 


Well wasn't that nice. Larindhra could think of all kinds of useful things the boy could help her with, if he really could Travel. "Don't slouch," she told him absentmindedly as she pondered how this could be of use. "It's unbecoming in a nov ... an Ash ... it's unbecoming." She hitched her shawl up irritably. The Light knew what manners the Black Tower taught these boys. Probably none, judging by this one. She looked him over more carefully. Apparently making them wear something more than dockworker's rags was also not high on the Black Tower's list of priorities.


"I hope the ni... other one dresses better than you," she added with a disdainful sniff. "Ikki is his name, did you say?" Truth be told, most of that day was a blur to her. Thankfully. It was a nightmare she wished she could forget.


Her mind made up, Larindhra found herself on firmer ground and a calm settled over her at having a clear path ahead. Striding over to the desk in her study, she took a bag of gold coins out of the bottom drawer and tucked it securely into her belt pouch. "Right, this is what we are going to do," she announced as she re-entered the sitting room. "We're ... you're going to open a gateway to the Inn for us, and from there we will go shopping. We need some beds, linen, mattresses ..." She moved to her bedroom, where she neatly hung up her shawl and selected a nice, inconspicuous dark gray cloak instead.


"It can all be delivered to the Inn, and from there we can bring it here via another Gateway." Satisfied at having worked that out satisfactorily, she gave Geirrin a much warmer smile than he'd received from her thus far. "Well, come along, b ... Geirrin. If you want somewhere to sleep tonight, we had better get moving! And stand up straight, for the Light's sake."



Larindhra Reyne

Red Sitter




It seemed like a slow methodical barrage.  "Don't slouch"..."Stand up straight"..."It's unbecoming" She even commented on his clothes.  Sure he would rather be in his black coat complete with collar pins but they had been ordered to stow them for the time being.  They were supposed to be keeping a low profile.  What was wrong with his clothes anyway? They were serviceable to say the least.


To make matters worse Larindhra's commanding tone was back again.  Light this was not going to be fun.  Geirrin wanted to open up a gateway somewhere outside of Tar Valon and run but he knew it was pointless.  She would just use the bond to find him and probably drag him back to the White Tower by his ear.


Geirrin stood there perplexed for a moment.  She wanted him to open up a gateway yet it appeared as if she were heading for the door.  He needed a place he was familiar with to travel from or else he would have to skim.  It was not a big deal as it was such a short distance.  Where under the light was she going?  "Wait!"  He called to her then caught up to her to ask what she intended.  "I assumed we were traveling from this room?  You appear to be heading for the door."  He said then explained to her about traveling and skimming. 


Larindhra stared at the boy in puzzlement. Heading towards the door? She eyed him up and down. Big, strapping lad. Sometimes the big ones were a little … slow in the head. Odd how that happened. She sighed. Someone like that would obviously never be allowed to reach the Shawl, but she supposed the Asha’man had different … needs. Well, she would just have to remember to speak slowly and clearly, and use simple words.


She tried to explain to him that she was just going to Weave a Ward on the door which would warn anyone knocking that she wanted privacy. It would hardly do for someone to realise she wasn’t in, but not recall seeing her leave – everyone knew she didn’t have the Strength to Travel herself. He launched into a tangled explanation of Gateways and Travelling that at another time would be absolutely fascinating to examine, although considering his … mental capabilities, he probably didn’t understand a word of what he was spouting. However, a look out of her window showed that the sun was past its noon peak already.


“That’s lovely, dear, but we need to get going.” Larindhra patted him on the arm absentmindedly in what she hoped was a soothing fashion. “You just open the Gateway for us now, yes? Straight to where the Travelling room is at the Inn. You remember that, don’t you, dear?”


The boy gave her an odd look and she could feel puzzlement through the Bond, but thank the Light he must have remembered what to do after a while, since the next minute she was looking at the room the Reds used to Travel to and from. “Oh very well done!” She had to reach up to give him a pat on the shoulder as she walked past him, beaming encouragingly, and into the Inn. Light, she was going to have to invest in some high heeled boots, with this one around.


“You can close the Gateway now, dear,” she told him after he had stepped through. “That’s right.” She nodded, pleased as he seemed to follow her instructions. He might not be the sharpest quill in the ink stand, poor thing, but it seemed he could at least follow simple instructions. “Now let’s go get you some beds and things, yes?” She hesitated, then decided to explain further. “We will leave the Inn through the back exit, and then we’ll go to a Carpenter’s shop first. That's where one can get beds.” Best not overload him with too much information at one time – she wasn’t sure how good his retention was.



Larindhra Reyne

Red Sitter



Larindhra guided him every step of the way as if he couldn't function without her.  Did she have any idea what he was?  She treated him as if he were a green deckhand sailing for the first time.  How old was she?  At times he could swear she was not much older than himself.  Where did that commanding presence come from?


“Now let’s go get you some beds and things, yes?” Larindhra said then hesitated... “We will leave the Inn through the back exit, and then we’ll go to a Carpenter’s shop first. That's where one can get beds.” 


"I would have never guessed."  He muttered half under his breath.  If she heard then so be it, he was not an ignorant child.  Next thing she would be telling him that fishermen catch fish! Or that a jeweler makes jewelery...


Geirrin left her standing there making his way toward the back exit with a determined step.  Let her try to glide along while keeping up with his pace.  He pushed open the door with Saidin a little harder than intended.  The door slammed against the stone building with an audible crack.  He didn't spare a glance for the door not caring if he damaged it.  A moment later he felt as if his backside had been struck by a switch.  He refused to rub it or even acknowledge the blow.  Geirrin felt like telling her about the last person who beat him though he walked on.


A street vendor kindly gave him directions to the Carpenter's shop.  Geirrin received an odd look from the merchant as he entered.  Clearly Geirrin did not look like his usual clientele.  The merchant perked up when he saw Larindhra enter.  Even in her nondescript cloak she appeared wealthier than he. 


Geirrin looked over the furniture grumbling how he could make it better himself if he were able to channel freely.  His taste was more practical than lavish but he did appreciate fine work.  Turning to Larindhra he said "What was it that we were looking for again?  Was it fabric or perhaps fruit?"  He turned away from her but could feel her eyes like augers boring a hole in his back.     


Geirrin Hale





Larindhra shook her head as the boy stormed down the stairs and banged the door open. Maybe he was just eager to get his promised outing, but that didn’t mean he could break things. She gave him a smart rap across the buttocks with a flow of Air, to remind him. At least he was able to find the way to the Carpenter’s shop, but once there it seemed he had forgotten what it was they were there for. Light, this was going to be difficult if he was that impaired!


She nudged him out of the way, and offered a friendly but firm smile to the carpenter. “I would like to order two beds, a few chests and a hanging cupboard, to be delivered today before dark please.” The man’s jaw dropped open and he seemed about to protest, but she didn’t give him a chance at excuses.  “It doesn’t need to be anything ornate, so I’m sure you’ll be able to throw something together. Sturdy though, mind!” She bargained with him a bit, but any resident of Tar Valon knew an Aes Sedai by sight, so the price was not too dear. An extra few crowns slipped into his hand was apparently enough to elicit a promise of delivery within the required time. She gave him the address, then bustled Geirrin out of the shop.


The next few candlemarks were spent buying mattresses, pillows, bed linen, and anything else she could think of that the two boys would need. A good thing she hardly ever spent much of the thousand crowns all Aes Sedai received yearly. She was probably extremely rich, by most standards; not that such things mattered much to her.


Wishing she could rub her aching feet, Larindhra turned to a rather sulky looking Geirrin. “Only one thing left on our list, dear – we really need to get you some decent clothes.” Larindhra was at a loss as to where to obtain men’s apparel, though. She knew there were many tailors in the city, but not ever having the need to make use of their services, she wasn’t sure where they were, or which ones would be good enough to meet her standards.



Larindhra Reyne

Red Sitter



Rasheta was bored and she needed to find something to do. Visar came in and she glanced up at him briefly. They had just had an interesting adventure and both of them were learning to deal with feelings of sadness. Rasheta because Dante had been gone a long time and Visar for reasons of his own. She hadn't delved too deeply. He needed his own space to figure it out. He knew she was there if he needed her though. She stood up and grabbed her shawl and his arm. "Come on lets go to the city. We both need something to do." He dragged his feet a little but eventually followed her. Adrian always called this her "Aes Sedai" mode. The time when she must be obeyed. She smiled remembering that and pulled her shawl closer around her. It wasn't exactly a cold day but she felt like she should have her shawl.


Rasheta and Visar were looking through several shops she needed a new riding dress her last one had been ruined, and Visar needed some new clothes. She would have just gone to the best dressmaker in the city but the woman didn't do men's clothes, she didn't need to most of the Aes Sedai used the woman. So they were walking through the shops to find someone to do Visar some new things. She was surprised to come out of a shop and see Larindhra a Red Sitter and the former Mistress of Novices looking at a loss. Rasheta struggled with her dislike of the Red Ajah and almost turned and walked the other way but Larindhra looked right at her and Rasheta sighed deeply, she couldn't just leave now the woman would hold it against her somehow. Rasheta glanced at Visar and then said "Come on Visar its time you meet Larindhra of the Red Ajah."


She crossed the street to the Red and noticed a sulky looking man standing behind the Red. Odd Rasheta thought "Larindhra wouldn't be in the company of a man. Rasheta nodded to Larindhra and said coolly. "Good day Larindhra are you lost. The tower is that way." She pointed back the way they had come. 


Visar was also bored and needed something to do.  He had already caught up on attempting to train some hopeless new recruits, but somehow he didn't think training would take the edge off quite the way it usually did.  But first he needed to check in before he thought to go out and do something with old Tower Guard buddies.


As he took the stairs one at a time up to Rasheta Sedai's quarters, Visar glumly looked out the window at an otherwise perfect day.  It just wasn't the same here with Dante and Sandre gone.  He felt like their absense was a gap that no new friend could fill.  But they were gone, and he was here, duty-bound to the Tower.  For the hundredth time he thought about running away, but the consequences for abandoning his oath were too dire to warrant such brief hope of freedom.


Visar could tell right away that Rasheta wasn't taking Dante's absence too well when he entered the room.  She looked like she simultaneously didn't want to be seen in public, but couldn't possibly stay in her room another moment.


"Come on lets go to the city. We both need something to do."


Visar stuttered a confused reply, but knew better than to defy Rasheta when she got in that mood.  And he could use something random to do, it made things seem less routine and boring.  After recovering from her unusually energetic efforts to get going, Visar kept pace right behind her as they left the Tower and briefly tried to forget their troubles in the moment's distraction.


Shopping?  Well As long as I don't have to comment on every dress she tries on I suppose it could be worse.  Visar patiently braved the gauntlet of seamstresses and slowly learned to enjoy himself to some degree.  After all, Rasheta looked rather stunning in some of those dresses. He tried to encourage her until she caught on and simply decided on a simple riding dress and moved on to his clothing needs.


Visar sighed.  I tried?  He didn't really like shopping for himself all that much.  At least not for clothing.  When it involved shiny, sharp steel on the other hand...


Gloomy thoughts of trying on coat after coat were thankfully interrupted by an encounter with another Aes Sedai, accompanied by a rather rough looking dock worker.  At least, the man was dressed like one, but he seemed to carry himself differently, as a soldier might. 


"Come on Visar its time you meet Larindhra of the Red Ajah."  Red Ajah?  Visar thought Rasheta hated Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah.  But then again, Aes Sedai were usually overly polite to each other even if they hated each other.  It was all part of their game.  But as Rasheta cooly started off the pleasantries with a thinly veiled question about what this Larindhra was doing outside of the Tower, Visar tensed.  Rasheta was suspicious of something, and it took Visar only a moment to figure out why.  Red Ajah were rarely seen in the company of men, and yet this Larindha Sedai's companion seemed more than just a dock worker running an errand for her.  This is not going to end well, is it?


Visar relaxed himself, and kept his hands to his side, resisting the urge to put his hand reassuringly on his sword hilt.  He bowed slightly as a sign of respect to the other Aes Sedai, and braced himself for the worst.



As the afternoon had worn on, the fact that their exact relationship was a delicate matter, not to be made public, had been pushed to the back of Larindhra’s mind. The parts of town they had visited were not normally frequented by Aes Sedai, who preferred to let the Tower servants handle such menial matters.


That illusion of safety which had settled over her was shattered abruptly as they turned a corner and walked almost smack bang into another sister, exiting a shop. And not just any sister, but a Sitter of the Green Ajah.  Larindhra managed to suppress a groan, but she couldn’t force her horrified eyes away from Rasheta’s.  It felt to her as if the Asha’man hovering at her back must be standing out like a Fade with bells on.


Before she could retreat to safety, the Green advanced on her with a chilly face, making some sarcastic comment about which way the Tower was.  When did the girl get such a smart mouth on her? She was quite a good little novice. The extraneous thought flitted away as Larindhra frantically tried to come up with a plausible reason for having a man, who was obviously not a Tower servant, in tow.


She was on the point of trying for a polite nod and moving on, when she noticed the man with Rasheta. Hard not to, when he bowed so politely to her, yet still exuded that dangerous grace only the Gaidin seemed to have. He had to be the woman’s Warder, and that gave her an idea. Now if she could just pull this off …


“Good day, Rasheta.” Larindhra gave the sister one of her motherly smiles, and nodded to the Warder. “This is a rather fortuitous meeting – I was just wondering where I could get some decent clothes made for this young man.  Poor relatives are always popping up unexpectedly, aren’t they?” And if that wasn’t a bit of Aes Sedai flummery … “Perhaps you could direct me to a good tailor?”



Larindhra Reyne

Red Sitter



((OOC:SOrry wrote it with very little sleep, an uncooperative ISP and DM acting wonky))


The day dragged on as if it would never end.  Geirrin felt as if he were in a nightmare.  Sure he wanted a bed to sleep but shopping was about as much fun as gutting fish on a hot summer day without a hint of a breeze.  


Larindhra had seemed confident as if she knew exactly what she was doing until it came to finding him clothes.  How many seamstresses and tailors had they visited without anything to show for their efforts.  Apparently women were the primary clientele for most of these merchants therefore they were having no luck finding him suitable clothing.  


Geirrin trudged along behind Larindhra.  He was like a child that was attempting to do his chores without the least bit of interest in completing them.  As they turned a corner he felt a change in the bond.  Naturally he reached for Saidin and that all too familiar struggle ensued.  It was as if he were trying to catch an eel with greasy hands while teetering on a ledge with sharpened stakes below.  It all happened in the blink of an eye but it felt like an eternity before he was holding Saidin.  The presence of the taint made him want to sick up though it was well worth the price for wielding such a marvelous power.


Geirrin readied a nasty weave.  One weave was his limit if he wanted to avoid accidents.  He was strong, one of the strongest channelers at the farm yet he lacked the skill to wield more than one weave with precision.  No matter how much he tried the results spoke for themselves.  Larindhra would not be happy with him if he leveled half a block in the city. 


The tension in Geirrin eased slightly as the two Aes Sedai began was conversing.  Well by the way they spoke to each other he assumed the woman was another Aes Sedai. They acted like two lionfish caught in a net neither willing to admit they had been caught.  Who under the light was the soldierly looking fellow that was eyeing him?  It could be her warder he thought though for all he knew the man could be anyone, a servant or clerk or street thug turned bodyguard.  On second thought that sword seemed to fit him all to well and he did have this dangerous air about him.  Geirrin knew little about Aes Sedai and next to nothing about warders.


Geirrin usually carried a sword as well though they were supposed to be laying low.  Anyway he doubted it looked the same on him.  He did not put much faith in swords, not when he had Saidin at his fingertips.  They had taught swordsmanship at the farm though he took little interest in it.  If he was cut from the source than he may as well lay down and die, his skill with a sword would only prolong his inevitable death.


Why was the fool bowing? Geirrin simply nodded smugly to the others.  He was an Asha'man, he did not bow down to others!  He yearned for his long black coat and collar pins.  He had earned them, why should he not be able to wear them?  The reason was batantly obvious which only proved that he was either dumb as a stump or a fool of epic proportions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


OOC: I hope this is alright if I need anything changed lemme know. :)



Rasheta was given one of Larindhra's motherly smiles the woman had been the Mistress of Novices a long time and Rasheta supposed old habits died hard. 


“This is a rather fortuitous meeting – I was just wondering where I could get some decent clothes made for this young man.  Poor relatives are always popping up unexpectedly, aren’t they?”


Only Larindhra would describe a meeting between a Red and Green as "fortuitous." Rasheta would say it was disastrous. Even though the two Ajahs were allied, the sisters didn't generally see eye to eye. Greens liked men to much and Reds well the Reds hunted them down. Although, Rasheta turned her attention to the "poor relative." and looked him up and down slowly. She heard Larindhra ask her for a tailor but Rasheta ignored her a moment as she continued looking at the man behind Larindhra. There was something about the two of them that bothered Rasheta and she thought, he looked nothing like Larindhra a relative indeed! She let her eyes start at his feet and slowly go back to his face again, she then turned her attention back to Larindhra who looked a little pained and desperate now that she really looked at her. It was hard to spot, she was good at hiding it. Rasheta however, was good at noticing things. She turned to Visar and said sweetly. 


"Would you mind taking." She eyed the man and waited for him to supply her with a name. When he did she addressed Visar again. "Geirrin back to the tailors. I must have a word with Larindhra, it won't take long we will meet you there." She waited till the two had walked off and then crossed her arms and said softly to the Red.


"What is going on who is he really? A relative indeed he looks nothing like you! You are older then I am and so I know all your family to be dead." She said the last not unkindly she knew what it was like to loose family. A thought struck her and she grabbed Larindhra's arm pulling her a little further off the street and back toward the shadow of the shop she had just exited. "Are you bonded!" She whispered shocked.


Visar noticed with slight annoyance that Larindhra's poor relative, if that was who she said he was anyway, did not show his Aes Sedai any polite gesture of respect.  But other than the man's confident, possibly arrogant bearing, Visar thought that he looked like he came from a similar background as himself.  Certainly not a noble, and he looked to be from the South, perhaps even from around Tear.


But whoever the man was, Visar accepted Larindhra's explanation for him being a relative, and was only too eager to leave the scene at Rasheta Sedai's request.  Warder or no, even he did not wish to get in between a Red and a Green who could literally send sparks flying between them without warning.


Visar, suspicious enough of the man to withhold a friendly handshake, gestured slightly back to the tailor's shop.


"Come then, goodman Geirren.  I'm sure the good Aes Sedai will join us once they finish." he offered, not sure what else to say.  As long as he was not expected to choose any items of clothing for the man.  That would be most awkward as he was sure he would like that less than shopping for his own clothing.

  • 1 month later...

Larindhra started when Rasheta ordered her Warder to take Geirrin shopping. Dear Light, that was a disaster waiting to happen! She doubted the boy had the wits to dissemble, if the Warder decided to question him. She could do nothing but hand him some money from her belt purse, pat him on the shoulder and deliver a vague “You be a good boy now, yes?”, though. Any objection would just alert the Green to something unusual in the situation. She tried to some strong warning feelings through the Bond, but not knowing exactly how the flaming thing worked, she had no idea if he felt anything, or understood it if he did.


She was so focussed on watching them walk away, she hardly noticed Rasheta nattering about her age and then pulling her further into the shadows. The woman’s next words got through to her, though.


"Are you bonded!"


Her eyes widened, and her mouth popped open. She could only gape at the Green for long moments before her wits returned somewhat. She’d have to bluff her way out of this one for sure, or Zarinen would have her hide for a carpet. Flaming Greens! Dratted Asha’man!!


“Have you taken leave of your senses, woman? It’s well known Reds don’t bond!” She hastily tried to remember what else Rasheta had said to her. “And don’t tell me your whole family line has died out. Why, I have one great-nephew in training at the Warders Yard at this moment. Granted, there are probably a few more ‘greats’ in there,” she ventured a wry chuckle, “but at our age and in our situation, generations don’t really lessen the connection. Any relative at all becomes precious.” She shut her mouth with a snap and hoped the Green didn’t realize she’d been babbling out of sheer panic.



Larindhra Reyne

Red Sitter


Title: Re: A Silverpike out of Water (attn: Elgee)

Post by: Sieve on 29-08-2010, 15:00:27


"Come then, goodman Geirren. I'm sure the good Aes Sedai will join us once they finish." The Warder said to him. "Hopefully they will take their sweet time!" he replied half under his breath as he followed the Warder to the tailor shop. Fortunately the Warder did not speak to him as they made their way to the shop. He prefered it that way, Geirrin doubted that they had much in common. That and he was not prepared to discuss his situation with anyone. Larindhra and Geirrin had barely spoken about their bonding and they certainly had not worked out what they were to tell others.


The Warder held the door for him, as Geirrin entered he noticed the shopkeeper look up from his work. "Bloody fat good for nothing grunter" he muttered. The shopkeeper's suspicious look changed as the Warder entered the shop behind Geirrin. Clearly the site of the better dressed Warder gave the shopkeeper hope that he would be able to push his wares today. The shopkeeper perked up as he approached the Warder. Geirrin took the opportunity to slip past the merchant walking to the one end of the shop leaving the others to talk.


Geirrin browsed the bolts of cloth refusing to touch the fabric in fear that he might damage the fine material. He seemed drawn to the darker colors, black had been all he had worn for quite some time. "You do have a fondness for dark colors don't you boy" He heard Larindhra say at his back. He was so focused on the numerous bolts of cloth that he did not hear the Aes Sedai enter. "It seems to fit my mood most of the time" he replied. Light this was going to be torture, he took a deep breath as the Aes Sedai spoke with the tailor. Before he knew it the tailor's assistants were taking measurements and holding up bolts of cloth for the Aes Sedai to see. None of the colors were dark enough for his liking.


Geirrin silently prayed for death though the creator must have been too busy to take heed. That or he got some perverse enjoyment out of Geirrin being dressed up like a doll. The creator was not the only one for he could sense Larindhra's amusement with his uncomfortable state. Bloody woman!





  • 3 months later...

“Have you taken leave of your senses, woman? It’s well known Reds don’t bond!”


Rasheta had her doubts about that. She knew that Larindhra wasn't lying, or not really. It was a well known fact that Reds didn't bond but that could change. She just kept staring at the Red Sitter in the hopes she would give something away. As it was Rasheta was going to return to the tower and speak to Jaydena about this. Maybe the Head of the Ajah knew something she didn't.


“but at our age and in our situation, generations don’t really lessen the connection. Any relative at all becomes precious.”


Rasheta winced inwardly. All of her family was long dead, which she wasn't about to tell the other sister. She only nodded. "As you say Larindhra all family is precious. These days my warders and my Ajah are my family, and it has been so since I was raised to the shawl." She eyed Larindhra and added. "However, sister I must take my leave I will go and get Visar before returning to the Tower. I wish you a good day and I hope that you have a good time with your." She paused and smiled "relation." She emphasized the word to allow the other to realize that she didn't really fully believe the story about family and the bond. She turned on her heel and went to find Visar and then she had something to speak to Jaydena about.


OOC: I hope that's okay sorry this took me so long it got buried.

  • 2 weeks later...

Larindhra maintained a friendly but non-committal expression until the Green was well out of view, then muttered a foul expression that she would have striped any novice for knowing, never mind uttering. Rasheta was definitely suspicious, and Zarinen was going to have a screaming fit. Again.


Sighing, she started in the direction she had last seen her ... Warder ... heading off to. It took her a while to realize that she wasn't so much following the direction she'd seen him heading off to, as much as where she could feel him. What a peculiar thing! She could also feel him growing more and more ... petulant, was the only word she could think of to describe it. By the time she reached the Tailor's shop, she was having a hard time of it to keep a most inappropriate giggle from escaping. It had become quite obvious to her over the last few minutes that the one thing the boy did not enjoy, was shopping. For clothes, anyway.


Thus it was that by the time Larindhra entered the shop, a small grin was hovering on her lips. She hovered behind them unseen for a while, feeling Geirrin's irritation rise as the Tailor presented him with ever more inappropriate colours. The pale pink seemed to be particularly unacceptable to him. "You do have a fondness for dark colors don't you boy?", she murmurred over his shoulder.


Within short order she had thanked Visar for his kindness and dismissed him politely, then taken over the selection of materials. Black was a bit too obvious, as was too bright a red, but she couldn't resist a pale rose coloured silk for a jacket that would match perfectly for a very dark red she'd chosen for some pants for him. It would do well for a formal occasion, should they ever be able to attend such together. For the rest, she ordered several pristine white shirts in various materials, as well as some stout woollen and linen pants and coats. Mostly in dark forest colours that could be worn anywhere, but would be especially handy on the road. She paid the Tailor an extra gold for speedy delivery, with some of the stuff promised for later that same day. The man would have to set all his people to work to achieve that, but when an Aes Sedai requests, means must be found, it seemed. He was also very obliging in pointing out a cobbler right next door to him who would be able to supply good quality boots and shoes. The man obviously valued his business with the White Tower.


When it came to having Geirrin measured for small clothes, Larindhra politely but hurriedly excused herself to have a word with the cobbler so long. It seemed a long time before Geirrin joined her there, his expression positively radiating affront, but in short order the boots and shoes were also ordered, and they were heading back to the Tower. She glanced speculatively at Geirrin as they entered the Tower grounds. "Tell me, boy, can you dance?" she asked in a hopeful tone. It had been a long time since she'd enjoyed a decent dance, and she did love them. Men were rather hesitant about dancing with a Red. Once they found out what her Ajah was, anyway.



Larindhra Reyne

Red Sitter

Starting to enjoy this whole Warder thing

  • 3 weeks later...

After getting groped and prodded by the tailor's assistants he was as tense as a compressed spring. Geirrin did not trust himself to speak civilly therefore he followed Larindhra in silence. His annoyance and frustration seemed to amuse her. From what he felt through the bond she seemed giddy, as if on the verge of laughter. Light blast the wretched woman!


As they entered the tower grounds Larindhra broke the once glorious silence. "Tell me, boy, can you dance?" she said glancing at him. Light he wanted to scream! Remain civil he thought to himself...though his boyish immaturity took over. "Aye, I can dance." Lanrindhra's eyes seemed to light up at the prospect of a proper dance. A mischievous smile formed on his face as he rotated his hips then thrust them forward suggestively. "Not sure if that is the kind of dance you meant but the young ladies love it!"


The words barely left his mouth before he felt goosebumps on his skin followed immediately by a blow across his backside. The angered Aes Sedai grabbed his ear in a firm grip dragging him through the grounds into the White Tower. His face was bright red with embarassment as all eyes were drawn to him. Some laughed openly or chuckled quietly covering their mouth with a hand. Others shook their heads obviously thinking he was getting his just due. What a spectacle they made. "No sense of humor" he muttered softly as he was dragged through the tower towards the Red Ajah quarters. By what he felt through the bond she was going to flay him alive when they reached the confines of their room.


Larindhra's eyes lit up when Geirrin confirmed that he could dance, but then he demonstrated quite clearly that the type of "dancing" he was referring to, was most definitely not what she'd had in mind! Light above, what sort of conditions had the boy grown up in if he thought it appropriate to suggest something like that to an Aes Sedai?? No respect! Without thought she embraced the Source and swatted him across the bottom before grabbing him by the ear and dragging him by it all across the Tower grounds and to her quarters.


It never occurred to her that this boy had shielded her without breaking a sweat once before already; his muted mutters only earned him a warning glare. Once in her quarters, Larindhra let go of his ear and planted her fists on her hips. "Now you listen to me, young man!" she started, then pursed her lips as a thought occurred to her. "Slow" people sometimes misunderstood, and had the unlucky knack of remembering just the wrong thing. And worse, repeating it, just like little children were wont to do. Maybe he didn't even understand exactly what he'd been suggesting to her, but had simply been aping behaviour obviously picked up in Light knew what places he'd grown up in? Oh Light ... was she going to have to explain ... certain matters to him??


Larindhra was not inexperienced in ... certain matters, but that did not mean she felt comfortable at the thought of explaining them to this boy. Especially considering that if she was feeling his emotions, as was rapidly becoming clear, he would most likely also be feeling hers! She tapped her lip and considered the red faced young man slouching sullenly before her. Hmmm ... maybe if she showed him the right way to go about things, he'd forget whatever bad examples he had imprinted in his poor little brain. She actually started to feel quite protective of the poor thing. Repetition and positive reinforcement - that's the way to go about it, she thought to herself and nodded decisively.


Taking a deep breath, she fought down the last remnants of her outrage and eventually managed a motherly smile. "Right then, my dear - I'm going to show you what I meant by dancing, yes? Now usually there would be musicians playing but for now we will have to just imagine ..." Oh dear ... would he be able to imagine this? She really had to find out exactly what his mental limits were. "Never mind - let me start off by showing you the more usual positions for a country dance. Upright positions, mind you!" She wagged a finger under his nose and gave him a firm but friendly look as she felt a flash of puzzlement mixed with something she couldn't quite identify, flowing through the Bond. She ignored that and took him gently by the upper arms to shift him into position. "Place your left leg a bit forward ... "


A rapid knock on her outer door interrupted her flow of instructions. Frowning irritably, she strode to the door and opened it. A sweating novice bobbed her a hasty curtsy and thrust a message tube at her. "I'm sorry, Larindhra Sedai! These came for you earlier from the Dovecotes, and I knocked and knocked but you didn't answer and I came back a few times but.." Larindhra held up her hand to stem the flow of words before the girl fainted from lack of breath. "Child, calm down! You have found me now. Go along back to your other duties." She resisted the urge to roll her eyes as the girl squeaked a thanks, dropped another curtsy and practically ran off. She was about to close the door when another novice came trotting up. "A message for you from Zarinen Sedai, Larindhra Sedai." Larindhra dismissed her without showing any hint of the wariness she felt upon hearing who the message was from. What did that woman want now.


Shutting the door, Larindhra checked then broke the seal on Zarinen's message first, a frown forming as she read the curt words:


One Orange Pepper and two White Pepper reports from Eyes and Ears in Far Madding. Investigate and report.

Zarinen Rafaliva.

Be careful.

Larindhra's eyebrows had risen at the message. One missing Red Ajah agent, and two confirmed dead? All in Far Madding? Then she read the almost casual afterword and her eyebrows shot up almost to her hairline. If Zarinen was warning her to be careful ... At least the Highest had included the names, descriptions and last known addresses of the missing people at the bottom of her message.


She stripped the outer layer off the other message and unrolled it. It was from one of her Eyes and Ears in Caemlyn, who had recruited one for her in Far Madding, a place most Aes Sedai avoided.


The one bushel of orange peppers ordered nine weeks ago have not arrived from Far Madding yet, but I can supply red peppers.

Her personal Eyes and Ears in Caemlyn was safe, but the one she had recruited in Far Madding had not been heard from in 9 weeks.


Larindhra's mind raced, as she pondered the probability of several agents suddenly dying or going missing, all in one place. A place most Aes Sedai avoided, since they could not Channel there. Zarinen had warned her to be careful, but she would have to question Tesna, the sister in charge of the Ajah's network of Eyes and Ears, however judiciously.


She had completely forgotten Geirrin's presence until he cleared his throat loudly. And irritably. "What? Oh ... yes ... " What on earth was she to do with him? Leaving him to cool his heals in her quarters might not be the best of ideas - he seemed to get bored easily, and bored children created messes. Glancing at the clock on her mantle piece, she was surprised to see how late in the day it was already. Suddenly she remembered the furniture she had ordered to be delivered to the Inn. Maybe he would be able to fetch that?


"Geirrin, you remember how to Travel to the Inn, don't you? Would you be able to Travel there and fetch the furniture we ordered earlier? It should be there by now, along with some of the clothes we ordered. Come right back here, mind you! And don't step outside my rooms!" Not paying much attention to what he was saying beyond the fact that he seemed to believe he could do it, she hastily patted her hair and smoothed her clothes before going in search of Tesna.



Larindhra Reyn

Red Sitter

  • 1 year later...

The look of a stubborn rebellious child flashed across his face as he uttered a few curses. He could shield her with ease and teach her a lesson. Geirrin glared at her back as she left the room, his fists clenching in anger.


He seized Saidin. That all to familiar struggle where for a few heartbeats he was juggling the weight of the world while teetering on the crumbling edge of a canyon. It was like trying to grasp the tiller of a ship with greasy hands that were far too small for the task while being tossed about in the worst storm any sailor could imagine.


What seemed like a like a lifetime was only mere moments. The bittersweet power that was Saidin flowed through him. Geirrin felt invincible and nauseous at the same time though the latter quickly dissipated. It was almost beyond belief what he could accomplish with the power. The destruction he could cause if he had a mind to was scary. Fortunately for the world he walked in the light, well as much as one possibly could without being a total bore.


The silvery blue line opened into a gateway large enough for him to step through without ducking. Geirrin did not even look back in her direction as he stepped through into the traveling room at the inn. Storming out of the traveling room he went in search of the goods that should already be waiting for him.


Geirrin took his frustration out on the laborers that had delivered the goods to the inn. He gave them a tongue-lashing that they would not soon forget. It was as if he were the captain and they incompetent sailors. Directing them to the traveling room he hurried ahead and opened a gateway to Larindhra's quarters. The laborers reluctantly filed through after a few harsh words. They quickly set down the items they had been carrying and hurried back through the gateway. Geirrin immediately closed the gateway behind the last laborer so close that he almost caught the man's heel. He meant the man no harm yet his frustration had gotten the better of him. He felt no remorse for his harsh treatment of the laborers. Geirrin let go of Saidin and immediately felt the loss.


With nothing better to do, Geirrin began picking through the chest of clothes with a critical eye. He wanted his black collared coat back. In short order Geirrin became bored with inspecting the clothes. Looking about the room he tried to think of something else to occupy his time. With all the furniture and chests in the room he didn't even have enough space to practice his sword forms. Geirrin liked maps, he couldn't read books but he could read a map. He looked about Larindhra's quarters seeing if he could find one laying about.


Larindhra walked back from Tesna's rooms as fast as she could without arousing suspicion. She had been as circumspect as she could at questioning the spymistress (and very few were better at playing that game than Larindhra), but the woman had not gained her position by being a fool. There was nothing for it but to hope for the best. And take all due precautions, obviously.


She tugged the bell to summon a servant as she entered her rooms, mental gears churning as she thought of what to order and prepare. She's all but forgotten about Geirrin, but being in the same room as him intensified the feelings nestled at the back of her head. Very strong feelings of irritation. She regarded him with a faint frown. Leaving him to wander around loose in the Tower was not even a remote option. He would have to go with her, but what was she going to do with him? Her eyes narrowed as an idea came to her - he would form part of her disguise.


Another thought struck her. "Can you ride?" she asked over her shoulder as she strode into her bedroom and started rooting through her clothes. She didn't have much that was brown (certainly not one of her favourite colours), but she'd always found it ... prudent ... to keep a few sets of clothing that ... gave certain impressions. She couldn't lie, of course, but it was amazing how one could ... imply. And of course, let others do the talking for her. Larindhra Sedai of the Red Ajah would leave the Tower with what seemed like a Tower Guard in tow. Someone else entirely would enter Far Maddiing.


A servant slipped into her quarters just as she strode out of her bedroom with a bulging saddlebag slung over her arm. She handed it to Geirrin as if he were just another servant, trying hard to send a warning through the bond. Hopefully he would keep his mouth shut and not confuse the issue. She started issuing orders to the tower servant at a rapid pace, not giving Geirrin any opening in the process. Her mare and a gelding to be saddled and readied immediately, along with a pack horse and provisions for a long journey. The servant was ushered out with all due speed, and she at last turned to Geirrin.


"We're going on a long journey, so I really do hope you can ride." She muttered to herself about the weeks it was going to take to get to Far Madding, as she searched for the right maps amongst the ones scattered around. Surprisingly the one she wanted, showing the area around Far Madding in great detail, was lying right on top. "I see some of your clothes have arrived. Please go change into something to travel in, and then pack the rest," she called over her shoulder, then continued to study the map, muttering all the way. She really hated wasting time.



Larindhra Reyn

Red Sitter

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