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Time to Think (Open to Accepted)

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Kathleen swallowed her mouth full and careful began to speak in a clear, calm voice. She tried to keep her tone steady and not sound stuck up or rigid, she wanted light conversation not debate, but she didn't think there was anyway around debate with the topic they had chosen to discuss, at least it would hopefully be pleasant debate. "I don't know if we will ever truly understand why everyone does what they do, but I don't think that is something strict to the Tower. If we were out in the world we can never know why others do what they do. Some people just think differently. I see what you are saying about some ajahs having more use of the One Power, like the Greens who use it in battle, but even they are restricted to using it only in self defense if it is meant to harm someone. That doesn't really give much benefit to the rest of the battle plan. That part comes of using there head and the knowledge they gain here.


Yes we can all touch the Source, but there is more to being Aes Sedai than just using the Power, otherwise we would just band together long enough to learn how to handle ourselves so it wont kill us, then we would be off on our own to live our lives as we please and have nothing to do with each other. When we come to the Tower we learn so much more than just how to manipulate the elements we are taught of histories around the world, we are taught how politics work, we are taught better than anyone else in the world in many more subjects than most ever see. We are taught how to serve the world and how to help run it.


As Aes Sedai we aren't just a bunch of people who can lift objects with air, we are people with the knowledge of how to make things better when there seems to be no other way. We are people who can solve problems other people can't. We advice kings and queens on the best way to protect there people and run there countries. That takes more than just using the One Power, that takes using your brain. There are many different types of people, and many different ways of thinking, that is why there are so many Ajahs, each has their own way of thinking.


The purpose of Aes Sedai is to better the world as a whole and there are many different ways that people think is best to do that, and not all of them revolve around the One Power. Knowledge can be just as convincing and powerful as Healing a sick person with the power, making the right move in a tough situation can be just as important, and it takes proper consideration of all possible outcomes." When Kathleen finished she casually took a sip of her water and waited for the comments to fly.

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Regalia crooked a brow as Kathleen spoke. She hardly ever heard the girl speak up, even in lessons. In her mind, Regalia regarded Kathleen as a sort of peace lover, possibly aspiring to be Gray. She did seem to mediate very well. Although slightly tending to being self deprecating. She did seem to be doing well. Her hand absently scratched at her nose as she considered the other Accepted.


Kasi was aspiring to be White, and in time, should she succeed, she would lose that vehemence and her emotional attachment to things. Rochel seemed to question at everything, never quite accepted what she heard until it was something she agreed with. Regalia sometimes felt the girl was testing them. Perhaps something more senior Accepteds did. And sweet, sweet, Amadine. The perfect Yellow. Healer to the core. Someone Regalia loved very dearly.


“I think Kathleen is right.” Regalia nodded at the girl. “Being able to touch the Source makes us different. There is no point considering admitting people outside the White Tower into the Ajahs. A person schooled in logic, no matter how intelligent he maybe, will never see the world through the eyes of an Aes Sedai. How could they? The One Power changes everything. On top of that, we are part of the most powerful organization in the world.” Regalia brushed her hair aside. “Everything we do is about perception. If you question the Ajah’s necessity, then you might as well question the need for the White Tower itself. Why group us altogether when we could just be channelers by ourselves? Why is it so important that we preserve history, tradition and knowledge over such a long time? I think it’s all got to do with the need for organization, for the passing on of all that is good. Each Ajah does that. And I feel that without the Ajahs, things would just rapidly break down. People need organization. They need to feel that they have a history behind them. A library of information from time past. And with such important work as we have to do, the Ajahs would provide the necessary for our missions.”


Regalia sighed. “There’s just so much to learn. So much to grow into. I wish we could be part of all the Ajahs and learn from all of them. But that would probably take a lifetime of not doing anything else. Still…” She shrugged.


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Rochel wasn't about to admit to the others that she did question the need for the White Tower itself.  Or that she was probably the only one among them that didn't want the shawl.  Everything the other girls said simply reinforced her own disdain for the White Tower and the Aes Sedai in general.  What made them think that the ability to channel gave them the right to manipulate the entire world?  To make kings and queens dance on Aes Sedai strings?  To 'help run the world' ... what kind of arrogance did one have to have to take that kind of power?  Wouldn't the world be better served by educating the people and letting them rule themselves, rather than have a group of meddling women interfere from across the world?


Rochel surpressed a shiver as memories of her third trip through the silver archs surged up.  I will NOT be one of them! she told herself vehemently.  There was no way Regalia could know, but the idea of being a channeler by herself, away from the Tower, was still one of Rochel's fondest dreams.  To get away from the manipulation, the subterfuge ... the bloody Great Game.


“There’s just so much to learn. So much to grow into. I wish we could be part of all the Ajahs and learn from all of them. But that would probably take a lifetime of not doing anything else. Still…”


Rochel couldn't contain her shiver this time.  Every single Ajah?  She couldn't imagine what that would be like.  "Ugh ... I have a hard enough time dealing with my ajah studies as they are.  If I actually had to become a part of all of them ... I think I'll have a hard enough time adapting to a single one when the time comes."



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"Ugh ... I have a hard enough time dealing with my ajah studies as they are.  If I actually had to become a part of all of them ... I think I'll have a hard enough time adapting to a single one when the time comes."


Amadine looked thoughtfully around the table, three out of the five were already aware of the Ajah they would choose. Regalia was made to be Blue, Kasi would definitely be White and she herself would be Yellow. She couldn't imagine how it must feel for Rochel to have no inkling at all of which Ajah she would choose. Ama had known before she had even left Caemlyn that if she had the ability to channel she would be Yellow.


Amadine wondered if Kathleen was thinking of an Ajah yet, she seems a sweet girl, though very quiet. She always appeared to think her way through thoroughly before actually speaking, Ama wished she could say the same for herself.


"Well girls, i thank you for a lovely morning of discussion, i hope we can do this again soon but i must go. I have a Healing lesson soon and i must go and fetch my things for class."


Amadine quickly collected the remaining plates, cups and the teapot and placed them on the remaining tray. She pecked a kiss onto Regalia's cheek. "I shall see you later for Supper Ray-ray. Thank you again Rochel, Kathleen and Kasi. I will catch up with you again soon."


Amadine flashed a bright smile at them all and picked up the tray and turned away from the table. She placed it with the trays of used crockery and cultery on the table by the door to the kitchen and hurried out of the dining hall towards her room. *Light!* she thought to herself *I meant to get that sewing done this morning, oh well, the discussion was much more interesting* She half giggled to herself and continued on to her room.



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Kathleen was going to stand when Amadine rose to leave, but she thought that would be too formal. She waited for the other Accepted to say goodbye but before the girl turned to leave Kathleen said, "It was really very nice to get to speak with you today Amadine, I hope we get the opportunity again. Enjoy your Healing class." Kathleen was sincere in all she said, though she was a little disappointed that someone was leaving. The less other people still here to talk the more she would have to say. She didn't really know what more to say, or what topic to go to. When Amadine left Kathleen didn't know what to do, but she didn't want to wait in silence. "What do you all plan to do when you are Aes Sedai? Do you plan to travel the world and help those who need it along the way, or do you plan to stay at the Tower? Do you have a certain location you want to go and take a permanent stand?" Kathleen wasn't sure she had an answer to those questions herself, but she would learn a lot about them by their answers, and she was very interested to find out what their answers were.


(EDIT: for typo fixing (called Kathleen He and also said how instead of who, a few others were fixed too).)

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OOC: I know people are away for the weekend, so I don't know if this is just slow or if you're all done, but I need one more post for this to count as a req. for me like I kinda want it to. I would just leave the table, but since I just asked a question it would be too weird. So can someone post a reply for me to finish? If you want to keep going longer I will stay, I just need a minimum of one more!

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((OOC: Oh, don't worry about it. I'm happy to post this forever and ever and ever. And since this doesn't even count towards my requirements... well... yeah, I don't have to post minimum words. So don't worry k? We'll help you guys hit your requirements.))


Regalia smiled at Kathleen, she really did seem like the perfect Gray. Diplomatic, thoughtful and working constantly as the peacemaker. She hoped the girl would someday make a great Aes Sedai and possibly work together with her towards some sort of peace in the world. Light knew the world needed some of that. Battles were not Regalia's thing, and for that she forsook the Green.


"I don't really have any concrete plans as of now, Kathleen. I think it's just a general direction for me now. I like the concept of working my hands in the world, making sure everything's ready for the Last Battle. We need to make sure the Dragon wins and nothing stops him. For me, the moment I'm Raised, I want to get myself up to date in the world. To know what is going on and what needs to be done." Regalia smiled. "To be honest, I want to leave the White Tower as soon as possible. Being cooped up here... well, I feel like I could do so much more out there than in here. I mean, it's all good for the Browns and Yellows and Whites who choose to stay in here, but as a Blue, I feel like I need to be in the middle of events. In the middle of the chaos, and working my way so things work out. I don’t want to have to think that I’m missing out on the action.”


Regalia took a sip of her tea and grimaced. It had gone cold. With a quick embrace of Saidar and a flow of Fire and Water, the cup steamed. “It’s like this cup of tea. It needs to stay hot to be truly appreciated, when it’s cold… it might as well be poured away. That’s where I stand.” She sipped the tea again. Much better. “I don’t think I want to be limited by one place. I plan to travel as much as possible. As far as possible. To palces I have never seen, and to events that are only heard as rumours here. With last week’s lesson on the Blue Ajah, I feel like that would be the best way to go.” She giggled. “Noone’ll hold me down, Kathleen, no one.”


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Kathleen knew what Regalia meant about feeling cooped up in the Tower, as much as it felt more like home than anywhere else, including her the memories of her mother's kitchen, Kathleen often felt the desire to get out, get some air, and get back in touch with the world. "I am thankful to get the lessons on the histories from all over the world, which I surely would never have received without the White Tower, but to see what the world outside these walls, and the walls of the city, has become since I joined the Tower is something I very much looking forward to. I seem to have found a love of knowledge, just to know something, to understand it, how it works and where it comes from is such a thrill." This was one of the reasons she was thinking of joining the Browns not to long ago. She would never find a library with as much knowledge as she had in this building, but she was starting to feel that knowledge of the past, or present which was not being used to benefit the future was pointless. "I am starting to think that my best course of action is to study what I can of the past during my time as Accepted, then when I am raised, travel the world gaining knowledge of the present and try to see what I can do to better the future."


A lot of people said she had a knack for negotiation, and truly she knew she did. Sometimes she did wonder if it was true knack for negotiation or just fear of defeat that made her spineless. She knew it was more than spinelessness or fear, because she would not back down from something she knew was true, but she did know when to be strong and when to be flexible. She was starting to have trouble deciding on which Ajah to pick. When she came here she was sure she would be Yellow, travel the world and help those who no one else could help. Then it had changed to Green, she wanted to feel like she could conquer the world and really make a difference fighting in the most important places defending what is right.


Then Blue, fighting without fighting, making a difference and changing the world. She did have an interest in the Madness and Taint but she didn't want to still the men, she wanted to help them, some how fix saidan and let them live with out the problems it caused, so that kept Kathleen from thinking of the Reds, though at times she thought that may be the place to do something like that. The Whites piqued her interest at times but she wanted something more hands on and she found very few Whites were hands on, she knew that she could be the one, but something kept bringing her back to the Greys and Browns. If only I could just stay Accepted, affiliated with all of them, be like the Amyrilin, of all Ajahs. Not that she ever thought she would like to be Amyrilin, just to not have to declare for one Ajah.



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The conversations seemed to die down, and Kathleen's plate emptied she thanked the girls for the conversation and letting her spend meal time with her. She cleared her tray and started out of the dining hall still thinking about the usefulness, or the lack of usefulness of all the Ajahs.

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