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Rand did not want to accept that he was the DR, but some things are not up for discussion. With Thom at her side, specifically she would be in a good position to get the White Tower and the rest of Randland to play nice together. I don't think it's a matter of accepting but more a duty heavier than a mountain type of situation. That's just theory and speculation though.

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Rand became the DR since it was his destiny, he couldnt flee it. Even if he tried he would still arrive where he was needed because the web wanted him to.


Moiraine dont have to become ruler of Cairhien, it is not a destiny of hers, merely a choice. A choice she has stated she is not willing to make. She has made some points concenring the wellbeing of her people (rand sending food there for example).


The only reason she actually would take the rule is under the pressure of the WT(wanting 2 rulers being aes sedai) and the need of the people.


I agree, really. I'm just being open to the possibility. I certainly do not believe her ruling would be any free choice of hers. Absolutely no. It's not her personality, nor did I intend to make it sound as though she'd just up and say "I'm game." But someone is going to have to rule in Carhein and Moiraine is of the blood and Thom knows the Game so very well it just adds up to me for her to be installed against anything she wants. I believe Andor is already too large to rope in another territory and of the characters we've met Moiraine/Thom makes the most sense to me. This whole series has circled around people realizing that personal desires are often squashed when faced with the duties imposed on them by destiny or any other external forces.


I don't want to be a wet blanket, but this is, of course, assuming that Thom and Moirane don't die. I know we love them and all, but sometimes our favourite characters have to die to make way for new characters.


Of COURSE they won't die. This is Jordan, not George R R Martin. As much as I might like to have a "Red Wedding" or two in AMoL, everyone is going to live. Have ANY meaningful good characters died yet? Herid Fel and a couple of the Sisters with Elaine are about the most significant good casualties.


err...hello? we are talking about TARMON GAIDON here! The LAST battle! Sure, no one of great importance has died yet, but all those battles we have had with a few hundred thousand trollocs and Light knows how many Myrdhraal are like small cat fights compared to this one. Unless, of course, you just expect the Light to blast everyone with only a few soldiers dying, at least some of the main characters are gonna die. This is the last addition to the plot and those guys better get some good, honourable death while fighting instead of dying on their beds.

It would be cool that way' date=' but I doubt more than one or two major characters will die, and I would not be shocked if none died, at least permanently. But thats just the "feel" I get, so feel free to regard me as a moron.[/quote']


I second that.


Well, maybe he's saving them so he can have a massive bodycount during TG.


I would be very disappointed with the ending if we didn't get at least a couple of main characters dead. Rand and Lan tops the list of those I want to see dead, but a few more would be good.


I dont understand all of you that want main characters to die.

I will understand if one or two will die and it looks like rand has to die in some way, but one of the reasons i love WOT so much is because we have so many characters from the begining and you get to know and love them and they stay to the end.


I think most "want" characters to die because it would give the series a harder edge than what we have seen. The characters that do die are soft points. rand being emotionally dead is a good start, but let's kill off say... Min. I like Min. But losing her would solidify these characters as real. Right now it is a fantasy, no one important dies.


I want main characters to die because it makes the series so much stronger. What's the point of having a huge, climactic battle if noone except the bad guys and a bunch of unknown cannonfodder dies?

Where is the feeling of a great achievment if there is no suffering to balance the good things achieved?


Fluffy happy endings where everyone survives is for children's books, where the readers are not ready for the realities of the world.

I want main characters to die because it makes the series so much stronger. What's the point of having a huge' date=' climactic battle if noone except the bad guys and a bunch of unknown cannonfodder dies?

Where is the feeling of a great achievment if there is no suffering to balance the good things achieved?


Fluffy happy endings where everyone survives is for children's books, where the readers are not ready for the realities of the world.[/quote']


Thats thwe way to go Maj! Anyway I think we will see Tenobia, Davram Bashere and his wife die.That would also give room for Faile and Perrin to rule. Regarding mains, Thom, Noal and Birgitte are possible, in my opinion. Min's death would be so tragic i would weep my eyes out


Well, I definitely agree that it would make the plot more real. Like what I said earlier, though, I think one of the most important reasons for main characters to die is to allow space for the new heroes.


In WoT, there's this constant sense of being constantly renewed, and I think death is necessary for such a cycle. We must remember that there will probably be heroes like Rand, Egwene and all in the ages to come (though perhaps less important and central). Maybe even a few hundred years after TG. But, you can't have that happening unless the old heroes go. Andor can't have a new ruler unless Elayne dies. Rand will probably die to return the world to its former state. All of this must take place to give the book flavour, and a sense of continuity.


I don't agree with the whole concept that main characters dying makes anything more real... this is fantasy none of it is real. Wanting these characters that have worked for their world restlessly and undergone more than any of us can imagine to succeed in their mission in saving the world but then to die after their success is exactly why all we see on the news is death, destruction, and mayhem. Because all that the majority wants to see is soul searching, bone shaking drama and what more drama than death itself. This is supposed to be a High Fantasy series not a drama series so why want to see people die when they only want to live an honest, humble life in backwoods Two Rivers milking cows and shearing sheep or they have fought and worked their whole life to prevent evil from spreading further than it already has...


I think control over the lands will be something like this-

-Elayne will still rule Andor and Cairhien.

-Mat and Tuon return to Seanchan to gain control and rule there. Or in the least they Rule from Tarabon.

-Perrin and faile will rule Saldea

-The aiel will return to the three fold land for the most part. Maybe some will stay and rule Arad Doman.

-Rand in whatever body he lives on in may rule Illian, or go into seclusion.

-Logain will rule Ghealdan, as he was born a noble there. He could bring stability to a country that sorely needs it.

-Egwene will have the White Tower of course, where she'll be the strongest, longest ruling Amyrlin in history.

-Darlin will remain the king of Tear.

-Galad will return to Amadica, and remake the children of the light into something better and more righteous.

-Lan and Nynaeve will rule malkier once it's saved from the blight.


I think most of these are pretty much obvious, others are questionable.

-Elayne will still rule Andor and Cairhien.


Andor, yes, though the borders might look slightly different after TG.

Not so sure about Cairhien though. To successfully rule two nations she would have to combine them into one single nation, and we've seen that Andor as it is is a bit too large for anyone to have full control.


-Mat and Tuon return to Seanchan to gain control and rule there. Or in the least they Rule from Tarabon.


Rather Mat and Tuon ruling over the Seanchan already in randland, while what's left of the empire falls apart. According to nicola's foretelling the land will be divided by the return, and after TG there's no way the Seanchan will have enough manpower to both control the conquered lands in randland, and at the same time send a force strong enough to end a civil war and strike down numerous rebellions.


-Perrin and faile will rule Saldea


That's pretty much a given


-The aiel will return to the three fold land for the most part. Maybe some will stay and rule Arad Doman.


Prophecy hints at most Aiel being destroyed.


-Rand in whatever body he lives on in may rule Illian, or go into seclusion.


Rand will be very, very dead, and dead people are not supposed to run around messing with the living.


-Logain will rule Ghealdan, as he was born a noble there. He could bring stability to a country that sorely needs it.


Unlikely, rather he will be the one leading the Asha'man after killing Taim. Remember that Logain has great glory in his future, and that doesn't exactly fit with a tiny nation like Ghealdan.


-Egwene will have the White Tower of course, where she'll be the strongest, longest ruling Amyrlin in history.


Well, she will be Amyrlin at least. I am not so sure about the White Tower, the building, even the island might not exist after TG.


-Darlin will remain the king of Tear.


Min's viewing hints at that, yes.


-Galad will return to Amadica, and remake the children of the light into something better and more righteous.


Possibly, if the whitecloaks still exist after TG.


-Lan and Nynaeve will rule malkier once it's saved from the blight.


Lan is a good candidate for main characters that should die. I definitly hope he does.

Bringing Malkier back would be immensely lame. Great wars usually result in new nations being born, not old ones brought back.

With Lan dead Nynaeve might become an Aes sedai quite similar to Cadsuane, possibly with a base in the Two Rivers. I think that one of the main characters will return, and she is by far the best candidate for that.


The name Damodred might not be the most popular name in Cairhien. The city is still not completely rebuilt after Laman screwed up after all.


Elayne got the same problem. Her claim to the Cairhien throne is based on her, and Galad`s, father Taringail Damodred. And I find it hard to believe the people of Cairhien want the queen of Andor as their ruler. There has been to many wars over the years. Galad will probably become popular among the commoners fast, just beeing who he is. Besides Galad as king will ensure peace between Andor and Cairhien. Maybe the renegade whitecloaks with him will be the beginnings of an army in Cairhien. The symbol of the whitecloaks is a golden sunburst, while Cairhien has a rising sun. He can just do a sligth adjustment to the ir uniform, and they are ready to go.


The Cairhienin would never accept the Lord Captain Commander of the Whitecloaks as their king. Certainly not with the Whitecloaks disposed in their power base, and lacking a nation of their own. As much as declare Cairhein a whitcloak province. They would never do it.


The reasons the Cairhienin would accept Elayne are as following.


1. Rand, his support of Elayne is a massive concideration, especially since Colavare.


2. Tarmon Gai'don. They need to be united, and they know not one of their number has the power to achieve it, so yes, they will bow to an outsider exactly because she IS an outsider, and with the power of Andor behind her the nobles know that at the very least she will not be a puppet of one of the houses. The fact that she is Aes Sedai would likely be appealing as well, despite everything, because of the position of equality it allows them to have with Rand.


3. Carline of Damodred, Ailil of Riatin, Bertome of Saighan and Dobraine of Taborwin have all indicated their willingness to accept Elayne (some even in POV or away from Rand). That marks all the nobles of power remaining.


Luckers wrote: 1. Rand, his support of Elayne is a massive concideration, especially since Colavare.


I take this as you believe that Elayne will make sure that Cairhienin is hers before the TG. This however doesnt make sence to me. Cairhienin doesnt need a ruler at the moment since it has it stewart and Elaynde need to focus all her attention to rebuild her own country and muster an army.


But if she would make the claim after the TG, Rand support wont show much worth....he will be dead after all.


I disagree. I think the Cairhein need both a figurehead and an internal uniting factor for the same reason the Tairens needed Darlin. It isn't nessasary, perse, but it is desired.


And Elayne will lay her claim, i believe. Or rather it will be requested of her the first time she meets the Cairhienin, just as Darlin was requested.


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