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Midsummer Festival in the Gray Ajah! - NOW OPEN!

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What: The Gray Ajah Midsummer Festival to celebrate midsummer and all sort summer garden party fun!

When: Saturday, June 12th - Saturday, June 19th

Where The Gray Ajah forum

R.S.V.P.: Come to the Gray Ajah forums beginning the 12th of June and enjoy!



Join us for discussions, how-tos, friendly conversation, and games with prizes awarded at the end of the week!

We look forward to seeing you there and getting to know you. ;D




Also, help us promote this event with the following sigs:


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All three that change every time you refresh the page:




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If you have PMed Lor to ask her to add you already, you should be able to see it by the end of Sunday.

All new additions get taken care of on Sundays. If Monday comes around and you still can't see it, feel free to politely PM Lor about it again.

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*Buys tickets and throws balls to dunk a Grey AS or two into the dunking booth.*


This is such great sport!


*Dances with Minuet, his Bonded, doing ballroom dancing, dipping and twirling her.*


*After many hours of dancing, they both settle down to a table and eat barbecued ribs and other tasty food.*

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