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Sammaels Messenger


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Right, that creepy messenger dude (forgot his name) that Sammael sent to Rand after he took Caemlyn and died by blood when Rand refused the alliance, how did Sammael do it?


It didn't seem like compulsion, so what? Was it ever clarified by RJ?


Yeh and also that weave he did to that darkfriend in Jaichim Caridins palace in Ebou Dar where it was like he got a remote control, and pressed pause on her


I can't quite remember the scene, but Sammael did have a stasis box, did he put her in there?


The messenger... well i would imagine that Sammael did something to him to make him die after he'd delivered his message, so as not to be caught. It's quite regular for them to do things such as the traps that Cadsuane set on her things, where if anyone other than her touched them / opened them, they'd burst into flames.


Yeh and also that weave he did to that darkfriend in Jaichim Caridins palace in Ebou Dar where it was like he got a remote control, and pressed pause on her


I can't quite remember the scene, but Sammael did have a stasis box, did he put her in there?


We're talking about Lady Shiane I think, its the time from Carridins PoV when Mat was outside and he watched her go to see Carridin, just after the game at the Silver Circuit, where I reckon Mat saw Shiane and Noal stood with Sammael and Graendal.


Wassnt Shiane arrested for being a Darkfriend? And didnt he just wrap her in flows of Air and blind and deafen her? Thats what I always thought, we did see it from Carridins PoV and he isnt familiar with the Power. I dont think Sammael "paused her," just the common bind and gag we see often.


Ah yeah I remember it... that's the scene where Sammael told Carridin he was sending 'help' which turned out to be the Gholam, isnt it?


Yes I think she got caught - I seem to remember a big house with a cellar and torturing implements.

Yes I think she got caught - I seem to remember a big house with a cellar and torturing implements.

No, she was the torturer in that scene. She wasn't caught until KoD when Elayne was kidnapped.


Drekka, I have no explanation right now, but go reread that scene closely, your assumption is wrong. Her mind was frozen in place too, not just her body, so it was probably something similar to compulsion. :-\


Heres the scene:

A Crown of Swords page 314 ‘Insects’

Carridin and Shiane, the darkfriend who tried to kill mat and rand in book 1, are having a meeting, when Carridin sees Mat in the street bellow and has a flashback thing, then Sammael comes in and ‘pauses Shiane’


“Raising a hand to his forehead, he wondered why it trembled. His head ached, too. There had been something… He gave a start at the street below. Everything was changed in the blink of an eye, the people different, wagons moved, colorful coaches and chairs replaced by others. Worse Cauthon was gone. He wanted to swallow that whole flask of brandy in one gulp. Suddenly he realized Shiane had stopped talking. He turned; ready to continue putting her in her place. She was leaning forward in the act of rising, one hand on the arm of her chair, the other raised in a gesture. Her narrow face was fixed in petulant defiance, but not at Carridin. She did not move. She did not blink. He was not sure she breathed. He barely noticed her. “


He then tells Sammael that he just saw Mat, but Sammael says he is not that important, and asked him if he’s found the cache of angreal yet, Carridin says no, there are Aes Sedai, and Sammael says he will send ‘someone’ to deal with it(Gholam), he leaves by a gateway, then…


“Unsteadily he pushed himself to his feet. Failure was always punished, but no one survived disobeying one of the Chosen. Suddenly Shiane moved, completing her halted rise from the chair. ‘You mark me Bors,’ she began, then cut off, staring around at the window where he had been standing. Her eyes darted, found him, and she jumped. He could have been one of the Chosen himself the way her eyes bulged.”


Sammael clearly pauses her (mind and body)here, it’s a pretty cool weave, I wonder if Rand will use it at some point; it shows that there is a lot of awesome stuff that the forsaken know from the AoL, which Rand should now know as he seems to be one with Lews Their. I hope Rand remembers how to make that trolloc-killing vortex thing he used in tSR



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